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Everything posted by klos63

  1. Yep, I was very happy when we hired him. Always thought he was an excellent defensive mind. He's doing a great job.
  2. I feel the same way, I was waiting til we played some games before making any judgements. I'm buying into him now.
  3. His ability to run for first downs and the fact that he doesn't turn the ball over are 2 things that put him above most QB's ,and the value he gives there is hard to overstate.
  4. I'm definitely buying into McDermott. You can tell they are well coached. Was thrilled when the hired Frazier too. It's an exciting time. right, forgot about that. Now i'm bummed. Kinda lacking in WR's. I didn't like the playing calling on the 3 and out with 3+ minutes to go.
  5. Yeah, I hear what you're saying, but no team is perfect. This was one of the best road wins that I can remember in a long time
  6. I hope those boycotting realized they missed a great game.
  7. I don't know- we are 3-1. I think that might be pretty close to our potential. I mean our potential was 4-0, right?
  8. Tyrod can make plays happen. That was a great drive for him
  9. probably not the primary target, so he needs a little time to be able to find him, which he didn't have.
  10. Can we not play Tolbert at all
  11. It's been 1 game since Carolina." Ever since" makes it seem like this has been going on a while.
  12. Jake Wyler- Not Another Teen Movie
  13. Great, I need to call this weekend.
  14. I never suggested removing pads, I mentioned that Chuck Knox brought this up years ago. Then we discussed children playing football, again, I did not suggest removing equipment. I think the problem is having multiple conversations at once, and you clearly got confused. It's ok, it happens, you just don't need to be a dick about it.
  15. it may not have been 'intentional' as if , I want to go out and hurt him, but it was reckless, unnecessary and very dangerous. That warrants a suspension in my opinion, intent isn't a critical component. so you're just making stuff up to argue?
  16. Gaines is also a free agent at the end of the year, so they traded 1 year deals. Gave up a 2nd , might get a 3rd as compensatory pick and a 6th from us. My guess is that they will sign Watkins long term.
  17. they can still play football if they want, who's stopping them?
  18. that was the first time I recall seeing a hit and immediately thinking that the players life might be over.
  19. I don't need your help. Your comment about the air bags was stupid. I said the rest of your post had some merit to it.
  20. When you make stupid comments like that, it hurts the credibility of the rest of your post, which may have some merit to it.
  21. what they are hearing now is that if your child starts football before the age of 12, they will have a much higher risk of brain damage than if the start later. Either way, the risk is there. What would you prefer to hear?
  22. I remember Chuck Knox bringing this up many years ago. I think his idea was to remove facemasks, can't remember what he said about helmets, perhaps back to leather. He knew it would never happen, but made sense back then.
  23. therefore, you should keep your head up.
  24. I understand what you are saying, but I think putting a spot light on selfless acts is kinda contradictory. Some people don't want or need the spotlight. And it kinda is the news media's job to determine newsworthy stories, you can judge if they do it well or not, but it's their job.
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