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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Best thing about New Orleans... you don't have to know anything. Just walk and within a block you'll have your choice of bars to walk into. Step in... if you don't like it, pick up your beer and walk to the next one. Repeat until you find a bar you like or you can't walk any more. Get off Bourbon St. if you want some really great bars. Last time I was there, we found some great!! bars in the Washington Square area. For food: you have to go to Mother's for lunch. Seems to always be a wait, but it's more than worth it. The best cooking you can imagine at very good prices. Get the bread pudding there and you'll never taste bread pudding again! For a nice dinner, a little pricier but not terrible, and a little quieter: a great spot is the Pelican Club. Both are close by you and within easy walking distance.
  2. Very good point. And how often have teams really gotten good, and stayed good, that bring in the top FAs every year? Like I say, I wanted Shanny. His teams always seemed well coached, but he certainly seems to be bringing a lot of question marks with him as well. Hopefully, the Skins will tank for a few years and we can feel like the Bills lucked out for once. What's curious about Cowher is... no one has really commented on exactly how much control he wants. You gotta assume its alot, but is it Parcells/Shanny level of control?
  3. Another thing I wonder about... what's the budget for the rest of the coaching staff? If you pay Cowher $7-$10/yr, what does that leave for all his assistant coaches? Could that be a sticking point, as well? I haven't heard any names thrown out with Cowher (other than Lebeau).
  4. Nope, no Insider access. Yes, it seems Cowher and TD had all sorts of issues in Pitt. It's something I've wondered, many of the reasons people say he'd be a great fit here are because of the similarities with his positions in Pittsburgh. But, maybe those are exctly the concerns Cowher has? Maybe he'd like something very different from what he had?
  5. I think it depends on the coach. Certainly someone like Cowher should have more freedoms than someone like Frazier, IMO. But, I agree, do you really want the HC also having final say on all personnel moves? IMO, I think it's too much. In every instance I can think of that the HC was also the guy overseeing all personnel moves, it's led to mediocre results. Now, that doesn't mean that the HC and GM shouldn't be tied at the hip and essentially working as one. But, if Cowher insists on having final say on all players and FAs, that might be the deal breaker. I think Jauron had alot of control and Nix will give the new HC lots of control, but not final say (just my opinion). As much as I liked the idea of Shannahan, I didn't like the idea that he insists on having say over every aspect of the team. You could argue that the more control he got in Denver, the more his teams struggled. It'll be interesting to see how he does in DC, now.
  6. Absolutely. However, maybe he's tired of coaching under that approach? And feels he's earned the right (or at least wants) to have those limitations removed.
  7. "Input" and "Final Say" are two different things. I have no doubt that whomever the coach is, he'd have input. However, I can see someone like Cowher wanting final say; while the new GM might think he should have final say. I could also see FA players being a sticking point. It's one thing to go after FAs, but its something else to go after the Haynesworth's of the league. Personally, I'd prefer they stary away from the hottest FAs. It seems they never produce up to their previous standards. Of course, a top tier coach may think differently. Not saying that any of that is a sticking point.... just saying.
  8. I'm guessin' he's logged in as weso1378.
  9. Why do you hate Buffalo so much?
  10. First of all, you have been hyped on Cowher. No one in the media nor the Bills FO have hyped up talk about Cowher. It's kinda like everyone getting amped up over Billick, despite the fact that he's repeated said that no one from Buffalo has contacted him. Secondly, no one is saying they're hiring anyone. They're interviewing Frazier. Can it really hurt to go talk to someone?
  11. KHKY has a 6,400 ft runway. KRDU has a 10,000 ft runway. So, although RDU may be better. HKY is probably sufficient.
  12. Because he's still under contract and still in the playoffs, don't the Bills have to get permission from the Cardinals FO before they can even ask for an interview? Maybe they turned the Bills down and Grimm is just following the party line?
  13. I don't even know why the Bills are trying. No one will ever want to coach here ever again.
  14. My guess, CitationAir is a corporate jet service. They fly various business people around as needed. Kinda like a fancy taxi service. So, they were flying some other big whig around on those legs of the flight.
  15. I half expected you to close this thread down.
  16. They're interested in Frazier and almost certainly have to fly to him because he's in the playoffs. linky dinky for proof
  17. Excellent! Thanks so much. In a sea of rumors and speculation, its refreshing to read a report you can actually believe. Oh... should I be checking flight aware for a Wed eveing flight or a Thurs. morning flight?
  18. That goes without saying. No better sight in the interweb.
  19. What's that one do?
  20. I'm sure the message is not up for debate, but I like the idea someone here came up with last week: "Bills + Cowher = Super Bowl!" or "Buffalo wants Bill" (just came up with that one) Great idea though. Especially the Hunter's Hope donation.
  21. Go back and re-listen to his press conference. He very much left the door wide open for an up and coming Coordinator. Yes, he said he'd like a HC with experience, but in each instance he immediately stated that it also doesn't rule out getting a good young coordinator. In fact, after I watched the thing I gotthe distinct impression that's the direction he would be taking as opposed to Shanny or Cowher.
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