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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Poz's problem is the same as most players on this team. He is much better at taking on the RB at the point of attack and blitzing. So what do our coaches do? They have him run away from the LOS as fast as he can at the snap. Stand there, then run up to make a tackle. He's not a coverage LB, but they're trying to make him one. Simple as that. Anyone see him blitz right up the middle and flatten Shaub a half second after he threw the ball on Sunday? See him play up and hit Slaton for the fumble? Those are the things he does well. So, why is he more often dropping back into a "zone", just so we can say we have a guy standing in the middle of the field? Change the defensive scheme and I believe he becomes a very good LB.
  2. And this thread shows why we're fans and not working for an NFL team. Me, personally, I'd keep them all with the possible exception of Lindell. Momma say what....you say. Yes, the problem with team is not the players - its the way they're being coached. Change the coaches and you'll see a much better team. Granted, I would like to see several of our cuurent starters moved to backup roles. The biggest problem we've had is depth. So, improve the conditioning and keep Kelsay (for ex) as a backup goes a long way to sovling that. Get a good QB and solidify the Oline with some tackles and we'd be a much improved team. Now add a coching staff that knows how to game plan properly, utilize the players properly, and can motivate properly and we come a real team. So, in short, I don't think a cleaning house of players is required at all.
  3. Watching this game is just pissin me off. The disparity between these teams and the Bills is beyond laughable. Matt Ryan just completes a skinny post pass 19 yards down field in 2.1 seconds. Brees actually practices with his WRs to get their timing down. Our guys get the day off and do conference calls.
  4. You mean they still sell pop corn thats' not in a microwave bag?
  5. "How many good CBs have come out of Buffalo?!" Gruden
  6. That's where I sit on the issue. As much as we all want Jauron gone, what good does it do if it happened tomorrow? None of the big name guys would take a mid-season job. So, we almost certainly end up with Fewell or April. Which would worry the heck out of me. Say, April takes over and the team goes 5-3 by some stroke of horrible luck. Then, Ralph decides that's progress, so lets give him another year or 2 to see if he can build on it. No, I think I'd rather see Jauron finsh out the year and take my chances with all the potential HC candidates on the market. I think. Because it would be damn nice to see some heads roll tomorrow.
  7. No need to read further. /thread
  8. Well.. we have a good punter. I guess that's a start.
  9. The preseason means nothing and the regular season means next to nothing. Its the playoffs that matter. That's why Jauron is still keeping the real plays under wraps. He doesn't want to tip his hand before the divisional round. He's smart like that.
  10. I'd imagine Belicheck would say the same thing now as well. But I'm not sure that translates into willingness to coach here as much as it is willingness to come here and win a football game. I'd take a credentialed guy like Holmgren any day. Not so much because it means we win (or even have a shot at winning) the Super Bowl, but because it could bring us back into relevancy, i.e. the playoffs. After a couple of playoff seasons then we could discuss is he the guy to get us to the SB. Small steps.
  11. BillsVet, if I may, the criticism that you and several posters like you have faced has more to do with how you make your argument not so much the argument itself. You seldomly, if ever, say anything positive about the team. Every post, in every thread is a negative comment about the FO and/or HC. Someone can start something as trivial as an "I like this player's shoes" thread, and your contribution will be along the lines of "yeah but the FO is a joke for blah, blah, blah...". Myself, and many others, agree that there are serious problems with the FO, with the HC, with the team. However, occasionally, they do do something right. No one is ever 100% wrong in every instance. And that is precisely what your posting history consists of... pointing out in every instance bad decisions. Please, don't take this as a personal attack. I have no beef with you, I appreciate your opinion. More often than not, your opinion has been highy accurate. However, the way in which you state your opinion tends to dilute its message. If the Bills draft someone that's a bad pick and you state it, you'll receive criticism. But, only because you state all the picks are bad, all the moves are bad, all the decisions are bad. So, in a way, it tends to fall on deaf ears after a while. Kinda like... "oh BillsVet doesn't like the pick, well, duh, he doesn't like anything they do". I guess all I'm saying is although you may be 100% right, don't be surprised that people don't rush to suport you and not because they disagree with you, but mostly because they've stoped listening. If that makes any sense.
  12. This is all one of the primary reasons I don't care to watch basketball. I've tried. I really have. But, every time I try, I see stuff like this. Refs just seem to make up calls at will. And you're right, Shaq was about the worst to watch. Now, I don't realyl watch SportsCenter, but you'd think this would be some huge scandal reported all over the place. IMO, it dwarfs the steroid issue. Sadly, the NFL seems to be heading down this same road. They have entirely too many "judgement" calls that the refs get to make now. There's not a game that you watch that at some point or two or three you're asking yourself "WTF was that?". The game announcers even readily admit they don't know what roughing the passer is anymore.
  13. Is this the 2nd or 3rd time this season an opposing defender made the same comment? It's pathetic that all the fans can see it, the defenders can see it, the TV commentators can see it; yet we keep running it.
  14. Marv's team was loaded with future HOFers. They knew how to play. The current Bills have no idea how to turn it on when they need to. They're coached to be relaxed and they play relaxed.
  15. Bingo. We have a winner. It's an old cliche for a reason: you practice how you want to play. The Bills practice soft; they play soft. Result - they look weak on the field and get beaten up, literally. Anyone watching the game heard Gannon's opinion about Jauron's practice schedule. You don't give players the Friday practice off. But there's our coach, giving players a day off just 2 days before he's about to give them a week off. So there they are on a pretty Sunday afternoon, running at half speed, just going through the motions with visions of their vacation in their head and BAM! someone smacks them upside the head.
  16. Once again Jauron shows us exactly why he shouldn't be here any more. First, having big, slow DTs dropping back to cover small, fast WRs is just dumb. Someone should be fired and banned from attending any NFL games for life for even considering that as a viable defensive "scheme". So, Jauron gives TO Friday off!?!!?! He's got a QB with 2 starts under his belt. An offense struggling to even resemble being professional, let alone find a rhythm. And you give your guys days off just before they go into a bye week! Infrggincredible. Another brutal game to remind us all just how bad they can be.
  17. (I'm paraphrasing, of course.)
  18. I read your last sentence, then glanced over to see the poster... and noticed the avatar pic. Brilliant! It summed up my initial reaction perfectly as I read that.
  19. I know. It's tough to sift through all the hatred and crap being spewed.
  20. Has there ever been a thread with so much misinformation in it? Uuum.... the Bills only play 7 regular season games a year in their stadium, not 16. That may or may not go back up to 8 games in a few years. We just recently went 13 years without a Monday night game. We're now 3 years running with a MNF game; however, this year it was a road game. So, no guarantees that the advertisment gets seen on MNF. This year's other prime time game is in Toronto. So, any advertiser expectingto get national prime time spotlight would be SOL this year. Again, with a team like the Bills, there's no guarantee that your advertisement gets a national spotlight. That's actually not a bad idea at all. I believe this inaccuracy has been addressed. Jerry Jones even turned down the money because he didn't like the deal. And he's a billion dollars in debt. Apparently, all NFL owners don't agree with your assessment that a crappy deal is better than no deal at all. Yes, because we should only honor people or recognize their life achievements AFTER they die. What a great world you must live in. My guess is no one will care.
  21. I'm sorry, but when has Ralph ever threatened to move the Bills?
  22. I've wiped quite a few computers in my day and re-installed all, for a variety of reasons. My advice, before doing so, download all the drivers for all the various components first. Then copy them to a CD or USB stick. Actually, I would do this for any computer I owned. The easiest way to make sure you get everything back up the way it was is to go to the My Devices and double check all the hardware and drivers. In the few times I haven't been able to do that. I just google the laptop brand and model and can usually find all the drivers that are supposed to be installed in short order. So, its still just about as easy. So, I'd say getting everything to work properly on a laptop with a new OS install is usually pretty easy. Worst case scenario, it may take you a day to do it if some of the hardware is atypical to that model.
  23. You obviously missed the point of his rant. He's already written Ralph off as having moved the franchise years ago because he hasn't sold the team for a buck fifty to Kelly with the promise that the team will forever stay in Buffalo - even if Kelly sells the team again in 5 years. See basically, either Ralph does something right now to absolutely guarantee the team stay in Buffalo for another 50 years or he sucks and has no loyalty. Understand the beauty of the arguement now?
  24. //hanging head in shame// Yes, yes, I do.
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