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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Sorry, but pursing your lips and saying "tisk, tisk" isn't really correcting it. It will stop, until the next Trump rally. The scary thing, the crowd didn't really need Trump to start them with the chant this time. Even his defenders are pointing that out, as if it is something to be proud of. His support among Republicans inches upwards every time there is some incident like this. He has successfully planted the seed for all of this..... You can't really take the high ground here. He has been president for two and a half years, and this kind of stuff has only gotten worse...we will likely have 4 more years. Is this really what anybody wants? I agree, there is a large amount of stupidity on both sides of the aisle...but we have a leader, our elected president, who does absolutely nothing to discourage it. Whenever he makes even the faintest comment scolding this type of behavior, you can bet, like clockwork, within 24 hours he will send out a conflicting message, as if to say, "don't worry white America, I got your back"...he even talks extrapolates on his every move in public, as though this is all some big game to him... I get it, you love his economic plans, his stacking the courts in the favor of conservatives...but Republicans can't find a better person to do the same thing, without intentionally stirring up a hornets nest every time he opens his mouth? He (and many of his supporters, who resent being called out on it) even brag about it. It is sad that this is the best we can do.
  2. Care to elaborate on who is correcting themselves? Also, it is exactly who we are as a country....we love the policies, but we don't want all the nasty implications that come with them. We see it over and over again, here.
  3. Not a big Hank Williams Jr fan, but he did a pretty killer cover of "Tuesday's Gone" back in the day...great song.
  4. My early contender for album of the year...Purple Mountains. It is the new record from David Berman, of Silver Jews....guy has a way with words.. Another....
  5. Didn't Trump base his entire 2016 campaign on how ***** America was?
  6. I guess being called a Nazi triggers you the same way the President of the United States telling citizens of the United States to "go back where you came from" triggers some people. Buncha over-sensitive pansys.
  7. My point was, you are saying you are swapping out one piece of *****, for another, and acting as though it is some big win for you. Using your reasoning, the only difference between the two is the white nationalist appeal of your guy. Don't like be calling a racist, or a Nazi, or a white nationalist, don't support one.
  8. Sorry...I was going for the exaggerated tone that ID was going with...you know, using a bunch of "de-bunked" theories to make some point. I don't really consider most of what goes on here as "serious conversation".
  9. Sorry...did you see the post I was specifically responding too?
  10. Yes, you want your own money-laundering elitist pig who will sell parts of America to please his Russian debtors, by pushing cash through fake real-estate deals, because he happens to be a rapist who pals around on Pedo Island, and Mar-Lago with Epstein...and he just happens to share your Nazi tendencies…. its' a win all around for you, so I can see how you are good with that.
  11. Orwell had it right...Lumpy basis his entire campaign on Two Minute Hate.
  12. Nope...if taking a breath means dropping all your principles and integrity just to fit in with the creeps that post here. There are some really demented people here...
  13. He is a piece of *****... ***** all of you that are pretending anything different.
  14. The 2019 Buffalo Bills Video yearbook is set to air on the NFL Network on Saturday, July 20th at 1:30 pm, eastern. Crack open your best Memorex high bias tape for this one...
  15. I gotta say, I love the Celtics...but I hate all the other Boston teams...nice to see the Bruins lose on their home ice. That said, where has this popular narrative come up that "no team is more deserving of a championship" than the Blues? Really?
  16. Barr said that Mueller had no problem with what Barr said...go back and listen to what both men said...Mueller refuted pretty much everything Barr clamed back in March.
  17. Because, you ***** morons, Barr did a whitewash....and Mueller still cares more about this country than Lumpy... he is asking Americans to do something they seem afraid to do...read!
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