The AFC Championship were the Bills won 51 - 3 against the Raiders. Traveled with my father and a friend from D.C when I was about 16. Bought scalped tickets and went with my cousin who is like a brother. Right from the start it was over for the Raiders and that stadium was so loud. I have so many memories but that was the best.
Are interceptions considered a pass? if they are, then about fifteen passes before they pull me. At least I could get traded to the Broncos like Zac Wilson was with that many passes.
I was lucky enough to have my Dad take us from Washington D.C. to Buffalo a ton when I was younger to my teen years to go to games. We had family in Buffalo so it was always a big group and memorable. Too many games for me to remember how many but it was before the many Superbowl runs in the 90's. Can I say we need to win one before my Dad departs? I just now travel to his house about three hours away so we can watch the games together in Florida. No matter what the record is I wouldn't trade it for the world because it was always with my Dad.
I wear the same shirt and hat and walk constantly between my living room and bed room to try and settle my nerves or run back and forth to jump, yell, and scream. I also use the Voxer app to constantly stay in contact with my Dad.