I never said all cops are racist, f- you for putting these kinds of words in my mouth. If the media doesn't report about whites shot by cops, how do you know about it. And we are not talking about criminals(of any color) being shot, we are talking about blacks with broken taillights getting shot, or 12 year kids with a pellet gun getting shot, or a guy in a store holding a gun for sale in that store getting shot.... get the point or do you just want to dismiss those because it's not convenient for your argument.
I have no idea what percent- it's irrelevant- it happens and they are usually not held accountable
Prove that BLM had anything to do with those cops being shot. Is it acceptable to use the 'one bad apple' argument in regards to BLM if they had anything to do with those killings.
I don't know- maybe that's the problem, some of those that want to be cops just aren't qualified.