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Everything posted by klos63

  1. I didn't take it personally, but I can only speak of what I know. I don't see the 'victimhood' around me. Does it happen somewhere ? Likely yes. But i'm not sure if it's for the reason most people think. I employ a great number of lower income, minorities. I've learned a lot about how they live. It's pretty eye opening. Many choose their own fate, but many also really have little or no chance to escape the poverty and horrible surroundings many of them grow up in. It's complicated.
  2. McCarthyism/Communist which hunts were made up scandals. Racism is real. Big difference between the two.
  3. Don't want to take away from the Logan Thomas tragedy, but why does everyone always say this is a kids game? It's been played by adults for quite some time. I think people say that in order to demean the players in some way. It's wrong.
  4. actually very aware of my surrounding. I certainly don't teach my kids that they are victims of anything, and I don't see that with any of my friends in how they raise their children. it's the system, not all the people. Even though we seem to disagree, I don't assume you are aracist just because you don't agree with their cause. The system needs to change and we all know how difficult doing something like that is. You may be correct. Maybe they are fewer in number but greater in influence because of their visibility.
  5. As I read more of your comments it seems like you are adding in your opinion as facts. I have yet to hear any player say that 'everyone' that disagrees with them are racists and I would guess that most, if not all of them would totally disagree with you on that point.
  6. Sorry, but that's a total right wing talking point with no basis of fact behind it.
  7. I honestly don't believe this, it seems that the racists(and I mean the 'proud' racists-kkk and the like) are getting a bit more mainstream. We have a president that defended them recently. It's a real issue.
  8. Such as quietly kneeling for maybe a minute before a game?
  9. Not sure that's a fair statement, because racism does exist and sometimes it may be difficult to determine what is racist and what is a poor choice of words. It's hard to read intent into every statement. And if you've been a victim of racism, it's seems likely that you may be more sensitive to it. That being said, McNair did seem genuinely sorry for what he said. Normally, that would end the conversation.
  10. I don't believe this is correct. He may have been incorrect in his view of what happened, but i don't believe being wrong(and not saying that he was right or wrong) is a crime in this type of instance.
  11. the owners and players need to come to some sort of agreement to put this in the past. But just like CBA negotiations, it's never easy with these 2 groups.
  12. I'm gonna say ownership assumes players under contract are always on company time, this is why their off the field behavior can get them in trouble with the organization. I still go back to the fact that this is a 45 second statement, done peacefully, and usually not even on TV, before the game starts. I used to get so annoyed at players praying during games, but never made a big deal out of it. Didn't like them demonstrating about their religion during 'my time' watching the game. I remember the full Bills team praying at mid field. Why was that ok?
  13. isn't it the lunatics are running the asylum?
  14. Agreed It sounds like McNair was sincere in his apology. Vincent accepted it.
  15. Just like the players suffer the consequences of exercising that right, same with ownership.
  16. Do you mean to throw into double coverage more, throw to a receiver that's not open? I'd prefer he not.
  17. It is pretty amazing how people find ways to dismiss this as nothing but an exceptional trait for a QB. Matt Moore gave the Ravens 12 points last night with horrible passes.
  18. Maybe, but I still don't see such a big deal about it. It's pretty much nothing in the grand scheme of things.
  19. Teams release players from signed contracts all the time.
  20. It could still be called 'changing your mind' just for a different reason. Jesus Christ, it's amazing what ticks people off on this site sometimes.
  21. I can certainly understand why some athletes want little to do with some fans. The backlash on Boldin changing his mind about playing is outrageous.
  22. Changing your mind is not lying. Apparently he has been doing community work throughout his playing career. I'm guessing he can still do that.
  23. god forbid someone changes their mind
  24. Kaep had a fairly solid season on a horrible 9er's team last year. It's not about ability, I think we should all understand that by now. Look at all the real crappy qb's playing right now. are you propositioning him?
  25. I remember reading that Ralph wanted to go after Flacco big time when there was a chance he would be a free agent.
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