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Everything posted by Dan

  1. But you forgot to mention he was drafted #8, so nothing he says or does is good enough. Other than that.. spot on.
  2. If 'B' stands for 'Best'... then I agree. I love Gus calling a game. I'd much rather have a guy yelling.. he's got running from cop speed.. as CJ is breaking a long TD run; over a blandly monotone Joe Buck... and its a nice gainer down the sideline.. call. And Tasker is good as well, IMO. He doesn't ballwash the Bills, because... there's been almost nothing good to say about their play on the field for years. For me, Gus and Steve is a great draw for the home opener.
  3. God forbid one of our players actually go into the season opener with some confidence and expecting to win. So most of the posters here are getting bent out of shape because Donte is confident the Bills are going to win? And how is this bad? Because he actually said it out loud? Sounds like the fans are the bigger pansies to me.
  4. Now that's hurts. ...take it back.
  5. Has Nix of Gailey ever, even once, in the slightest, in any way hinted that they wanted to trade Lynch or Jackson? Has either winked or bristled their chin when mentinoning Lynch or Jackson's name? No. Ya know why? Because they have no plans to trade either. None. Get over it people. They're not looking to trade any of our RBs. Please, stop being idiots and talking about trading away the strength of our team when there's never been the slightest inclination during the entire off season that any RB will be traded.
  6. Exactly. At least half of his incompletions were due to the guys not catching, much more than poor passing - the interceptions, in particular. To me, at least, Brohm looks like a solid QB: good, quick decisions; nice velocity on his passes; command of the offense. Yeah, he needs to work on consistency and a accuracy. But, those aspects of the game can only come from playing time. Like I said, trent will start because he hasn't done anything to lose the starters job. But, Brohm looks to have far more upside than Fitzy.
  7. Thanks! Gailey needs to show that to the team next week before the game. If that doesn't get them fired up and even make Trent a fan; then nothing could.
  8. Very much how I see it. I suspect we'll see alot of 2 and 3 RB formations, with one motioning out into the slot. We have a below average line and a marginal QB. The best way to "hide" that is with alot of draws, play actions, screens, and quick passes to the slot. A strong runnning game is what makes all that work. I think we've seen several times in the preseason, when the deffense is blizing - which we can expect alot of, because Trent has not shown any ability to beat the blitz - they're calling screens and quick slants and it's been effective. We've seen the 3 RBs in the backfield (on Evans' long TD bomb) and it was effective. We've seen McIntyre catching screens in the preseason; imagine Jackson catching those screens as the 2nd RB. So, IMO, there'll be no real "starter" at the RB position, but a lot of 2 and 3 RB formations using them in a variety of ways. And, IMO, its the smart and best thing to do offensively. We have one proven WR and zero good TEs. Why not have the offense start and end with your best players - Jackson, Lynch, and Spiller?
  9. Watching my dvr'd Lions game... and Brohm damn well needs to be the #2 QB going into the season. Period. Trent hasn't done anything to lose the #1 spot; so he'll stay there. But, Brohm looked to make much, much quicker decisions and had geat velocity on his passes. He looks like an NFL QB out there. Not to mention, on the one jailbreak, he dumps off to the TE to avoid the sack. The TE falls down and doesn't catch the pass. And Brohm gets on him about it! Imagine that... a QB showing some emotion on the field. IMO, all Brohm needs to be better than Trent is more playing time. He's got all the tools; he just needs experience to gain consistency. If he listed as #2, I could see him taking Trent's job by the end of the season - if/when Trent goes down with an injury.
  10. Afrigginmen! There's nothing wrong with disagreeing. There's nothing wrong with stating someone is palying bad. But, some of the posts here get completely too offensive, personal, and just down right pathetic. I don't know if Die Hard is who he says he is. I don't really care. It doesn't really matter, IMO. What matters is more and more people are posting inane drivel that really serves no purpose other than to offend. Why? Maybe it's the state of the Bills. But, that to me, sounds like a convenient excuse to be an ass because your life is somehow lacking. It is what it is though.
  11. Exactly. Good, decent, intelligent posters leaving the board is what hurts this place more than anything else. There are always going to be a percentage of idiots in any large public gathering whether it be in the real world or this virtual one; add internet anonymity to the mix and the tard level increases exponentially. Posters just have to expect it and ignore, discard, discredit, and otherwise forget it. Hell, there are people here that firmly believe Marv was a bad coach - the only guy to ever lead a team to 4 consecutive SupeprBowls gets ridicule here! So, it should surprise no one that anyone and everyone will get criticized by posters here. That, of course, doesn't make them right. But, if the rational posters leave... it makes them the only voice being heard. I wouldn't use my real name ... wait, ah crap (do as I say, not as I do) but, I'd definitely stick around and enjoy the conversation and discussion with some posters - and just ignore the ones that are fighting for attention. It helps to have a sense of humor about much of it as well. It's pretty funny seeing people compare Spiller to Sanders after 2 preseason games, just as it is seeing them compare Lynch to some horrible thug that should be traded asap. But, maybe I'm just twisted. At any rate, Die Hard, it's unfortunate if you stop posting. If you did play for the greatest sports franchise to ever exist; then I salute you and feel honored to have had the opportunity to converse with you. And I'm sure there are others that feel likekwise.
  12. I'm fairly certain that the league has banned Buffalo from running play action, quick slants, and screen passes. It's the only explanation I have for why every team in the league can run these offensive plays, yet the Bills never do. Not to mention, our defefnse never seems to be able to recognize or stop a team if they run one of those three plays. I'm not sure why Goodell hates the Bills, but he does. So, if this triple option thingy requires a play action, you can mark it off the list as a possibilty.
  13. Excellent point... Bell and McIntyre are definite keepers. Lynch or Jackson needs to go.
  14. I wondered the same thing. I just turned it off in the "View Toolbars" menu; of course, it's still installed, just out of sight out of mind. I see it as just another program wanting to try and take over my computer - no different from Adobe, Microsoft SiverLight, Quicktime, and just about every other program in the world. It sucks, but it's pretty much the way of software developers. At least this thing worked like a charm and allowed me to view the game. I do, however, appreciate your concern and am curious about the OP's reply.
  15. It would be terrible great if the Offense or Defense was the best unit on the field and the Special Teams were a distant 3rd. Seriously, no offense to Morman, but I long for the day when our punter is no longer the best player on the team or the day when our best chance to score a touchdown is on a punt/kick off return.
  16. I would prefer he goes with what gives results. If that move is what he feels most comfortable with, then he needs to set that move up with several inside stunts/spins and a few bull rushes to get the tackle thinking he's going inside. Then on the critical down, do what's comfortable and use the speed move outside to run right past him. IMO, that's what Bruce so great. at; he set up guys and always seemed to get the key sack at just the right time. It's also what made Schobel less than great - he got sacks, but not at the key junctures in the game. So, IMO, Maybin needs to learn to set up the linemen and that means gettting away from his speed, dip the shoulder move on every other play. I have all the confidence in the world hw will learn that.
  17. Perhaps it's symantecs, but I don't see him being overpowered as much as him losing balance. His primary move to the QB seems to be to try and rush around the tackle by dipping his shoulder. This puts him terribly off balance, so much so that a single good shove knocks him down or out of the play. When he plays straight up, he seems to get decent push and stay on his feet; but that dip move is total boom or bust - either he gets past the tackle or he gets knocked down. He needs, IMO, to use it less.
  18. I agree. Perhaps, I'm just delirious; but watching that the forst half yesterday actually gave me a glimmer of optimism for the season. As many have pointed out; offensively we made adjustments, the line blocked reasonably well, the play calling kept the defense guessing, Trent hit a receiver in stride!, Spiller looks like the real deal, and they actually treid to score a TD rather than 3 runs up the middle to position for an easier FG. I mean, seriously, they looked competent. Don't get me wrong. I'm not expecting playoffs all of a sudden. But, the team looks to be making great progress as the preseason goes.
  19. That's exactly what I was thinking while watching the game. Imagine Spiller coming in when the defense is tired from Lynch/Jackson pounding them! Also, on at least one play, McIntire (the FB!) lined up in the slot. My initial thought was... WTF!? But, imagine Spiller in the slot with Jackon/Lynch in the backfield? Evans on one side and Parish on the other. That's some serious speed on the field. Imagine Jackson getting a direct snap and tossing a screen to Spiller? There's plenty of options for Spiller to get his chances, while not starting. Also, lets not forget, he's a rookie. Has there been a rookie drafted yet that didn't hit the "rookie wall" at some point in the season? Or have trouble in blitz pick up? Or just plain make rookie mistakes at times? Point being... we are in the very enviable position of having not 2 but 3 great backs. That's going to go a looooooong way to taking the pressure off our QB and below average, pass-blocking Oline. So, let's stop worrying about the starter; let's stop trying to run Lynch out of town; and let's hope Gailey can take advantage of the best 3 players we have on offense.
  20. I didn't get to see last week's game. But, in comparison to the Redskin game... there is no comparison. The team looked generally competitive and well-coached. The first team defense still needs a lot of work. They gave up alot of plays to Palmer. So much for the leagues #1 backfield, I suppose. I'm guessing the switch to a 3-4 and moving everyone out of position is going to take longer than some might have hoped. I saw alot of guys just out of place or a step late to the ball. Maybe with some serious game planning, they can get some of that speed back. (Oh and for the Maybin haters.. I don't get it - the guy is 100% effort on every play. I wish we had more like him.) The first team offense impressed me. Great play calling. Trent took a couple of shots downfield. Spiller is definitely the real deal, but I can't wait for Lynch/Jackson to get back. All in all, I was pleasantly surprised by their play.
  21. This link worked beautifully. I saw the entire game, uninterrupted! Not bad at all. Thanks so much!
  22. That will be the key to our season. I think teams will, once again, stack the box and dare Trent to beat them with quick passes. He's not been able to do that. If Chan can get him to do that, then we're in business.
  23. Good report. Thanks. That's been my biggest criticism of our QBs. That's prety much all I watch for... do they plant that foot and throw? Or are they planting, lookig, patting, then throwing? More often than not there's the hesitation. If they don't get that corrected, we're screwed.
  24. I think it's just human nature to become sensitized to life in general and serious disasters certainly fit into that category. IMO, it doesn't necessarily mean you feel less or care less. It just means you've seen it all before. Now, to say people in NO should have left; therefore they got what they dserved is being a little callous. In the heat of the moment, people make sll sorts of bad decisions. In my earlier post regarding the first responders; there were plenty of bad decisions that were made amidst the misery of those following days. It doesn't completely excuse them, but it does help explain their actions. Regarding Katrina, not everyone had the means to leave town. Where were they going to go? How were they going to get there? How would they eat? And so on. It's easy to think they should have all just left, but not everyone has that ability. And that should be taken into account (along with people's mindset at the time). I was also involved with some of the response to Katrina and was in coastal MS and LA within weeks after the storm. The devastation was unlike anything anyone would have predicted. I've seen several hurricane aftermaths and, believe me, Katrina was on an unbelievable scale. For that reason people that politicized it and said the government should have done more faster, had no idea what was being done or could be done. But, I digress. Back to your point. I don't think it makes you a bad person. I think it just makes you someone that's seen too much of a bad thing. Personally, do I feel bad for any of these victims? It's not up for me to feel bad for them. I try to help in ways that I can; sometimes that's more than in others. But, every day someone some where is having something bad happen. You can't feel bad for them all. I just worry about myself, my family, my friends and try to help all those around me. And pray for those I can't help. In the end, I reckon it'll all get worked out some way.
  25. I'm hesitant to post this... but what the hell. The problem I have with the First Responders is.. they had, were given again, were asked to wear and chose not to use the proper respiratory protection. I was on the pile on 9/12 and every day for several months; yet I don't have all the respiratory problems. Why? Because I wore a properly fitted half face respirator. The firefighters, for whatever their reasons, didn't. (Which makes no sense when you think about it - afterall, they're trained from day one to use respirators when they go into a firey mess.) 1,000's of respirators were onsite within a day for any individual that didn't have one or needed a replacement. Stations were set up within 3 days to properly fit test for respirators, so you had the proper size. Granted, for the first day and a half, the replacement respirators weren't on site. However, I'm fairly certain all firefighteres have full face respirators as part of their gear. Again, for whatever their reasons, the vast majority of the first responders chose not to wear respirators not only for that day, but for the months to follow. So, talk about making your own bed? With all that being said, I have no problem with some assistance to help them with medical bills. I have true empathy for what many witnessed and experienced. However, the vast majority were warned as ealy as 9/12 to protect themselves from the smoke and dust and they made a choice. No one talks about it, because it's crude and uncaring and we don't want to dishonor the victims and all. But, it 's just as true as people in NO being warned about Katrina and then chosing to stay.
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