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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Lighten up. If you can't enjoy a football game in the snow, in Buffalo, with Jackson getting 200+ yards rushing; what's the point of even watching? We know you want to evaluate players for next year so you can decide who to cut; but there's a whole season of tape for that.
  2. Congratulations Freddie!!
  3. I'm pretty sure you're exaggerating.
  4. Who the cares! I'm loving this game!
  5. Good point. I'd still like to see Brohm in the 2nd half.
  6. Keep feeding Freddie! Get him that 1,000.
  7. They really need to sit Fitzy or not let him throw. He just doesn't have the mustard to throw in the wind.
  8. Gotta give 'em props... they had one goal - get Clark and Wayne 100 catches, each. They did just that with screens and dump offs, but they accomplished their goal.
  9. Gotta love Freddie! They better try damn hard to get him his 1,000 yards.
  10. Well... don't look at John for help with that.
  11. Rewatch the Press Conference. Ralph clearly states, multiple time, that Nix is incharge of all things football. Brandon is in charge of all things non football. So, Nix will select the players and coaches that he wants. Russ' involement will most likely be limited to salary structures and the administrative aspects of hiring/firing them. Granted if Nix wants to hire someone that want more cash than Russ is approved to spend, they'd have some discussions; but I can't see Russ disapproving the candidates for any other reason.
  12. And how do we not know that whomever is hired, will not have been done so on the advice of Nix? We won't. But, I assure you many will still contend that Ralph has micromanaged the situation to save money regardless of the hire.
  13. I know we know live in a world where immediate results are expected and patience is a four letter word. But, really? Nix was announced as GM on Thursday afternoon. It's now Saturday. Do you really expect the entire FO restructured, replacements hired, a complete 10 year plan in place, and all announced in public press conferences - within 2 days? Damn.
  14. I'd agree. The long term stability of the franchise has to be resolved, even if its not disclosed publicly. IMO, the biggest drwaback to the Bills job is waht happens if Ralph passes in a year or 2 with no succession plan? I would think a guy like Cowher or Shanny would take that into serious consideration. That's what made the Sal report so interesting. He suggested they had that plan laid out and the future of the Bills in Buffal was secure.
  15. Actually, I think he said they'd look at a list of candidates and narrow it down to 2 or 3 guys and bring them to Ralph. So, the list would appear to be longer than 3 guys. However, your other point seems like a dead on accurate assessment. The longer they go without naming a HC, the deeper on the list they're going. Should be interesting to watch it develop. I'm not sure how much legitimacy he'll bring in comparison to a name guy like Holmgren. But, I haven't heard/read one negative word about him in regards to his football knowledge or capabilities in evaluating players. The legitimacy could certainly be a nonissue if a guy like Cowher is hired as the HC, though. If you listen to the PC, they clearly tried to temper all the talk of a big name HC by saying sometimes you get a guy like Sean Peyton. So, although they may be going after Cowher bigtime, it doesn't seem like a done deal to me at all.
  16. Shawn Nelson showed a lot of promise thise year, IMO. His blocking needs to improve, yes. But, that's why I liked what Nix was saying about getting a HC and Asst. coaches that are teachers. That's been one of our biggest problems for a number of years. We get someone that shows a lot of potential, yet within 3 years they're all but out of the league. Compare the number of young players that that have improved versus those that have not over the last 4 years and it's astounding. One of the more telling comments all year was after Byrd has 2 interception each of the last 2 or 3 games, and Fewell (I believe was asked about it) said, "we're trying to not tell him to do anything because we donb't want to mess him up". Or something to that effect. Wow. So here's a coach with a great young talent, and the approach is to just leave him to his own devices because the coaches might screw him up. That pretty much says it all, IMO, about why our team has sucked for so many years. Get a good coaching staff in here and there's no telling the talent we couldl already have on the roster.
  17. Not if you listen to his PC and believe what he said. It sounded like the whole notion of him even being GM was something that came about recently and even took him some time to warm up to. So, it doesn't sound like they were asking him about roster moves 6-7 weeks ago. Maybe, but not from the way his press conference sounded. With that said, I still find the Brohm acquisition intriguing. In a wasted season, with a HC just fired and a promise to clean house, they go and bring in a guy off another team's practice squad just to sit on the bench as a 3rd QB. Just crazy man.
  18. I'm pretty sure every GM that doesn't work for the Bills is good, or at least better than Nix.
  19. That's actually what I'm looking for. So far, the entire basis of the argument against Nix is that he was an "in house" hire, Ralph didn't look out side the organization, etc. OK. Valid. But, from a football perspective, Nix seems to be pretty solid. I've also seen criticism that he doesn't have experience. However, some of these same people arre then suggesting we should have looked aat other guys that guess what... don't have experience being a GM. So, like many, I'll wait to see what some of his first moves are before I get too critical. It's easy to be right about the bad moves when you criticize every move the Bills make. But, we never talk about the moves that were right yet initially louded as bad, e.g. Byrd.
  20. True. But, no one is saying we're remembering the 200th decade or anything like that. They're just saying, we're remembering the last decade - the decade of 00's.
  21. So, the year 2000 was only a dream? 1. 00 2. 01 3. 02 4. 03 5. 04 6. 05 7. 06 8. 07 9. 08 10. 09 10 years equals a decade. At leasts that's the decade I think everyone's talking about. Maybe not though.
  22. Good point (the Kyle Williams part). Kyle had a really solid year and showed a lot of improvement. Easily the best DT on the team.
  23. Well inTrent's defense, TO did run really far down the field. And it's hard to throw the ball far in the NFL.
  24. Cool. I'd agree Ralph almost has to sign off on the final salary. I always thought it was something along the lines of Trent texting Russ. Then Russ and Jauron talking about it. The rest of the inner circle gets involved to some extent. Then Ralph gives the final go/no go. Of course, I have no sources deep inside the organization . I'm just a guy sittin on his couch drawing vague conclusions from a frabricated world in my mind.
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