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  1. I think it's mainly that Bills fans can't handle his success and look for any way to bring him down. Has he really been diagnosed with Munchausen? If so, pretty pathetic to criticize someone because of a disease they have, if he doesn't, even more pathetic to make up a disease and criticize him. Allen didn't miss any games with his elbow injury last season or was he just faking the injury?
  2. $3.49 usually gets you free refills
  3. How much did you put towards the stadium? You went on $18 beer night.
  4. I've gone to a few Suns games in the last couple years. It's ridiculously expensive.
  5. Yeah, Mahomes needs attention that 3 Championships won't get him.
  6. I guess you're correct. The Bengals game in 1973 was a last second FG, but not a free kick. And one of the 3 games OJ didn't reach 100 yards that season. He had 99.
  7. Bills lost to the Bengals on a free kick, in the 70's , if I remember correctly.
  8. I brought booze into rich stadium, in one of those igloo type coolers, 1980 I think. We certainly didn't sneak it in, so it must have been allowed.
  9. I was at the game. I think it was OJ with the gun.
  10. I know this won't go over well, but he actually reminds me of prime Aaron Rodgers. He always made the difficult throws look so easy.
  11. I was really hoping to see Hamlin and Rapp face the Lions offense, I think that would have given a pretty good indication of how good they are or are not.
  12. He's not the first player to talk like that. Maybe ask them? I enjoy coming back to visit, but the weather really does limit you. There probably is a lot more for people to do in other cities. I live in phoenix , during the winter I can hike, swim, ski, eat at a variety of restaurants, never the same one... If you have money, the bigger cities offer more than most of us can afford. A reason hockey players are more comfortable here is likely because there's more to do in Buffalo than in Moose Jaw. Nothing to get offended about. Buffalonians love to crap on other cities, so it's not a one way street.
  13. I agree that you only take a hit like that when you want a player gone. No money changed hands during the trade. Houston paid him his salary for the year. Also, Houston negotiated that the guarantees go away after this season, so he won't get the $70 either. He bet on himself and the knee injury screwed him. Gonna be tough to get a big contract again.
  14. No it isn't. Diggs doesn't get any of that money from us. So it's not the same as the Bills paying him.
  15. Houston paid him this season. We don't pay a player after he's traded.
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