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Everything posted by Braedenstearns

  1. why do you still comment on this stuff? Everyone knows that you always have something bad to say about CJ anyway...
  2. If you mean "doubtful" then no. Doubtful= 25% chance they play Questionable=50% chance they play Probable=75% chance they play
  3. Way to go Marquise!!! I'm rooting for him no matter what!
  4. Seeing people have already started the bench CJ and let brown play thread. What's up with Brown? Why is he inactive every week? Does he Just not show up, or is he hurt?
  5. Why is brown always inactive anyway? Is he hurt? Or does he not show up?
  6. Not good... http://www.buffalorumblings.com/buffalo-bills-news/2014/9/22/6827279/marcus-easley-injury-buffalo-bills-special-teams
  7. I love how he always credits his teamates for making good plays... Humble and such a team player! I hope this guy becomes the face of this franchise!!
  8. Well good to have you back! Things have calmed down...so I think. After CJ's performance Sunday some fire might be coming. So I'd be on the alert!
  9. Oops. Lets go Buffalo! Auto correct stinks.
  10. I'm going with Detroit. But Bills have the team and the heart to go 19-0!! Lest go Buffalo!!!
  11. What's this switch? I'm confused?.. was this thing like a machine?
  12. I agree! I Also think his determination will get him to his goal!
  13. Forgive me if this has already been posted. I didn't see any topic that said anything about a article. Merge if necessary. Bills Mobile: EJ Manuel wholly committed to succeed | http://bit.ly/1pptqRb
  14. Uhm.. head to head? Is that a option? Thanks all for the tips!! Appreciate it!
  15. For everybody who knows how this works, I could use some help. I was asked by a friend to join his league at like the last second. Needless to say I have never played fantasy football before. So if anyone can give some tips that would be great! ( sleeper players, which round to pick which player In, top players, etc.) And for goodness sake! Just how does this all work! My draft is soon... Thanks guys
  16. Ya I was too.
  17. Spiller had 2 big runs called back.. and I think on nice screen.
  18. Did anyone else hear woods scream? I didnt hear any scream about murder.
  19. I hope he gets in, he is such a gifted athlete. Im rooting for him!! http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000379882/article/exgiants-rb-david-wilson-turning-attention-to-track-and-field
  20. Freddy. I hope Manuel and Spiller do though.
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