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Everything posted by Dan

  1. With all due respect, it would be nice to see all sorts of financials from billion $ industries and individuals. But that’s not for us lowly people. We just live in this world, they control it. We don’t see price breakdowns from simple government funded projects, no way we’d ever see something here. I had several friends text me, astonished how good the field and stadium looked. I think they did an admirable job! Now… I wasn’t in the stands and didn’t have to wade through a couple feet of snow to clear a seat. But when the snow stops less than 12hrs from kickoff, there’s only so much that can be done. I still say they did an awesome job in every way to pull that game off. The city, the team and the people of western New York are the standard for all other cold weather teams! Agreed, and perhaps in contrast to my statement above, I think the team should just do more to game plan for the weather. Better planning, year in and year out with bus schedules clearly posted and set for every game so that just becomes a routine for some. They also need a means to more easily clear snow from the seats? Heaters throughout the stands? There’s plenty of ideas to toss out. But, it seems apparent that they should build some sort of plan into handling snow and fan access to and from the stadium into the new stadium.
  2. Just wanna say… your comments suck. You should drink more and post less.
  3. I look at it the other way… the league needs to be smart when they schedule games. I know you can never 100% predict the weather. But they don’t consider weather at all, it seems. KC shoulda been the early game yesterday. And Houston, playing in a dome, the night game. There’s a world of difference between freezing temps at 2pm vs 8pm. And it’s even more dramatic when you consider 10ish pm when the game ends and then fans have to drive home. But we all know why KC was the primetime game. Even more so… had they considered the long range forecast last week when making the schedule, I would bet Saturday looked like less snow for Buffalo than Sunday. Had the game been played yesterday rather than today… it goes off with no real concern. Maybe eventually they’ll wise up and consider more than just TV ratings in their scheduling, but I doubt it. The networks pay too much. So I don’t see this as a Buffalo problem but a league problem for not considering the very real impact that weather has on a game and fan attendance.
  4. I hate that the game is postponed and all the stuff that it brings. However, no one should be trying to play a game with weather like that! Hopefully it clears out enough by tomorrow. Go Bills!!!
  5. I’ve often felt the Bills were working on this type of offense all season long. It’s not always looked pretty either. But, I think they realized with all the bad weather last year, that they need the ability to do this and not always be a vertical passing type offense. IMO, this is when we start to see the fruits of all the poor offensive production this season. If we can run the ball effectively, pass to TEs and RBs out of the back field and just move the ball on Sunday… we’ll finally have the type of team that can win in any kind of weather or stadium.
  6. To be fair… last year was a record year for snowfall in that area. They get a lot of snow, no doubt! But, last year was definitely above average and there were several snow events that were just insane. Hence when all the mountain snow melted in the spring, Tulare Lake appeared in central CA for the first time in quite some time.
  7. Why not move it to Miami… the boys seem to enjoy playing there!
  8. The Bills have made a concerted effort to be better at running the ball all season and be able to grind out wins in bad weather. This is the week we find out how much progress they’ve genuinely made. I don’t think any person familiar with football can see this game as a win for Pittsburgh. Hence, Bills are heavy favorites. Yes, we all know the Steelers could win. Any team can beat any other team in the modern NFL. But, let’s be clear, that would be the upset of the weekend. I just hope they don’t move the game and screw it all up. And affect the next week game! GO BILLS!!!
  9. I’m not sure this got a lot of talk… maybe it did and I missed it. The week before, we had about 5mins left and ran out the clock on the Patsies. This game, we had 6:20ish left. Thats a lot of time to run off! They almost did it, coming up about 6inches short. But man.. that was actually a very risky strategy to not even try and score with that much time left. I don’t totally disagree with it, but I do think they should have mixed in a few more safe passes and runs. They got very predictable. Hopefully they have some quick hitters and such in the playbook because the schnow plow ain’t gonna always get it done as we saw. i think being up by a full touchdown is what dictated it. Worst case scenario, Dolphins get the ball back and tie the game. I think if we’re leading by anything less than a full 7pts, they would have tried to score.
  10. It’s hard to freak out too much over the Chiefs or Browns or Ravens or anyone we’re not playing. Right now… we have to beat the Steelers. So I think we’re freaking out over the right team… this week. Through luck and the grace of Josh Allen, I genuinely hope we’re all freaking out about the difficult task of beating a different team next Tuesday.
  11. It’s funny… I used to watch ALL the shows. The last many years… I watch none. Only see snippets here and there. And ya know what… I enjoy the game far more, have no expectations, don’t feel the Bills sucked because they didn’t win by enough, etc. Essentially, I just don’t care what the national narrative is. I watch the games, enjoy the outcome and hope for better. 4 more games! Let’s do this any way we can. Go Bills!!!
  12. What I find just unbelievable is the ref that is right there at the sideline… didn’t see that? Or did and said… nah, no foul there? I mean, it’s just beyond reason to say that is not pass interference.
  13. I think this is more a statement about you and your mindset. And less to do with Josh and how he’s played. Look in the mirror and ask yourself why you have difficulty seeing reality.
  14. I do wonder sometimes if the coaches either out think themselves or if they go more vanilla against lesser teams (i.e. Chargers and Patsies). Because there are 2 statistics that have held true all season: the offense is far more efficient when they play up tempo (no huddle) and when Allen is under center and calls play action. Yet.. they go away from both all the time. Why?
  15. The pessimistic outlook about this team and coaching staff has been off the rails for at least half the season. We’re one win away from the #2 seed and you still have people saying we need to fire the coach and blow it all up. And even more thinking it’s unlikely we can compete with the juggernaut Dolphins! It’s beyond pessimism. It’s a delusional reality that so many people live in. What really sucks is if the Bills win, they’ll all be silent and secretly harbor resentment towards the team for proving them wrong. If they lose…Sunday or anytime before or at the SuperBowl…they’ll all be back telling us how right they were. How they knew it all along. Preconceived narratives based on pundits whose job is to say something to get clicks is a B word to get past.
  16. #2 seed, we would face the #7 team at home. Lose and the best we can hope for is a road game to KC or back in Miami. Then, if we win that, likely on to Baltimore. I think winning this game is extremely huge to our success in the playoffs! Go Bills!
  17. Thats an interesting point. I’ll assume it’s true, which means the Bills did run effectively against them. Our offense as a whole, however, I think is still very predictable. They only have a few run formations, and the wide receiver routes are very similar to that under Dorsey. I think, defensive backs all too often are able to jump routes based on Josh’s tendencies, and the tendencies of the offense, overall until we get a truly different offensive coordinator that knows how to scheme and adjust, I think we’re going to continue to see disjointed game plans. Brady is good but by no means should he be the default OC next season.
  18. I just don’t see the team activating a rookie for the playoffs that hasn’t played all year. But in all seriousness, would anyone even notice if Sherfeild and Harry were not in the game? Both of them have offered zero to the offense. If Von was benched, so should they be.
  19. I think there’s a part of this offense that gets overlooked by everyone. The Bills are absolutely stellar at the 4-6min offense. When we stopped them with nearly 6mins left in the game, I felt good. Josh and the offense absolutely excels in draining the clock and getting a score… or in this case a kneel down to seal the game. How many times have we seen it? Granted some times they leave a minute on the clock.. and then the defense screws it! But not lately. lol.
  20. Ya know what I’m tired of seeing… the opposing team, with a scrub QB and average WR, make 1 or 2 amazing pin point perfect, over the shoulder, draped in coverage reception. Why do our WRs never seem to make these amazing catches?
  21. Oh crap… LOL. I forgot that little nugget! Thanks!
  22. Even if Bills win next week, If the Browns win… wouldn’t they be the #2 seed? The team played a great game. But the offense ..Brady and Josh.. need to figure something out. Maybe some new play designs… something? But the last 2 weeks have not looked good. Defenses have figured something out. Brady needs to adjust some stuff for next week and the playoffs. Awesome feeling to have this discussion in the afterglow of a 4th consecutive win! GO Bills!
  23. I’ll throw out 2 thoughts: 1. McD probably expects the Patsies game plan to be run, run and run some more. Given the state of their QB and WRs, that’s a decent guess. Hence, he wants big guys up front. 2. He needs to light a fire under Von. It’s no secret Von has been underwhelming since his return back in week 5, is it? That’s too much playing time and no production.
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