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Kirby Jackson

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Everything posted by Kirby Jackson

  1. I think that it is more of a function of age. All of those guys were well into the back nine. The Bills were hoping to squeeze the last bit of juice out of them. The same reason that they aren’t signed is why the Bills moved on. There just isn’t enough left in the tank. Darryl Williams is the only that’s a little surprising and I’d imagine that he’s being a little picky as to where he latches on next. I’d imagine that if a bad team, offered vet minimum, and a starting spot, he’d decline. The same for Beasley. Hughes TOOK the low salary on a bad team. Sanders and Star are going to retire unless they receive godfather offers. I wouldn’t read too much into this. It was an opportunity to replace well-compensated, aging vets, with younger, cheaper players with minimal (if any) drop off.
  2. I was there 🤦🏻‍♂️
  3. I paid all that money and have to sit through 100 year-old Ozzy. I’d much prefer that weird Creed halftime.
  4. Nate gets ZERO credit for Josh Allen’s development!! The Bills wanted to bring Allen along slowly. He was very raw. Peterman made it a half. He was so awful (again) that the Bills had to hand the keys to Josh to avoid losing the locker room. They all knew how bad Peterman was!! The mental gymnastics that you’re playing to credit Peterman is insane. That guy is/was a scrub. Not at all, I’ve made it to exactly where I want in life. I’m good bro. I will never sit around here and let people change history. I’m going to make sure everyone remembers exactly how bad that scrub is/was. If people want to wax poetic, I’ll share clips. Until we all agree “he’s the worst QB ever and an embarrassment to this franchise” my work here isn’t done.
  5. People that “try hard” don’t belong in the NFL. I would say “he earned a lot of money” but he didn’t “earn” anything. He was given it. He stole jobs from more capable people. He’s not the first, nor the last. I have WAY more sympathy for the people that never got those NFL checks that were more deserving. Why do you want to celebrate that scrub? That guy embarrassed this franchise. I don’t “wish him the best.” He’s made WAY more than he deserved. He should be selling phone cards.
  6. Sometimes the truth hurts!! I just read someone crediting Peterman for Allen’s development 😂😂😂!!!
  7. Imagine defending/celebrating Peterman’s career? That guy EMBARASSED our beloved franchise. He got a job because he was a nice guy. The ONLY people that defend Nate are the ones that wanted him to start. Instead of saying, “I was wrong. That was a mistake.” They pretend that it was a good decision and that the guy could play. Is there anyone worse than the person that can’t admit when they’re wrong? This one isn’t “debatable.” Just take the “L” and move along. Peterman was a mistake. People that wanted him were dumb before he went on the field. There are still apparently a few band members on the Titanic, playing their cellos, as the ship sits on the bottom of the ocean. I jumped on a lifeboat as soon as I heard “Peterman is starting vs. the Chargers.” I was right. There are some funny stats in here regarding Peterman. If Rodgers threw 1240 straight interceptions he would still have a better TD:INT ratio than Peterman. For some perspective, that would be every pass for 37 consecutive games 😂😂!! https://dailysnark.com/2018/11/13/nathan-peterman-finishes-with-worse-qb-rating-than-if-he-just-spiked-ball-into-ground-every-play-of-his-career/
  8. I didn’t watch but here would be my top 5: Bengals Chargers Vikings Bucs Broncos
  9. Thanks man!! Just try to share where appropriate. Love all of y’all!! Great people here
  10. The heated seat disaster!!! 😂🤦🏻‍♂️ Ignorance spreads around here. As someone that is informed I find it my duty to educate. When people spread MISINFORMATION it is even more important. You’re welcome!!
  11. This isn’t “Jerry Jones.” This is the best sports management company in the world that Jerry Jones owns some of. They run EVERY big project. This is something that we should be EXCITED for. Too many people get themselves all twisted up without even knowing what they’re mad about. The people on the Legends side have WAY more experience than Ron Raccuia. The Bills hired the best firm in the world to oversee the biggest project in franchise history. This is a great thing for the franchise and WNY. We need to understand that. 10 minutes ago you were “concerned” with it. That would be like your concern about the Bills being “Josh Allen is our QB.” That’s a positive not a negative. Legends involvement, all but ensures, it will stay on the timeline and completed to the vision that they have. They’re the most capable of getting this from here to completion.
  12. They’ve done DOZENS of stadium projects. Legends is EXACTLY who you hire to do this. They’ve hired away top talent from pro sports teams since they came into existence. The people running Legends are “the best of the best” from around the sports industry. Mike Tomon is the COO & Mike Ondrejko heads up sales. These are seasonsed sports executives that have done this job on the team side. Fun fact, my cousin’s husband works for them and was approached about running the Bills project. They obviously have the family connections here and he’s a big Bills fan (he’s not from WNY though). He has some pretty serious health issues though so he didn’t do it. He’s a very, very, very smart young guy. If your concerns are “Legends” you can rest easy. They are the best in the world.
  13. They should have signed Brian Moorman instead!! He was amazing in 2005 and he LOVES Buffalo. Beane screwed this up…
  14. I sound informed. I sound like someone that worked in pro sports for a long time. I sound like someone that “gets it.” I will NEVER begrudge someone that wants market value. All of us do that. It is no different. The NFL built this model to try to have “control.” The players got smart and push back when appropriate. Teams can decide to pay them the market value (see Kyler Murray) or they risk losing them. That’s the team’s decision. They don’t get the luxury of paying them “what they want.” The player’s have plenty of leverage. They should. We ALL have that with our jobs. We can either sign a contract “GUARANTEEING” us a particular amount or take what the market offers. The NFL has tried to control both of those. That doesn’t work. You can’t say, “we agreed that you were worth X but now we want to pay you Y or release you.” The players that are undervalued are saying, “we agreed to X but I’m actually worth Y. Pay me that or I’m not playing.” They’re doing THE EXACT SAME THING. Why defend the billionaires over the millionaires?
  15. He made just under $4.8M. If you’re going to continue to defend this scrub, I’m going to fact check EVERYTHING that you say regarding him.
  16. This is odd, right? Someone has decided, “I need to defend the honor of THE WORST QB IN NFL HISTORY.” It’s so odd. That’s a weird hill to die on. If someone died on the Fitz or Tyrod hill, I wouldn’t agree but, fine. There were some good moments. Nate stole $4.8M and played worse than anyone ever. That’s a strange guy to love.
  17. Please look at Gunner’s PRE-DRAFT evaluation of Peterman and you’ll find that’s EXACTLY what he thought before he entered the league. Gunner was right. He’s statistically the worst QB ever. The GMs were wrong in this case. That’s not the tree to bark up…
  18. Then take an issue with the NFL. Players should ALWAYS maximize their earnings. Every single one of us does that with our jobs. I bang mine every couple of months with leverage and they keep rolling over. It’s 2022. The employees have the power. This is ESPECIALLY true in the NFL. Stop pushing the boulder up the hill. It isn’t changing. Accept it. That’s the reality of “non-guaranteed contracts.” Hope that your team gets good players and you have to worry about paying them. I’d rather have Knox and Oliver than Sweeney and Ankou. Sure you can. Teams do ALL of the time. You “find space” and move on from bad deals. It’s easy.
  19. EJ was terrible. He was MILES better than Peterman. Pretty much all scrub QBs wash out quickly. Peterman is a cockroach.
  20. 17.5 and Freeman 100% knew that!!! It was a “motivational tool.” I don’t think that they can slow the Bucks.
  21. But what is “that point?” He didn’t have many touches and was a rookie. They’ve seen WAY more of him than we have. As @JDHillFan points out he made some plays when given the opportunity. He won’t be on the active roster after today (punter takes that spot). I have no problem with them wanting more time. Again, I’m not saying that I would have kept him. I would have kept Hodgins and cut Stevenson and Kumerow. The Bills would (probably argue), “the ST contributions/potential of Kumerow/Stevenson outweigh the last WR on team being a little better (Hodgins).” That logic is perfectly sound.
  22. So your issue is that good players will want to get paid? I’d rather have good players than worry about whether or not they will have to be paid years later. In my company all of the top performers want to get paid. That’s what we do to retain top talent.
  23. He hasn’t played. Didn’t he bust a kickoff or 2 last preseason? He took 9% of his college kickoff returns back for TDs. Again, if you’re debating the end of the roster you should always give the edge to “talent” or “a special skill.” He COULD offer something if it came together and he was healthy. I don’t see what Sweeney COULD offer in the best case scenario that you couldn’t find on the street? To be clear, I’m not saying that Stevenson should have made the team. I can pretty easily see the justification from them for it though.
  24. They’re worse than the Cowboys. I get the reference but Dallas has won some divisions and the occasional playoff game. Nebraska is a bottom-feeder. They’re closer to the Knicks (although they were decent a couple of years ago). I’ve never seen a former blue-blood become completely irrelevant.
  25. Why is he “better than what he showed?” That’s EXACTLY who he is. He had an opportunity to “show” who he was and played the worst football a QB has ever played.
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