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    Edmonton Alberta Canada

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UDFA (2/8)



  1. I would have to get used to a dome, I prefer Football that's played in the elements but it looks spiffy
  2. Keep the Bills out of Canada and in Buffalo period It's where they belong where they have always belonged !@#$! Toronto, Toronto is not All of Canada Canadians don't want the Bills to move, the majority of them. Toronto's population is around 6 million rest of Canada 31 Million. In other words close to 31 million don't want the Bills to leave Buffalo Um do you remember the 90's we did bring the CFL to the USA besides Baltimore every one else laughed at us. I love my Bills the NFL and the the CFL and my NFL involves the Bills in Buffalo if they move I will just watch NCAA and CFL.
  3. As a Canadian and a die hard Bills fan, I will not support a team outside of Buffalo or Western NY I The majority of Canadians I believe wouldn't want this to happen too. First Toronto isn't even close to being the Entire face of Canada. In fact the majority of Canadians don't support Toronto Teams. Only the Toronto Maple Leafs (Cough Ack yuck) have quite a few fans outside of Toronto. Other teams are not followed by a high population, especially out west, where we all Hate everything Toronto. So there would not be a whole country cheering for them. look at Toronto baseball games for example.. people travel (once again no accounting for some tastes) from all over the country to see the Maple Leafs because they have a huge fan base as an original 6 team. Nobody lines up for Jay games.. I won't support any team from Toronto doesn't matter what sport, and plenty of Canadians not just football fans think like that. Plus nobody mentions we have this thing called the Canadian Football League up north, sure it only makes around a 150 million annually in Canada which is chump change, compared to the NFL. You stick a NFL Team in Toronto and it would kill Toronto's CFL team, which would end up hurting the CFL . The NFL won't let that happen, the CFL is too important to the NFL to let that happen. Around 15 years ago the Canadian Football needed help staying out of debt. The NFL gave a huge cash donation for that because they recognized the value of having a place where football players could develop. Yes the ration on teams has to be I think around 50-55% Canadian but there has been quite a few NFL athletes that got there start in the CFL Cameron Wake, Jeff Garcia Doug Flutie Warren Moon. I love the Bills but I certainly wound't cheer for them in Canada and I wouldn't even support the NFL in Canada . Don't get me wrong folks I love the NFL, and I love the Bills. I learned to have the best of both Worlds. as I was raised by Americans ( Cherry Creek NY) who immigrated to Canada. Every time we visited my grandfather I would watch Bill games with him and I Became unlike most Canadians I like the rest of my family became a football fan first hockey fan second. Not every Canadian is a Leaf or Habs fan, my first NHL game was a Sabre game, where I got to see Gretzky break a record its how I became an Oilers fan Just like Not every Canadian wants the Bills or the NFL here The NFL though belongs in the USA, and the CFL in Canada, it' just how it should be
  4. I like Bryd a lot, not sure he is the best safety in the NFL at least top ten. Realistically now, I think the chance of him staying on the Bills is becoming thinner and thinner,I think the Bills might have to over pay him to stay I'm not sure the Bills are willing to do that
  5. Kelly, Smith Evans Lynch and I wish I didn't have this one but it was a gift Pickspatrick
  6. I think we had far too many holes to fill to draft two QB's I dont' disagree with picking EJ early, if thats who they wanted and did there research scouting is never a sure fire thing, there have been plent of "for sure things" that didn't pan out like Ryan Leaf, Tim couch, Russel and there have been many misses that have been HOF Material . We won't know if EJ was a bad pick for a few years.
  7. So they could be bad at all four Major sports, the Raptors are bad the Leafs are bad, I hope it soon changes for them the Jays have been bad since, post s and it would kill the CFL I am not A massive CFL fan but do watch it because it is football, and it serves a great purpose of helping guy's get to the NFL Like Wake, Moon Flutie Garcia
  8. The NFL is all about rating's, hence why on the NFL network they hardly mention the Bill's that is unless the Bills make a decision the don't like that is why I don't think hard knocks Bills would ever happen. Maybe they shoul call the NFL network the Big Market network, or maybe I get a second rate canadian feed who knows?
  9. I don't think this thread is retarded, the most common complaint about the NIke Jersey's is the Collar, they even have a nickname for it "the Toliet Bowl Collar" Google NFL toliet bowl collar and it is shown many times and there are several articles about it. I have been holding out specifically on buying a new Jersey because of the collar, I refuse to pay that much for it because of the collar and yes I do have other Bills Jersey's B.Smith , Kelly Lynch and Evans The fans have spoken that is why they are changing it. BTW I am 38 If I am going to spend that much on a jersey I don't by replica's I better like it, it gets pricey. Especially in canuck $$$
  10. I live in Canada so no$ for me... sigh I actually don't mind Madden 13 this year I just find most of the football games this generation of consoles Wii Xbox 360 PS3 were sub-par
  11. I live so far away from WNY, the sad thing living out here is the only time I get Bills news in main stream media is when a player does something wrong, the Bills do something wrong or questionable in the eyes of the media, lots of talk on NFL AM this morning about Kolb being a bad buy.. or if the BIlls go on a really big winning streak, hey BIlls new is Bills news. I am made fun of all the time by my choice in the BIlls, but I don't care what the rest of em think
  12. In Madden 13 there is I have it on the 360, Vita and Wii U the Bills always get a franchise QB when I play, and they say Madden is full of realisim there was not a franchise QB the year Brady got picked he was not supposed to be one , well they claimed there was a bunch but... I think scouting is not an exact profession so, I hope there is.. or one that is better then what we have had since # 12 retired
  13. I did not find it to be that offensive, he should be careful what he says on twitter, since he is in the public eye but I have said some pretty nasty things about the Pats too might as well include the Dolphins in there too
  14. I am not estatic for Kolb but recognize there was not alot of options out there, and needed another vet QB Who knows maybe he becomes this great never injured QB, I doubt it but it can not hurt as it is mainly incentive based
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