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Kirby Jackson

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Everything posted by Kirby Jackson

  1. I think it’s a good decision personally. This QB class is so weak that someone is going to take him. Next year’s class looks a lot tougher. This is just a down year for the position. He has raw physical tools. In the mid to late rounds you are probably looking for a “toolsy” prospect instead of a “pro-ready” guy like Peterman.
  2. You’d be amazed at the hypocrisy that these guys live by. They have no issues with the guys doing it but if the wife or girl does it’s a different story. Look at Tony Parker and Brent Barry or Jason Richardson and Steve Nash or Derek Fisher and Matt Barnes. That’s how it happens. The guys and teams pick sides. This team (and locker room) has an allegiance to Poyer.
  3. They vacation together!! This regime has done everything to build culture. They aren’t bringing in the guy most likely to burn it down. It’s not happening.
  4. They aren’t going to take kindly to a guy that slept with one of their best friend’s wife. It just isn’t going to happen.
  5. It’s a fair offer but it’s not happening. Brown isn’t coming into that locker room after the Rachel Bush stuff (regardless of whether or not Poyer is there). Poyer, Hyde and Tre are EXTREMELY close. They aren’t going to bring in a guy who will immediately divide the locker room. AJ Green is a possibility but AB isn’t.
  6. I usually don’t let stuff like this bother me but this kind of did. The Allen haters are going to die on that hill. Whether you like him or not there isn’t a reasonable person in the world that can have him 10 spots below Mariota or below Bortles. Rosenthal should have just said, “I didn’t believe that he would be a good QB when he was drafted. 5 TDs and the AFC Offensive Player of the Week aren’t changing my mind. He stays at 32 forever.”
  7. Fun Fact: Van Miller and my grandfather were lifelong best friends. They grew up in Dunkirk together. My grandfather would do crazy stuff and Van would solicit money for him to do it. They’d split it at the end of the day. When my grandfather passed away Van couldn’t do it. His wife came but he couldn’t do it. I loved that guy!! #lamp
  8. Again, examples can be cherry picked to support the case that they matter. When you look at the entire sample teams that threw for 300 lost more than they won. Tom Brady was a 6th round pick too. It doesn’t mean that you will find your QB in the 6th round. There isn’t a correlation between 300 yard games and wins. The record says that.
  9. Jordan Poyer is a glaring omission to me. He was the Bills best player this season IMO.
  10. I never said they were bad games. I said there was no correlation to winning. Teams that’s threw for 300 yards were 2 games under .500. Teams that didn’t were 2 games over .500. Gross stats in general don’t tell a story. Efficiency stats do a much better job of it. It’s not an issue though. It doesn’t correlate to winning. It is fun but doesn’t equal wins or losses.
  11. 300 yard passers were 64-66-2 this year. I still don’t see why people care about 300 yard games? There isn’t a correlation to winning.
  12. This was incredible!! It’s by far the best that they’ve ever done.
  13. It’s their own fault. They will need to win a round to keep him. They will try (which could end up even worse). They may add someone like Beal this year to try to make a run. It will cost them something like Niko and a 1st. If it doesn’t work they’ll trade AD for something like that Lakers package. As bad as it will be you could start next year with a worse core than Lonzo, Holiday, Beal, Ingram, Randle, and Kuzma. They’ll need some size but that’s a nice young team. It still won’t matter though. That’s like being Denver. You can’t win with a bunch of fringe all-stars. You win with MVP candidates.
  14. It’s coming. I’ve said for years on here what a disaster that crew is. They are totally incompetent. They landed Drew Brees, Payton and Benson went senile at the same time. They are as inept a group as there is but have won despite it. Having worked in sports for some time and knowing a zillion people that work for them it’s kind of sad (but inevitable). They will get an elite package in return but still... It is going to be something like Kuzma, Lonzo, Ingram and a 1st or Tatum, Smart, Horford and a 1st (or something like that). It will be the biggest return a team has ever received but you can’t trade generational players for future All-Stars but that’s what will happen.
  15. Again, you are not bringing a player that slept with arguably your best player’s wife into your locker room!! There is no other reasoning that needs to be discussed. Even if the cost was a 7th it can’t be done on our team.
  16. Love the topic Gug!! The train horn has been an important part of our drinking game in New Orleans. If you see Niagara Falls, someone tossing wings or hear the train horn you take a sip. It’s not really a game as much as it is organized alcoholism. With that being said, I’m done with the damn train horn.
  17. Bush and Brown supposedly slept together prior to Poyer cheating on her. This is where I’m at. I think (and have thought) that Brown may be the best player in football. He just can’t be here with his issues with Poyer (and in turn, Hyde, White and the rest of that crew). Green would be cheaper and fit well in the locker room. He too is a great player. To me, this has way less to do with “is AB selfish” and WAY more to do with the fact that he almost ended the marriage of one of our most popular players. His antics aren’t what will keep him out of Buffalo. It’s the Poyer situation. You can’t have that drama in the locker room.
  18. I think that the Rachel Bush - Antonio Brown piece takes him out of the equation in Buffalo. Even if Poyer is a part of the deal I don’t see it happening. That secondary is EXTREMELY close. I’d be shocked if the Bills brought Brown into that locker room. He could potentially tear down what they’ve worked so hard to build.
  19. He wasn’t my guy. I had him behind the other 4 but ahead of Rudolph (who some people loved for some strange reason). As it stands now, I’m thrilled with the Allen pick. He looks like a future star to me. He makes A LOT of plays with a very limited supporting cast. To me, his future is the brightest of the group. I was scared by his boom or bust qualities but I think the odds of “boom” are WAY better than I initially believed.
  20. Whenever my mom came to visit we used to do the New Orleans School of Cooking. That is one of my last memories of my mom before she was sick and passed. My sister and I have carried it on when she comes in town. RIP Joe
  21. This is awesome news. One more chance to celebrate Kyle.
  22. My thoughts exactly
  23. That’s a deal that I think is realistic. I would do it.
  24. I’m with everyone on the BPA train. This roster needs an infusion of talent. This is where you can get it done. It could be Jonah Williams or Jeffrey Simmons or Ed Oliver or Devin White or DK Metcalf...a lot will change between now and then but those are some names to watch
  25. My flood zone is X (which is good). My neighborhood was hit pretty hard during Katrina but a lot has changed there since. All flood insurance is through the NFIP. I think that it ends up being like $50 a month.
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