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Kirby Jackson

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Everything posted by Kirby Jackson

  1. I’m not sure what the Bills record will be with their schedule but I think that the Bills, Chiefs and Ravens are the 3 best teams in the AFC.
  2. I never understood it but didn’t think it was BS. I’m assuming it’s primarily Payton’s ego. If he’s right he probably ends up in the HOF (he might anyways). It is a legacy play at some level. It’s bold but if there is one thing Sean Payton believes in it is Sean Payton.
  3. What Duncan is saying is that if Brees misses a few games like last year Jameis will play. If Brees goes down for the season or for some odd reason the Saints are out of it Taysom will take over. Keep in mind Duncan has been all in on this for a while. It’s human nature to want to be right. With that being said, that’s consistent with what seems to be coming out of the offices on Airline Drive. I guess I could see the gamble if he were 24. He will be 31 in 2021. That feels like an odd time to become a franchise QB. I guess that’s about when Steve Beurlein became a franchise guy but that feels odd. Jameis is 4 years younger and has already started for 5 years.
  4. Winston signed for $1.1M. He will play if Brees gets hurt or misses games. Taysom will play his “slash” role throughout the year. The Saints will find a way to use Taysom at QB this year like the Bills once did Brad Smith. He will play some wildcat and will throw the ball some.
  5. I’m with you. Honestly, it’s Payton’s ego imo. He believes that he can design an offense around what he does well. The weirdest part for me is that Hill is already 30 (or will be this year).
  6. I’m being serious here. This has nothing to do with Duncan’s tweet. The Saints are going to give him a chance.
  7. I don’t know what was said to him but Payton’s love for him is wildly known. This isn’t some game that they are playing with him. They think he could have a Lamar Jackson like impact and are curious to design an offense around him. They are, likely, going to hand the keys to Taysom full-time in 2021 after seeing a package of plays with him at QB in 2020. The Saints are going to give him a chance to prove that he belongs. It sounds crazy but this isn’t some ploy to drum up interest. He is their guy.
  8. They really aren’t. That’s why this is so crazy. They honestly believe he is the next big star in this league.
  9. The reality is they are totally different athletes. Taysom is a WAY better athlete than Tebow. Hill runs a 4.44 and has a 38.5 inch vertical. Tim Tebow had the same vertical but ran a 4.71. For comparison sake Stefon Diggs ran a 4.46 and has a 35 inch vertical. Duncan is the Saints beat reporter...
  10. All joking aside he was the most hated opponent in Bills history right? There were so many factors at that time that made him such. I was a little kid (like 10-12) and remember hating him. I probably didn’t fully grasp why but everyone around me hated him. There were some HORRIBLE things said in section H-2 about Cox and that Dolphins team. In fact, I’m not even sure that he is this kid’s dad based on what those people were saying.
  11. ...or (alternate ending): The Bills pretend you be cool with Cox Sr. They keep his son on the opening day roster. His dad is set to lead the charge as they look to bury the hatchet. Cox is waving the flag above the tunnel as Kenny Davis comes from behind and pantses him. While the crowd laughs in unison at a pant less Bryan Cox, Carwell Gardener sneaks in: ...son gets released at halftime
  12. Big, fast, versatile and white...that’s pretty much what it is
  13. Damn you!! I was coming here to make the same joke and you beat me to it!!
  14. I’m hoping that this is just an elaborate ploy to get back at Cox. That’s why McDermott and Beane were on a zoom call with the 90’s Bills. They are playing the long game. This was a plan devised upon their hiring to sit in the weeds and wait for the opportunity to pay his dad back for being an idiot. If they pull this off Beane and McDermott deserve a lot of credit. All that they need to do is give him hope and then crush this young man’s soul. His dad will have to live with it
  15. I just can’t get behind this. I’m sorry. Generally grudges dissipate but Bryan Cox was the worst.
  16. It’s insanity!! People REALLY believe (and want) him to be the QB. There was a large group (maybe 20%) that wanted Brees to retire now and to give the job to him. He’s going to be 30 when the season starts!! For some perspective, Tyrod is 30. That just makes no sense to me. These heathens fell in love with a Mormon, go figure.
  17. As of me posting this Taysom Hill was winning the poll. Keep in mind he’s 6-13 for 119 yards in the regular season in his career. He will be 30 at the start of the season. Say what you want about Jameis but he’s coming off of a 5,000 yard season and is a former number 1 overall pick. Taysom has a role for sure but this poll should illustrate how irrational Saints fans are when it comes to him. This would be like Bills fans wanting Brad Smith to start at QB. It is kind of crazy.
  18. I think that those three options are definitely on the table for the season. If it does go to option 3 (a season starting in February) I’d imagine that a bunch of the top prospects skip the season or at least a significant portion of it. It will feel like the combine at some level where the top guys elect not to participate. That’s the answer to why the colleges would care. If the NCAA ended up with Ohio State - Clemson again (the 2 favorites in Vegas) and had no Lawrence, Ross, Etienne, Fields, Wade, Olave, etc...it takes the sting out. Basically as we get closer to the big games at the back half of the schedule you could end up seeing them without the best players. It is a weird dynamic.
  19. I honestly don’t know what happens. Do they just have all of the independents play one another? ND has in their contract that they’ll play 5 ACC schools in football. Maybe they hide behind that to keep the Clemson game etc? Who knows
  20. It’s not ideal but could work. You’d be looking at an abbreviated offseason and likely a summer draft. Guys would report to camp shortly after the draft. In the NBA guys report to summer league a week after the draft so it isn’t that crazy I guess. It will be terrible for guys that get hurt. I suspect you’d see more and more players going the McCafrey/Fournette/Bosa route and sitting out to prepare for the draft. It’s certainly option 3 on the list but it’s better than no season I guess.
  21. He could have said no position I guess. If he told them the truth it would have been awkward for Davis.
  22. The whole “it was an OL” was BS. It’s a strong play by Beane though. Since the Bills didn’t take another OL it doesn’t put that guy in a weird situation. It would have been an awkward conversation with Gabriel Davis otherwise.
  23. I tend to agree with this. That scenario seems to be the most reasonable but not necessarily ideal. Oregon/Ohio State, Texas/LSU, Clemson/ND, ND/Wisconsin, are a few games that would go away. I don’t know what happens to ND in this scenario.
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