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Everything posted by Dan

  1. I can see it now.... Goodell gets a call from Foxboro, TO gets a 1 game suspension.
  2. And wake us all up, you did. Job well done.
  3. Yeah. Poor word choice on my part. I meant to suggest that the questions seemed out of context of what TO and the Bills were doing. I completely understand why you would ask the questions, and its good you did and better that TO answered honestly. I wouldn't have thought to ask it, though. But, that's why I'd suck at your job.
  4. I would very much agree. And for me, personally, I like that aspect of Owens - always have. Your typical player or coach press conference has become so mundane that I often wonder why anyone asks them questions to begin with (or why I sit here and listen as though they may say something insightful). But, you're right, when anyone speaks their opinions openly and honestly, they open themselves up for all sorts of trouble. I've known plenty of people that hate talking to the press for exactly that reason. IMO, it takes balls to talk the the press honestly. Because when your words reach a wide enough audience, you're bound to piss someone off. It's really interesting watching this whole TO story unfold. It's interesting how some of the existing players that used to garner the attention - Lynch, Evans, Whitner - are a almost lost in the shadow of TO. I could easily see how some would like it (those that don't want the media attention) while others find it divisive (because they want more limelight).
  5. I don't typically blow bandwidth just to tell someone they're funny. But, that was friggin hilarious. I really did LOL.
  6. Gotcha. One thing I think we can all agree on is Owens never seems to have trouble going off on his own and causing a commotion. I didn't think this article was grossly over the top, but in watching his Q and A on bb.com, I didn't get the impression that he was making that big of a deal about it. Just answering a few questions. Of course, having TO comment on Vick is bound to generate some hype. Hence, the Florio article, the lead ins on NFL network, and lord only knows where else by now. Didn't realize that was your article, although I guess in thinking about it, I should have. I will say, I did appreciate the added information about Wilson. Its really nice to see quality Bills coverage.
  7. True, but now the article on nfl.com states "Owens also lobbied to have more..." I wouldn't really consider answering a couple of questions as "lobbying" to have players support Vick. His comments do seem to be getting a little blown out of proportion, at least IMO.
  8. Rock solid.... and concerning.
  9. Good points. Upon thinking about it, maybe its an "insurance policy" against some freak accident over the summer as well.
  10. Completely spectacular. Thanks. Seriously, I don't know if there's a market to sell these photos to the various news outlets, but there should be. Some of these are better than anything you'll see in the papers. Just another shining example of why this site rules while all others drool.
  11. I think all posters here need to take note of BillsVet's post. Perhaps no one here has been more critical of the FO this offseason, often with good reasoning. If he's not blaming the FO yet, none should. I very much agree. There's much more to this than just the FO. The players have agents that can slow things down considerably for any number of reasons. I fully expect to see everyone signed at some point over the next few days. If not, then... My question though... why do things like this always seem to come down to the last minute? Are the teams and agents nothing but procrastinators? Is it really that complicated that it takes 4 months to get worked out? Just seems that if everyone started working to sign the rookies the day after the draft, it seems like it should be worked out by now.
  12. Watch Owens' comments on bb.com; then read that article. Great example of someone making a mountain out of a mole hill. Owens was asked, even pushed, to offer comments on Vick. Then you get articles like this.
  13. Please delete the above post.
  14. Exactly. Sometimes we have to celebrate the small successes in life.
  15. Incorrect assessment. One accurate report does not undo the multitude of inaccurate posts. Its fairly standard to state your source when posting a rumor or scoop. Would it be so hard to preface any scoop with... "I read on another board..." or "After reading this (link), its my opinion that..." or "I talked to a friend in the FO, and they said..." or "I have a gut feeling that..." Folks like JW and TG can post "scoops" as factual with little supporting statements because they're credentialed writers paid to get this information. I have no evidence to think you are. Hence, just provide some idea as to where you're getting your inside information from and much of this discussion goes away. However, realize that if half or more of your scoops are from stuff you've read on other boards and are ultimately wrong, all your posts will be scrutinized. Ask any reporter what happens when they get just one story wrong, let alone the majority of their stories. Finally, I'd add; it was nice to see you post the scoop in an existing DiGi thread. At least that's progress.
  16. Holy crap! You, sir, rock. Absolutely excellent!
  17. I have no idea of the legalities behind it all. I would guess as long as they're not harming their clients its legit? But, if there is truth to it; it certainly points to the benefits of a player getting on HGH and a good training program to prolong/improve their career.
  18. I think it important for people to remember that. Watching the NFL.com video (I think?) about Maybin yesterday, that is exactly what they said. His agent likes to move slow and wait for the guys around his guy to be signed. Hence, they didn't think Maybin would be in camp very soon. So, regardless of what the Bills FO wants or does, if the agent wants to wait... they'll all wait. And for the player, they'd be wise to sit quietly and take their agent's advice.
  19. Benefits of HGH and training or photoshop? Youthfulness an American Obsession You can look good too. Cenegenics
  20. Saweetness is all I can say. Thanks. But, has Poz's right leg been in a cast or what?
  21. Didn't he miss all of last season too? 2 years of no football, probably factored into the decision.
  22. Thanks for the initial "heads up". Although, if you really want to have some fun, you should PM Skoobs the scoop and let him post it. No one would believe him anyway. Seriously, its posters of your stature that make this board the great place that it is.
  23. If he brings the heat, we'll bring the popcorn.
  24. Definitely know what you mean. I've been telling everyone that TO is gonna set the league on fire. Of course, I don't really believe it and I'm fairly certain they know I don't either. But, all's fair in trash talking. I figure that I better get all my bragging and talking in while I can. It's usually mid Octoberish before that's no longer an option. So, yeah, I love the preseason.
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