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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. I would put money on the RNC ratings being higher than the DNC. The RNC is geared to an older demographic, they aren't as likely to be watching on other platforms. The better gauge might be the number of donations each party receives Most people have known for at least 3 years who they are voting for in 2020.
  2. Right before that, he tossed his autographed copy of "Mein Kampf" that Steverino gave him for Beer Hall Putsch remembrance day.
  3. Gee....if Stephen Green wasn't impressed
  4. As a liberal, even I can't stand Andrea Mithchell Our current prez has his lunch stolen from him on a regular basis. Ply him with compliments, and he is puddy in their hands.
  5. Pretty impressive list in my opinion. But even beyond the draft, I think people forget (or maybe too young to remember) how poorly run the franchise was between Chuck Knox leaving, and Polian getting the GM job. Ralph was still "carpetbagger" Ralph at that point. Polian had to work around that, found good people at cut rate, and knew personel as well as anyone at that time. He did a very respectable job with the Panthers too. Having Manning when he was in Indy may have covered up for some poor rosters.
  6. You have two ***** plays to get 5 yards and you win the game...just give the ball to Mashawn...not quite the Peter Carroll Super Bowl brain fart, but my blood still boils when I think about it.
  7. Past: Drew Bledsoe's first 8 games of the 2002 season may have been the best stretch of games by any Bills QB in my Bills lifetime..which starts around 1972. Past part 2: Dick Jauron was the worst Bills coach in my Bills lifetime...in my 48 years of living and dying with this team, the Dick Jauron era was the most joyless time of all. They may not have been the worst Bills teams ever, but they were just misrable to watch. I will never forget that Sunday late in the season, playing he Jets in the Meadowlands...Bills, after a mini good-start to the season lost something like six of eight games..the season, like so many others was circling the drain...but the Bills have a 27-24 lead in the final minutes....JP Losman is getting his final shot at proving himself as a starting QB on a lousy team. All they gotta do is ice the game...run the clock out...we can all be a little happy for a week...but nope...all the sudden Jauron turns into the riverboat gambler. Marshawn Lynch had been gashing the Jets defense all day...just giving him the effing ball, run the clock out! But instead, on 2nd & 5, deep in their own end, Jauron calls for a playaction pass, at the last second...JP, playing with that "bee in his helmet", gets some pressure, and immediately decides he is going to run it...fumble scooped up by the Jets, and returned for the game wining TD. I was so, so pissed. And the camera goes to Jauron, motionless, with that deer in the headlights look...so angry. It is the most angry I have ever beeen after a Bills loss. That night, I decided, "screw this, I am bailing on the last few games of the season, life is too short for this garbage". Of course, I was back at the bar the rest of the season...but that was the first time I ever gave any serious consideration, for just a minute, of giving up on the Bills. It still pisses me off, 12 years later! Present: I got a feeling, Buffalo's going to the Super Bowl...
  8. Henry was a bonehead, but he was a really great football player.
  9. Whaley never had the power that a good GM needs to build a winner. Not to say he didnt make some mistakes, but I believe the Bills were very close to finally turning things around when Marrone was there...then he got saddled with Rex Ryan, and that blew everything up. Rex wasn't his coaching decision, EJ wasn't his QB pick... had he not been operating as a lame duck in his last draft, the word is out there that he really wanted Mahomes...but McDermott wasn't going for that. Who knows, it might not have worked out the same for Mahomes if the Bills had drafted him in 2017 (and I am happy with McDermott and Allen), but that could have made things very interesting.
  10. Not sure I agree that Polian is overrated, at least during his time in Buffalo.. but I very much agree about Whaley.
  11. Never underestimate the speed in B-Mans fingers...
  12. Well, other than hiring him as Chief Executive of his presidential campaign, and then hiring him as cheif strategist in the White House.
  13. Casino El Camino...Casino is my old roomie, from the early 90's. Small world!
  14. Yes, I was there too, at the Rattle Inn. I have been going to Parlor and Yard as well. I would love to go to Nickel City for the games, but honestly, it is just too crowded there...but the owners are from WNY (actually Rochester I think) and it definitely a little more exciting. I have gone there from time to time to watch Sabres games, or just to hang out...really good wings and other grub...I just wish it was bigger! Oh well...if things ever return to normal, I'll buy you a beer if I run into you!
  15. Very possibly...doesn't mean he will be a good one.
  16. Good lord, you really are deranged. I'm not going to bother to try to explain the context of my comments, in response to those of somebody else. Your orange idol wants to be president, but he is too lazy to do any of the actual work. Couldn't agree with this part more.
  17. Under normal circumstances, where do you go to catch Bills games?
  18. First, Obama has been mostly very quiet, and he has never been very direct in his criticisms of Trump (until last night), but rather tried to appeal to those around him to come to their senses and stop ignoring what is going on. Reminding people (those that supported him) what American values are. To remember those things when they go to vote...or maybe more importantly, decide if they will vote at all. Obama has never resorted to Trump level garbage. People are asked to speak at these events to wield whatever influence they may have over some segment of the voters. That is common of both party conventions. Obama and Trump couldn't be more diametrically opposed. Why would you expect Obama to dance around that at an event that is supposed to be drumming up support for the opposing candidate? His speeches help the country, if Trump is not re-elected. It is pretty simple, really.
  19. Okay...I figured my response would clue you in that I was half-joking about him going to jail. He won't go to jail...but he is very likely to spend the rest of his miserable life in litigation.
  20. Unfortunately, I don't think that is happening.
  21. Your right, of course...Melanoma is likely to hit him over the head with a frying pan one of these nights!
  22. There may have been some expectation that a president "rides off into the sunset" at one time...but that was at a time when current presidents showed a modicum of respect for former presidents. Trumpism has made all that kind of "presidential decorum" stuff obsolete...the black man is supposed be subservient and kiss the orange man's ass, while the orange man has done nothing but denigrate him, and his legacy, and his supporters? Hell, orange man is so thin skinned, he steals credit for black man's achievement's whenever he sees fits..."nobody said it could be done..."
  23. Obama has shown pretty admirable restraint over the last 4 years. Let's revisit this topic when Donnie is known as "former-president Trump". The time between him being ousted and going to jail should be mildly entertaining.
  24. I thought Harris was great. She has been sort of getting pigeonholed into the "attack dog" role...she didn't really go there tonight. She didn't need to.
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