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Kirby Jackson

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Everything posted by Kirby Jackson

  1. Just saying....
  2. He has some ball skills too. I believe that he was one of the guys responsible for the birth of the turnover chain. He feels like a pretty high ceiling player to me but will have a tough time cracking this defense. It’s pretty complex for the safeties. The Bills are blessed with a couple of guys that can handle it.
  3. I think so. I don’t think that he will he way over but I could see right around 60%
  4. Addison was the one that I didn’t know where to set the line. I felt pretty good about the others. I guess if I were betting it would probably be: Diggs, Brown, Beasley & Gabe Davis o/u 3,000 receiving yards? Over Allen o/u 30 total TDs? Over Diggs o/u 1,200 receiving yards? Over Tre o/u 4.5 INTs? Under Motor o/u 1,000 rushing yards? Over Moss o/u 6.5 TDs? Under Addison o/u 8 sacks? Under Allen o/u 60% completion? Over Gabe Davis o/u 400 receiving yards? Under Bills o/u 10.5 wins? Over
  5. Rosen was my guy coming out. He may not be the franchise QB that I expected but he has had as bad of a situation as any QB in the league. I’d take Rosen over Fromm 8 days a week. I’d be all for adding Rosen to this stable Bills environment. You may end up with a trade partner in a year or so.
  6. This stems off something that I saw on twitter and thought it’d be fun. Diggs, Brown, Beasley & Gabe Davis o/u 3,000 receiving yards? Allen o/u 30 total TDs? Diggs o/u 1,200 receiving yards? Tre o/u 4.5 INTs? Motor o/u 1,000 rushing yards? Moss o/u 6.5 TDs? Addison o/u 8 sacks? Allen o/u 60% completion? Gabe Davis o/u 400 receiving yards? Bills o/u 10.5 wins?
  7. You’re popping champagne for this scrub making 46.9% of what he was supposed to make?!? Lol, he is, and was, the worst player to ever put on a Bills uniform. You thought he was good!! You were wrong. I will bet ANY amount of money that if Carr and Mariota go out for a period of time Peterman will not start the next game. The Raiders are paying him to be there, not to play. That’s asinine as more qualified people are without jobs. Who is more deserving of $1M Blake Bortles or Nate Pete? That’s been my point. The guy should be arrested for theft. Gruden is such an ego-maniac that he wants to be right on his analysis of Peterman leading up to the draft. He’s a moron and was CLEARLY wrong. @GunnerBill was right when he talked about what a terrible talent NP was. He’s statistically the worst QB ever. Peterman isn’t stealing and has been since the day his name was called while more deserving players are sitting home without that NFL check. At the end of the day one of us thought Nate Peterman was a viable option to start NFL games. One of us thought that was insane.
  8. Love the topic. Just going to wing it...
  9. I think that the conversation starts at 5 years and $85M. I think 4 years and $80M or 5 years and $100M is more realistic. Probably looking at $60M guaranteed.
  10. That’s been my point for years. Who is more deserving of $1M Davis Webb or Nate Pete? Next time someone feels bad for him remember he is getting that check while more deserving players aren’t.
  11. At this point it’s pretty safe to assume that Nate Pete has more incriminating intel than Ghislaine Maxwell.
  12. Adrian Peterson Matt Gay
  13. So good!! Tre White is so funny and Josh is great when he’s with them. Loved it
  14. It’s like an hour and 25 minutes in.
  15. In totally unrelated news, the Patriots just traded for Nick Foles 😂😂
  16. They always are nice. That’s my point. They have to be nice to people because their livelihood depends on it. This place is always full of opposing fans too because New Orleans is a destination. This place was built to host big events and are better at it than any place in the world. When it comes to the way that they embrace the Saints though it is annoying af. They whine about everything. They are more insecure than we are in terms of “everyone out to get them.” They ALWAYS overrate their team (which most fan bases do but they are an extreme). As an aside, if we have fans by 2021 we will have big things planned for the Bills game down here. We have actually started with some loose plans. It will evolve as we get closer but I encourage everyone to come. We need it!! So much of our economy is dependent on it and have gotten killed during the pandemic. I can’t promise a win but I can promise a good time!!
  17. If you want something to pick at they are, without question, the whiniest fan base ever. Everyone is always out to get them. It’s obnoxious. They protested a Super Bowl because they thought they should have been there (which they should have). https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2019/02/04/saints-fans-stage-huge-super-bowl-protest-new-orleans/%3foutputType=amp
  18. As someone that lives here and knows hundreds, if not thousands, they travel. In fact, they are as similar to us as any fan base. There are many away games that they take over like we do. We are a lot more organized than they are however.
  19. That’s not a fair guess. They are a great fan base that travels incredibly well. They are one of the best few fan bases in the league (just annoying as hell).
  20. They’re the worst. We are just good at hosting out of town visitors here. We have like 18.5M visitors a year!! That’s kind of crazy because New Orleans is about the size of Buffalo.
  21. Releasing Murphy and taking on the 1 year of Clowney for $2M more feels easy to me but 🤷🏻‍♂️. I’ve been advocating that the entire offseason and it doesn’t sound like an option. Clowney at $10M is a bargain (especially when you can basically offset the cap space with Murphy being cut).
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