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Everything posted by Dan

  1. I'd be happy if he just realized we have a decent running back or two and actually called more running plays than passing.
  2. Bears and Seahawks both score on their opening drives. Lynch had one carry..12 yards or so. Bears were helped by a 58 yard PI penalty.
  3. Curious to see how he looks just a few weeks removed. But I'll be flipping back to the Ravens/Pats* game I imagine quite a bit.
  4. Makes you wonder... how many of those sacks would result in penalties in today's game? How many times did he "launch" himself, hit the QBs head, or throw him to the ground?
  5. Why you being so grumpy? People are just tryin' to offer some advice. It's almost like you're pushing them away and would rather not hear what they have to say? I think I'm just going to go post somewhere else.
  6. Password security and all is great.. .but you've got, what... 6-10 different things/sites that are password protected (ATM, Home security, computer logon, email1, email2, Amazon, some Travel Site, Bank site, TBD, a few other misc sites). So, you're supposed to have separate and unique passwords for each of these complete with special characters and change them every few months - without writing them down? Give me a break. I'd like to see data on how many people get their specific accounts broken into because someone stole/guessed their password. Seems like most of the problems come from when someone hacks into Amazon and gets everyone's info; not from someone hacking individual Amazon accounts (for ex). Maybe I'm wrong.
  7. Can we also stop with the nonsense that College is better than the Pros because "it's not all about the money; these kids just love to play the game"? The other thing that's just as "shocking"? The way these stars get their college degree. In the article he stated 90% don't take their education seriously. Well... that's a nice way of saying profs are forced to pass football players that never show up for class. note: Not saying you've said that, but it's been said by many others. Just using your comment as a talking point.
  8. John, Thanks for the good article. However, if I may be so bold, don't write about Ralph anymore. The ingrates on this board don't deserve to hear what he has to say. I've rarely seen so many insensitive, uncaring, beligerent, disrespectful people in one place. And people wonder why quality posters leave this board? It's because more and more it seems like the posters around here are so full of themselves that they can't have the common decency to show a little respect and humilty. I understand the Bills suck. I understand they've sucked for a decade. I understand none of us want to hear that there's a 3 year plan. But, that doesn't mean people have to act like classless idiots spouting off about something that know little to nothing about. Just shameful. It's threads like this that make me question why I would want call myself a Bills' fan and be associated with these posters.
  9. Once again the Defense appeared completely clueless and out of place. Once again, the Bills were running well and decided to not run the ball anymore. At some point the low rent coaching staff has to step up and be faulted. So, I agree. Cut Edwards and make Gailey hire a real OC.
  10. I couldn't agree with you more. I still visit this site everyday (it's an addiction). But, I barely skim through half the drivel that's posted; I just can't seem to care. I'm sick of everyone I know or meet making the snide comments when we talk football (they all know I'm a Bills fan). My only reply for quite some time has been, "It's hard being a Bills fan." But, the most surprising thing.. for me? The last two weeks I've hardly watched the Bills games. I didn't watch the Pats* game at all. Why? You knew they would lose. I barely watched the first half of the Jets game. It was horrid. For the first time in 20 some odd years, I voluntarily have not watch a Bills game. And this from a guy that normally watches every bad snap in every bad game because it's the Bills and its what I do. But, after a decade of fail and now a retread coaching hire that's using the regular season as a throw away, it's just a little much. I honestly don't think Chan or this team has a clue of how to play football. All off season Chan and Nix both said the proof would be when they started playing games. Well, after a quarter of a season, it's obvious they're far from competent. So, I'll stick around; I'm a Bills fan. I'm not posting one of those, "I'm done!" threads. But, it's hard to really care much about this team for the time being.
  11. IMO, Ralph has no plans nor desire to hire another FO or HC. Chan and company are here for as long as they want, unfortunately. I'd say nothing short of 3 consecutive 2-3win seasons gets them fired. They're not, in any way, acting as though they are under any pressure to win now.
  12. I think you could argue that Gailey has yet to field a team this season.
  13. I completely agree with you that our coaching staff blows. In fact, I just posted similar sentiments in a different thread. However, you do realize that you're trying to make a point that Gailey shouldn't have hired guys he knew by siting as an example Pioli hiring guys he knew. So you shouldn't hire guys you know, unless you know good guys? Or... whatever.
  14. No nosetackle + No LBs + George Edwards = Did anyone actually think this guy was going to be a good defensive coordinator? How about we give the "coaching" staff some due credit for this piss poor team. We have Edwards and Modkins as our coordinators and a retread as a HC is it any wonder this team looks thoroughly unprepared and out of position all day?
  15. Exactly. Only top-rated fantasy football players on teams with a winning record should be allowed to celebrate. All others should be fined and told to sit their mediocre arses down till they do something good.
  16. Nix was named GM in January 2010. There's absolutely no reason we shouldn't have been contending for the Super Bowl in Feb. But, no, Polian had the Colts there again. Nix sucks. Time to move on.
  17. So, you'd rather see Trent succeed than the Bills? I know we all sometimes get behind a player and want to have our loyalty and prognostications about the guy proven right; but shouldn't your loyalty be to the Bills first and player second. I guess I just don't get it.
  18. Thanks. It's an old one. I found it lurking in an old directory from the late 90's. Not sure where I downloaded it from; maybe hyperbills.
  19. Have you seen all the idiots running around the world? I say abortions should be mandatory.
  20. So fans continually rip on Ralph for being cheap. But, the first time a player like Kelsay is resigned; its these same fans that are complaining about how much money is being spent on players. I get it, no one thinks Kelsay is any good. But, ya know... at least he plays. Half the other defenders it seems can't stay healthy from week to week. I guess it would be better to cut everyone that we think can't play. Then they can just field about 6 guys the rest of the season. That would be a good plan.
  21. This was a great day for me... once I heard this news! Trent has sucked so badly and pulled this franchise down so greatly, that I did the unthinkable and didn't even watch the game this past Sunday. I know Fitz was starting, but I've seen so much bad QB play in recent years that I just couldn't take another drubbing by the Pats*. So, I left the TV off, ventured into the real world and actually had a nice day. Now, granted, it seems we played well and I may have gotten some enjoyment from watching the game. But, going in, I just couldn't bear the thought of another horrendous sub-200 yard offensive day while Brady and company rolled through our defense. Trent may be a agreat guy, but he's a horrible QB. He's played horribly for the vast, vast majority of his career. He should have been cut/traded in Feb. The fact that he wasn't is a huge red flag for Nix/Gailey's ability. However, the fact that he was cut today is a huge plus for allowing this franchise to move forward. For all those that think it's a sign of some incompetence that our starting QB was cut after week 3.... maybe. But, after Fitz's day against the Pats* it's obvious the main problem with the offense was Trent. Why would you want him back on the field? And would it be better to keep a team captain as the 3rd stringer? I say cut him and move on. So, yes, it was a great day to be a Bills fan.
  22. Have we ever stopped Moss or Welker in the past? Why would we start now?
  23. Holy crap! Pin this or something so we can put to end, once and for all, all these threads about trading Lynch for someone's OT. Seriously... 2 beers for you.:beer: /thread.
  24. But, Ramius' point is correct and dead on, as proven by your post You're faulting Whitner for Levy/Mauron's mistake. A player cannot help where a team drafts him. So, don't begrudge him. Whitner cares about the team, busts his ass to play as good as he can, and keeps his nose clean. He's every bit of a team player and behind the Bills. And for that "fans" want to ridicule his every word and action? Me, personally, I'm glad he's on our team. Would I have rather they selected another player at 8 - absolutely. But, Donte is a solid Bills player from the day he arrived.
  25. OK.. so I see this tag added, presumably by the site Mods, to posts that have no subject line. It's a nice idea. But, does anyone ever actually fix the subject line? Would it be more prudent for the Mod to just fix the subject line? Maybe just add... [i'm an idiot] to the subject line? Sorry, thought this was more interesting than how bad Trent, Fitz, Sully, Chan, Bills, life sucks.
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