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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. I think the players in the NFL are representative of the NFL fan base...some very smart, some very ignorant.
  2. He's a fat disgusting gas bag...puny man.
  3. Bruce, OJ, Jimbo and Thurman. You could make legitimate arguments that Smith and Simpson were the greatest at their position, all time. You can't leave either of them off, if you are talking Buffalo Bills. Kelly is the epitome of the Buffalo Bills, and possibly, the most important player in franchise history. You can't leave him off. I understand why they picked Reed. If I had to include a WR, he is the guy. But if it comes down between he and Thomas, Thurman was the motor all those years. He belongs.
  4. When I was a lad, my sisters' boyfriend played football at UB. He spent a summer with the Bills, trying out. He was an O-linemen. He made it pretty deep into camp before getting cut. During that time, he became good friends with Joe DeLamiellure and John Leypoldt, among others. My memory is a little hazy (I think it was 1973, I was 8). My sisters boyfriend, Dick (I know, I know) took me one evening to a bar. As I recall, it was a club that John Leypoldt (I think) was opening. The joint wasn't open yet, and Leypoldt and a bunch of other Bills players were there one night, setting up pool tables, putting furniture together. They were all drinking beers, bull-shitting, and working on setting this place up. As I recall, it was a weeknight, during the football season, which illustrates how different things are now. As I recall, it was all white players. The ones I remember, and got autographs from , were Leypoldt, Joe D, John Skorupan, and Bruce Jarvis. There were others, but those are the guys I remember. I had a piece of college lined paper signed by all of them. I managed to hold on to that for years, the ink faded badly...not sure where it is now. That same year (I think) Buffalo Braves team captain Bob Kaufman came to speak at my grammar school...I remember being blown away by how tall he was. Don't think I had ever seen a human being that tall in my (albeit short) life.
  5. "The dead know what they're doing when they leave this world behind When the here and the hereafter momentarily align See the need to speed into the lead suddenly declined The dead know what they're doing when they leave this world behind And as much as we might like to seize the reel and hit rewind Or quicken our pursuit of what we're guaranteed to find When the dying's finally done and the suffering subsides All the suffering gets done by the ones we leave behind All the suffering gets done by the ones we leave behind" Purple Mountains "Nights That Won't Happen"
  6. Thanks....I know the Sabres were always competitive under Bowman, but I always think of his tenure in Buffalo as a huge dissappointment.
  7. If I am not mistaken, Sal is a WGR employee...Murphy, Tasker, Glabb and Brown work for Pegula Entertainment. That is not to say that GR guys can't fill in on OBL...but I am pretty sure (I may be wrong) when Sal, or one of the other GR guys hosts the show, on occasion, they are by themselves, or with another GR personality. When one of the regular OBL hosts are off (Murhpy, Tasker, Brown or Glabb), it will be one of the other Pegula Entertainment people co-hosting with another from that group. If Sal is hosting the show, it will be on at the same time as OBL, but he is merely doing a GR show, because OBL will not be on the air. It isn't technically One Bills Live, just Sal (or another GR guy) broadcasting at the time that OBL would normally be broadcasting, talking about the Bills. I really think this move with Murphy is a Pegula Entertainment belt tightening move. So, when Murph didn't renew his contract, the only possible replacements are Brown or Glabb, the other Pegula media employees. I don' think you will ever hear Sal and Tasker together, doing an entire show.
  8. My guess is that this is a financially motivated move by the Pegulas. As we all know, they are having some financial issues. Unless I am wrong, Murphy is a Buffalo Bills employee, not a GR employee...as are Chris Brown and Maddy Glab. You have two Pegula media employees who have very little to do right now. I am not sure how much Murphy makes doing that radio show, but they give him a pay cut, and give Glab and Brown something to do to earn their money. I also think, at the same time, Murphy wasn't objecting. I always thought they could cut the show to 2 hours, especially in the off-season...maybe go to three hours from August through January. Personally, while I have always wanted that show to be a little more exciting, I think Murphy and Tasker have improved a lot. I love the BIlls as much as anyone, but I don't think I could spend 15 hours a week, year round, talking about the Bills. I get the feeling that a lot of the people criticizing the show, and its' hosts, are basing their opinions on long held opinions of the two hosts. Tasker is actually pretty insightful at times. I don't think he is as out of touch with the game as some claim. He just isn't an overly eloquent speaker. So it can be awkward...but he has some good insight. And, I think he just seems like a good guy. Sometimes there just isn't a lot to say. My biggest gripe about the show is that it does appear, at times, neither Murphy or Tasker have a very well formed opinion on some of their topics. As a result, it almost seems like they flip a coin on who takes what stance on the topic, and then they argue (not always convincingly) the different positions. It is sports talk radio formula sometimes. They were wise to make it more of an NFL show, with a Bills slant, as opposed to just a Bills show.
  9. Yeah, agree with this. Tasker has really grown on me. I legitimately wonder sometimes if he has CTE issues because he does lose his thoughts, midstream quite often. I do think he has some good perspective though. He has gotten better.
  10. https://www.businessinsider.com/coronavirus-germany-reopening-low-deaths-testing-lockdown-2020-5?fbclid=IwAR0g4zxPPek9uxIpOKwbTRcTgH9lcC07B0OI10UYC38m6T_5xT1-8kwq3vQ
  11. That was a great game!
  12. OJ was on the wall before his alleged crime. I would imagine, had he not already been up on the wall prior, he wouldn't be under consideration for inclusion on the wall. I may be mis-remembering this as fact, as opposed to rumor...but I could have sworn that when the Pegulas first purchased the team, there was a notion that the new owners would remove Simpson from the wall...but it was met with much backlash.
  13. To be fair to Whaley, it doesn't seem like he was ever completely in charge of the things a GM should be in charge of. Not to say he didn't make any mistakes, but not being able to choose his own coach was a big obstacle in his job. I know most hate Marrone (with good reason), but when you think about it, they were reasonably on the right track to building a team pretty similar to what we have now... a really good defense, and a middle of the road offense. They really did seem on the verge of turning the corner under Marrone... the hiring of Rex Ryan, by the Pegulas and Brandon, was a huge mistake, and pretty much blew up Whaley's progress.
  14. You win some, you lose many!
  15. Earlier in the broadcast, Gruden mentions that the Bills had lost 11 of their last 12 games to the Pats....you know that was a long time ago! Growing up, for me, it was the Dolphins that dominated us...
  16. What else are you going to do on a Monday night in May, when the world is shut down, and there are no sports on tv? This does remind me, as if I needed it, how much I hated Dick Jauron!
  17. Ah..it is what it is. It is part of our history.... when we finally do win something, it is going to feel that much better. Thing that strikes me, watching this game from 11 years ago, is how many of these players I just forgot about. I can remember most every detail of the early 80's Bills, and the Super Bowl era teams...right up through Flutie...but this whole century is just mostly a blur. Not to say it didn't have some fun times...just not enough. Going in to every season, more often than not, I thought we had a chance of shutting some people up....in the end it was me!
  18. But the show was never as funny once Diane was gone. Kristi Alley's character was awful...the show lost a lot.
  19. I remember being so jacked up for this game, I took Monday and Tuesday off from work...on Monday afternoon, I went out and purchased my first (and only) High Def Tv...they were considerably more expensive in 2009.
  20. But they put up a great fight in this game. Just kinda fun seeing some of the old players, knowing they can't hurt me again! Freddie Jackson! Defense played great.
  21. Monday (5/11/20) on ESPN. 8pm eastern So, ESPN is showing the season opener of the 2009 season right now...Bills at Patriots. Relive the heartbreak! Relive Trent Edwards, Terrell Owens....Leodis McKelvin!
  22. Fran Drescher?
  23. Who knows...but rumor of Bills at Las Vegas Raiders, MNF on Oct. 26th.
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