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Kirby Jackson

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Everything posted by Kirby Jackson

  1. So in summation, you don’t know if/when you’ll be done with him but to this point he’s fine? To be clear, I’m not saying that he WILL be gone with another playoff failure. I’m saying that he SHOULD be in that case.
  2. I’ve already listed numerous coaches who perennially got to the playoffs and won championships when they were replaced. Hundreds of guys could coach Josh Allen and company to the playoffs!! I’d replace him with Ben Johnson I think. You are TOTALLY missing the point if you think that I’d be disappointed with Super Bowl wins, lol. My point is the fact that he HASN’T gotten to the Super Bowl with this talent is why he should be gone. If he doesn’t get there this year, I don’t want him to get to try again next year. Let me ask it differently again. If the Bills lose in the Divisional again this year and the 3 years after, will you be happy? Should McDermott still be the guy in that case? I mean, they will have won a playoff game each year. What is your standard for this team?
  3. I believe that 2019 team was good enough. I 100% believe that. They blew that playoff game too. How many chances for you? You’d give him next year? 5 shots? You can’t do that in the salary cap era. Windows open and close too quickly than to waste Allen’s prime.
  4. Yes, of course!! That is literally my EXACT point. He’s had 4 teams that have been Super Bow caliber. He is 0-4. They have consistently fallen short at the most important times. In doing so, they are wasting valuable years of Allen’s prime. I would LOVE to be wrong but he has had enough chances. If he fails AGAIN, why should he get another year. 5 straight failures isn’t enough? How many chances should he get?
  5. I have never heard 1 single person say that McDermott is more responsible than Allen. You started a thread saying that this is a thing. I’m pretty involved in the “Bills world.” I’ve never once heard that. You just created a topic that no one thinks. Find people that believe McDermott is more responsible than Allen…
  6. I’ve asked them to identify themselves. I don’t think that ANYONE believes McDermott is more responsible than Allen. If they do, they can say it.
  7. Lol, does ANYONE think McDermott is more responsible than Allen?!? If so, please identify yourself because I will not respect your football opinions moving forward.
  8. Lol, no it wasn’t. It was spot on. You just missed the point originally. Different people are acceptable, to good, in different phases of a rebuild. If you’re a championship contender, you wouldn’t want Tyrod. To this point, you wouldn’t want McDermott either. Tyrod took a perennially bad team and made them okay. McDermott took a perennially bad team and made them perennially good. He hasn’t proven to be the guy to get them to their ceiling. We aren’t at a point where Divisional Round losses are acceptable. He did the dirty work. McDermott took the team from the base of the mountain to 90% of the way to the summit. He deserves a ton of credit for it. If that’s as high as he can take them than someone else needs to finish the last 10%. He’s had enough chances to finish the job. Hopefully this is the year. I think that Houston, KC, KC, and Cincy was enough for me. I didn’t need to see this year and I certainly wouldn’t need to see it again next year. 4 times (5 including this year) they’ve been good enough to go to the Super Bowl (including a season where they were the favorites). They’ve fallen short each time. If they don’t go again this year, I don’t need to see a 6th bite at the apple.
  9. You’re missing the point if that’s what you took out of it. Tyrod was fine for a team that was perennially bad. He could get you to average. He did and broke the drought. McDermott was exceptional to take a bad team and stabilize them. That doesn’t mean that he’s the guy to take them to the promised land. If he can’t get them to their ceiling they need someone else.
  10. Let me ask it differently. What do you think the ceiling is/has been? If you think 1 championship game appearance is it, then you should be satisfied. I’m not at a point where I’m worried about “it could be worse.” That’s where I was with Tyrod and that’s because the team was bad for a generation. I was of the belief that the high floor was good at that time. Now, it is not acceptable to me to get bounced in the Divisional Round. I believe that this team is/has been Super Bowl Caliber. He isn’t getting his team where they belong. You don’t get “Josh Allen’s” very often. You better take advantage of his prime. Another example that I think works is Dwayne Casey. He won the Coach of the Year and was fired that offseason!! His team won the title the next year. Don’t settle for “it could be worse” while you have Josh Allen in his prime.
  11. He did a great job building the culture in the first year. They cleaned house in year 2 and built the roster back up in 2019. I just think that a lot of people could take this roster and win 11 games and (almost) 1/2 of their playoff games. Their ceiling has been Super Bowl Champ for the last 3 years imo (4 Including this year). They have yet to appear in the game. I know that it isn’t easy but if you aren’t reaching the ceiling (like Doug Collins) get me someone that will. The Bills cannot continue to come up short during Allen’s prime. This isn’t 2017 when they are trying to break the drought. This is when they need to capitalize.
  12. This is where I’m at. I’m firmly in the “yes” category here. He did a nice job rebuilding the culture but that is now settled. I’m not impressed by his record. His record has not exceeded the talent imo. That’s how I judge coaching. “Is your record better than if __ was coaching here?” I don’t see it with McDermott. There are dozens of guys that could have produced the exact same results with these rosters. They need someone that can elevate them to the next level. I said it before the year and I’ll say it again, unless they take the next step it’s time for a change while you still have prime Josh Allen. Someone on here once made a brilliant comparison calling Sean, Doug Collins for those early Bills teams. He had Jordan and they became contenders. Once they moved on to Phil Jackson, they became 6-time champions. That really stuck with me and feels like such a fair comparison. We need more from our coaching staff than we are currently getting.
  13. 3rd and 1 in the shotgun? Punting from the 37 yard line? Josh Allen does not run anymore? Whoever is responsible for gelding the Bills offense should be accountable. That performance was disgusting. 28 NFL teams beat you with the way that you played last night. The coaching was an abomination. Fortunately the talent gap overcame it last night.
  14. What time are people heading out there? We were thinking of leaving at like 10.
  15. Monday I was thinking of bringing all of our stuff out to Stonehenge and going right from there. It may not work but that was the thought.
  16. That was my thought. We are staying by the London Bridge. It’s a long enough ride from there to begin with. I was thinking that I’d have a car take us right from there to the airport.
  17. Random question for my people in the UK. We are taking a day trip that covers Windsor, Stonehenge and Bath on Monday. I know that it’s a long day but I’m just looking now and we head to Rome, from Gatwick at 8:55 PM. If anyone is familiar with this, is it possible for us to basically get our own transportation out of there so that we don’t miss our flight? Basically, I don’t have the heart to tell Jessica that it might not work. She’s really looking forward to it. Please help!! Respectfully, An American that can’t tell time
  18. They are doing it now on a smaller scale (and it won’t be $400-$500 for the most part it’ll be closer to $200-$300). It’s a tired narrative that Bills fans can’t afford tickets. Watch next week in London how many Bills fans made the trip. The entire trip is no less than $2k per person and there will be THOUSANDS.
  19. It’s not complicated. “Back in the day” there was no not an easy way to get tickets to road games. There was not an easy way to organize groups either. The internet is your answer. You can have whatever tickets you want if you’re willing to pay the cost. Parties, tailgates, trips, etc… are all over these cities if you just follow on the internet. I go to a few road games every year and it’s always packed with Bills fans. We are THE most organized fan base and obviously willing to pay an Inflated price to see our beloved Bills.
  20. I still, 100%, believe that would have been the right decision. I’m not overreacting to week 1 or 2. He has Russell Wilson looking like Russell Wilson again. Payton and Josh Allen would have been dynamic. Sean Payton won a Super Bowl and was, maybe the worst call ever, from a 2nd. I lived in NOLA for his career there. I have more confidence in Payton than McDermott.
  21. This is where I’m kind of at. I’m a little past “unsure” on HC though. I thought, prior to last year, that the Bills should have considered keeping Daboll instead of McDermott. It’s like when Tampa promoted Koetter to keep the continuity with a young Jameis. To me, prioritizing stability for Josh came first. You could have traded McDermott for a pick. This year, I wanted to hire Sean Payton. He would have maximized Josh. If this team is ever going to win it all it is because of Josh Allen. Someone here called McDermott Doug Collins after 13 seconds and that is the best comparison possible imo. It was a great call. We need our Phil Jackson to start winning titles. Right now, Josh has less guidance than ever. They should start by bringing Barkley back in a coaching role. Have him on the sidelines and in Josh’s ear. Josh has lost Daboll, Davis Webb and Matt Barkley. Those guys were all helping him prepare and to see the game. It would be nice to give Josh that trusted confidant on the field and in the film room.
  22. I hate to agree here Dave but that didn’t look like a playoff team last night. It’s one week so I don’t want to overreact but there are issues with this team.
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