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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. There are loads of them...this is just one of them...in all its' non-pc glory!
  2. No...you are dead wrong. People were clamoring for him to take charge, but all he did was put his fat ass in front of the cameras everyday, blather on and on, contradicting himself, throwing out bad information...praising himself, as he made one blunder after another. He was in over his head. He still is. His response was inadequate at almost every level. He just isn't a serious person. He is a ***** leader, and frankly, not very smart. His only strength is his endless energy for manipulation. He sat at that podium and told governors it was up to them, then in the same breath, threatened the blue state governors, even encouraged people to protest the governors, invoking the second amendment. You know, if he had just been up front, taken things seriously, he likely would have gained support. Extreme conditions exposed his true character. He has shown, over and over again, in every situation, that he has none. The only way he knows is division... I just find in unfathomable that intelligent people can still support him. What I find hilarious is how feeble the defense of this turd has become.
  3. Lame! The stalwart Trump supporters sound more pathetic by the day. Trump is not a leader.
  4. Well, as one who loathed Jauron, don't forget Jauron wasn't "given a ***** team with a crappy General Manager"...Juaron was hired by the crappy General Manager" One of the things that made him a crappy General Manager.
  5. I put Rex at #7...at least the Bills had some entertainment value under Rex...Dick Jauron belongs squarely at #8 for me. It was under his leadership, for the first (and only) time since around 1972 that I gave serious thought to stop watching Bills games....seriously. I owe Terrell Owens a debt of gratitude for being the only Bill who finally snapped and went public with his disenchantment with the Bills offense. It was really the only time TO popped off in Buffalo...Jaruon was fired the following week. I was that close to my breaking point. Jaurons teams were just epic in their dullness...and their hopelessness. And the sad thing was, they weren't completely devoid of talent. A sizable drop off between 1-5 and 6-8. For me, contending Bills coaches rank: 1- Sean McDermott 2- Wade Phillips 3- Gailey 4- Mularkey 5- Marrone 6- Williams 7- Rex 8- Jauron I also think Mularkey was a pretty decent coach, who had the unfortunate timing of being in Buffalo at, perhaps, the peak of of the Bills organizational dysfunction. As much as I truly love Marv Levy, his time as GM of the team was just awful.
  6. Did you ever see the Peyton's Places about the way Mara would take photos in the stands, stuff them into an old shoe, and throw them down to the sideline, for the coach to analyze the opposition, in-game? Think about it...she did as a suggestion, to get insight into how employees were working. Maybe it will help in finding a way to make the Sabres more like the Bills. Personally, I don't have a huge problem with this. I get why some think it is a "big deal", but I don't think so.
  7. You know, I get the impression that most who say he does not belong, are probably too young to have really seen him play. Their commentary is usually just snarky, and without substance...we all know he isn't the greatest broadcaster, but that seems to cloud the opinion as to whether he belongs in the HOF. Turn on an NFL football broadcast any Sunday during the season, and you will be listening to the analysis of once great players, who are terrible broadcasters. Broadcasting quality is irrelevant. When Tasker was playing, he wasn't just a Bills "fan favorite", he was highly known and regarded across the league, even to casual fans.
  8. As long as there are special teams in the NFL, guys who excelled on special teams should qualify for the HOF. Tasker definitely excelled. I would have to go back and study all the games again (I am not going to) but I recall, at one point, somebody did an analysis of his impact on the Bills. Over the 4 Super Bowl seasons, he contributed plays that directly contributed the team winning about 9 games. For a guy who wasn't on the field that much, he was as productive and as impact-full as he could possibly be. People argue against kickers because the "barely break a sweat", but Tasker was very physical for a smaller guy. What gave him his biggest edge, however, was his situational awareness. He knew the game inside out, and was always aware. He was a brilliant player. I would definitely put him in.
  9. I am not for yanking down every statue...except those that honor confederate traitors. Those statues are the ultimate attempt to erase the past, merely because it didn't fit the present. Those statues are earlier attempts to remove history so nothing can be learned from it. It is all a cycle...
  10. No, essentially, Mueller said that there was so much obstruction at every turn, it was hard to prove anything... and it continues this weekend with SDNY. Can't wait to see Barr get roasted.
  11. Good-time Lumpy's got the blues....behind every bully is a big cry-baby!
  12. That is Neil for you! Apparently there is an import CD available. Maybe it comes out at a later date.
  13. Sadly, current living situation has made setting up my turntable less than practical. No CD release for "Homegrown", so I haven't heard it yet. Something to look forward to!
  14. When someone says Dylan is "overrated", I just nod politely, realizing they don't know what they are talking about.
  15. I have listened to it five times today! Probably my two favorite Dylan albums...but "Desire" is distinctly different from "Blood On the Tracks", to my ears.
  16. At first glance, I thought this was a bunch of New England Patriots fans!
  17. Well, Texas did play a pretty big (dubious) role in Juneteenth..
  18. That is a pretty big caveat. I don't like this news, and the state of the Sabres is depressing... but some of the comments I see in reference to the Pegulas' ownership of the Sabres (not necessarily here, but on other social media platforms) seems pretty short sighted. They have made some bad decisions, and spent unwisely...but they have always had their heart in the right place..and that matters to me. What happened this week with the mass firings looks bad (especially the Rochester situation..that was going well), but are in some ways understandable. Virtually every money stream the Pegulas have has been very adversely affected by COVID19. The Sabres, who won't be playing for almost another year most likely, are a financial drain on them (no matter who is to blame for their foibles) when they can't afford it.
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