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Everything posted by Pabstblueribbon

  1. Quoted for maximum appreciation of the *****-nose
  2. I did nit factor this delay in to my dribking calculus
  3. Turn them loose! The witch hunts on.
  4. These refs will use a scanning microscope to find a pixel of green. Unbelievable
  5. Thats right... Take it all, KC
  6. Matt Haak for the win! Be better if it was titled "Fast Foot" though
  7. It will be the combination of Hyde and Poyer, or "Hoyer" as I like to call him... I should probably come up with a better name.
  8. +1. Im hoping its early enough that the connection between Pat and Gordan isn't fully there yet and Levi can hold his own. Praying for 1 or 2 wasted downs where Gordon breaks out instead of in etc..
  9. Only a matter of time until he's back in Buffalo now.
  10. I like the cut of your jib,sir.
  11. You talking about Taron "Murder Hornet" Johnson? Yes, I agree! :Desperately trying to make that moniker stick:
  12. Josh will rightfully be the focus here for the week, but Matt Milano.. what an absolute stud 3 weeks in a row.
  13. Will these pre-game jitters ever go away? Spoiler: They wont
  14. I swear Harbaugh just looked to his qb and said 'you wanna go for this..? Alright let's do it'
  15. I enjoyed watching Taron "The Murder Hornet" Johnson today.
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