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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Honestly, I know it has become the narrative that Kelvin Benjamin "doesn't even try"...I think that is BS. I think he tries, and he cares...did anyone ever stop to think that he just many not be that talented?
  2. So, how is it that the Bushes campaigned against current president, but at the same time "refrained from all things politic after they were out of office"? Does not make sense.. Either way, a hell a lot more respect for GH, than his son. RIP.
  3. So sorry... in my best Rex Ryan voice "I'd still make that decision 100 out of 100 times"
  4. Oh yeah, you're right...second year.
  5. I agree to you to an extent. However, love of the Sabres has really tested that idea for me. They were so bad the last 5-7 years, my love of hockey was hangning by a thread the last two seasons. I have been buying Center Ice every year as long as it has been available (2001 I think) When the Sabres are good, I watched anywhere from 50-70 games a year. The last two seasons, however, I probably watched a total of about 30 games total. As the Sabres sucked ass, my interest in other teams wained. As much as I love the game, when it is played well, really bad hockey is not easy to watch. Sometimes, its' flukiness bothers me.. so far so good this year!
  6. I am man enough to admit, I actually rooted for the Patriots in the Super Bowl in 2002...Bradys rookie year. I thought it was a great story, hated the Rams, and had no earthly idea that it would usher in the most miserable years in my 45+ years rooting for the Bills.?
  7. Rodgers and Cook.
  8. I'll take your word on that...I don't watch more than 5 minutes of ESPN other than MNF and the occasional Celtics game. I do watch NFL Network a little more, but I think it is pretty terrible too. They employ some of the worst personalities. Too much schtick...in its' prime, ESPN was far, far better...but that was a while ago.
  9. When I said "off-limits" I wasn't implying there was some law making it illegal to do business on Thanksgiving or Christmas. They were "off-limits" only in the sense that it made no real sense for them to be open...employers saw the value of giving these days off to their employees, and they didn't try to fabricate some false need for their services on these two days. They aren't offering anything on Thanksgiving Day at 5pm that they couldn't offer at 6am the following morning. Sorry for your misfortunes boyst, and it is great that you overcame them...but everyone's circumstances are not the same. It is one thing for people to think it is fine for stores to be open on Thanksgiving, but a whole other thing to be casting judgement on the people working at them. I
  10. Umm...am I missing something? Do Target, Wal-Mart, etc open up on Christmas day now too? Whatever straw-man argument you are making, just for the sake of argument isn't really working. The "state" doesn't make these decisions, by the way...retailers make the call.
  11. There there baby, I know you work harder than anyone else...everyone else had the same opportunities as you, but they just chose to be lazy sacks of *****...
  12. I assume everything is closed on Christmas, hence 363 days. Christmas and Thanksgiving, in retail, were always off-limits. I assume Christmas still is.
  13. No, not joking. I'm old enough to remember a time when stores being closed on Sunday was the norm, holidays were not even a question. And while I am sure Chef Jim is correct, many appreciate the chance to earn extra money, I would be willing to bet as many would prefer to be home with their families, but don't get to make that choice. And if nobody was open on Thanksgiving, you could do the same business on Friday morning. Jim, you really can't see the difference between Wal-Mart/Target etc and the emergency room of a hospital? I will assume you framed this as an SJW issue, to make some other point. But it doesn't really have anything to do with social justice. Its just decency.
  14. Foxx chimes in from mount privilege.
  15. If those are my only choices, Zay if it is a PPR league.
  16. Hospitals are a different category than retail outlet. Its' not like people can't shop the other 363 days of the year.
  17. People don't read...they just want to argue.
  18. Best concert: Ray Charles at the Blue Note Cafe Worst concert: too many to pick just one...Styx? Bucket list: gotta be the Beatles, as predictable as that is. Wish I could have seen: the Rolling Stones during the Mick Taylor era.
  19. It's impossible to cover a Trump press briefing without pushing propaganda.
  20. How long does he last on the roster? A week? 3 weeks?
  21. Ha ha....when I wen t to accept the trade, the offer was rescinded...I knew it was too good to be true.
  22. Sorry...I meant Jimmy Haslam. Not sure what I was thinking there....
  23. Only thing about Harbaugh (John) is I wonder how much control he would want over his next team. No doubt, he would be one of the very top candidates available...but could he co-exist with guys like Jerry Jones, Victor Kiam or John Elway? I could see Seattle being his landing place.
  24. http://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/report-john-harbaugh-baltimore-ravens-expected-to-part-ways-after-season/ar-BBPBus1?ocid=ientp
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