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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Pretty much any "good" show that was ever on SHOWTIME, went on for way too long... Dexter - should have ended after the Trinity Killer in season 3, Shameless -it is painful to watch now, even though it has a fantastic cast, just awful writing Nurse Jackie - it wasn't horrible at the end, but it just got sort of repetitive, should have ended a season earlier Weeds- Really liked it, until they went to Mexico, season 5 I think...the last 3 seasons were terrible Homeland- could have ended after 2 seasons Others: The Walking Dead: had the uncanny ability to make you keep watching, even though it was, in truth, never very good. It seemed like you were always waiting for it to get better, and they made it seemed like it would...but it was just the same thing, over and over....terrible show. Stopped watching during the first Neegan season. Horrible, lazy writing....
  2. I have noticed, many who post on PPP are scared of girls.
  3. You can't help but not to draw some not too flattering conclusions about Trump supporters, at this point.
  4. I would take him, of course, depending on the salary. I am not sure judging him off last years numbers is a completely accurate way to judge him. He has a scrappiness that Bills receivers haven't had in years...he's old, sure, but we could do worse, if his attitude is good.
  5. Y'all are a bunch of whiners...
  6. There are a lot of #######s among us.
  7. They don't have much monitary value, as you realize. Donate them to a childrens charity, or hospital, at Christmas time.
  8. I've kinda lost track of this tradition over the last few years, but isn't the opening game normally a playoff re-match from the previos season? I'm thinking New England/KC
  9. Sorry...didn't even notice the link! Thanks. Looks like the only way I could watch it here would be on terrestrial station feed.
  10. That is awesome. Would love to see spme of those.What network is it? I have Spectrum...there are so many damn channels I never watch...just wondering if I have it.
  11. "Taxi" was great...it still holds up well. As does most everything James L Brooks was involved with.
  12. Rico, what channel shows Carson reruns?
  13. I remember., 1980 was the first time i had season tickets. The first 4 weeks were so fantastic, my brother rented a projection screen, and we watched the game outside, in the yard, with a bunch of other season ticket holders/friends, and tried to make it as if we were at the game in San Diego (even though it was a cool day in Kenmore)....I was 15 at the time, and it was the first time I ever experienced that feeling of being totally engrossed in a football game, on tv. We hung on every play....up til that point in my "Bills-life", taking my cues from the adults around me, there was never a feeling that the Bills were going to win anything...but that season was different...that game in particular made it all seem real.
  14. For me, (age 54) I am a little too young to remember the AFL years...my earliest Bills memories start in 1972. For me, it was a different Bills/Chargers game that may be the greatest Bills game I ever saw...it was 1980. For the first time in my young Bills life, it felt like the Bills had a legit elite team...they went into San Diego and beat a heavily favored Chargers team...I knew, right then, the Bills were winning the Supoer Bowl that year....I love the 1980 Bills...favorite season, for my favorite team....
  15. I confess, I use it sometimes...not on purpose...
  16. Let's be honest, you were never going to trust anything she said. Your opinion of the speech was pre-formed years ago, hence you are thoroughly useless. I continue to be astounded by your off the cuff uselessness.
  17. His words have no meaning at this point...he shows it over and over...he wasted whatever capital his words have, a long time ago...
  18. No matter if any of them are true...it sounded great.
  19. When you are reading, and don't even know what you are saying, it is bound to come out a little off...
  20. Yeah....I could really care less about Super Bowl commmercials...like everything, we suffer from over-saturation...if I see a "great" commmercial during the Super Bowl, rest assuered. I will see it 9 million times over the next year (especially if you watch sports), I can wait... I miss the game iteslf being something special. Commericals? Yuck...most of the time, these days, when I watch sports (except for Bills games) I tune in about a half hour late, so I can fast forward through commericals. I won't do this for the Super Bowl, because I watch it every year with a group of buddies...some really dig the commercials...I just don't get it...
  21. So, is Flores a done deal as head coach in Miami? What if he pulls a Josh McDaniel?
  22. Maher has a ton of detractors (mention him on PPP), but most are those who don't watch him. Because he is an athiest, and a pot smoker, they assume they know his position on everytihg...I don't always agree with him, and there are times when he expresses some poorly inforned opnionis, but I appreciate his show, because it is about as "real" a political discussion you are going to get on television. He is also a realist. He knows what he wants, and he knows what is possible.
  23. For whatever reason, I have been following the Bucs pretty closely for the last few years. I have seen the majority of their games over the last two seasons...not to say that makes me any sort of an expert, but I honeslty think Jackson has plenty left...the bigger question is fit in my opimion, not ability. The Bucs, during Jackson's time with them, have been pretty loaded in the passing game...too many mouths to feed. Jackson is a guy who wants the ball, and isn't one to keep quiet if he doesn't see it for long stretches. I really do think he has game left in his tank.
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