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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. I am as excited as ever about the season, though a bit less engaged. The lack of pre-season games really hurts. I may be one of the few people who actually enjoys them. As someone who moved away from WNY back in 1988, not being able to attend games isn't that big a deal to me peronally, though I understand the pains it causes for some. I had season tickets from 1980- 1987, and going to those games are still some of the best times I have had. Now, I get to make it to one game a year, most seasons. Maybe another road game, if the Bills travel down my way. As for the politics, I pretty much support the players and the leagues messaging, so that isn't really affecting my anticipation. I also like the NBA, and have really been enjoying the "bubble playoffs", even though it is a little bit of an adjusment. The quality of the play has been really good. It is weird at first, but once you just start following the flow of the game, you forget that there isn't a real audience on hand. Where I notice my lack of engagement most, however, is with Fanatasy Football. I used to love it...this year, I am still playing out of obligation..but I haven't followed off-season moves by teams around the league near as much as I normally would. I have my big money leauge draft next Tuesday night, and I have no desire to prepare for it at all...I used to sit and watch pre-season games from all over the league, while i prepared for the draft, and made notes...not this year.
  2. Oh, sorry..you speak for all "working class" Americans...I stand corrected.
  3. Whatever helps you sleep at night westside2. You support a racist, who is encouraging racists to throw gas on a situation.
  4. While I agree, some unification would be nice, patriotism is not encouraging right-wing fundamentalists to take to the streets, to support your election bid. Trump has made it very clear that he can't distinguish between rioters and demonstrators, or he just doesn't care to try. He wants the chaos. It distracts from what a miserable job he is doing.
  5. The fact is, Americans are not very healthy. Most have some underlying conditions...which is what made COVID19 deadlier than "just a cold".
  6. Yeah, that is always weird when you get to the point when you are the same age, or older than the players. I remember being at a Sabres game once, early 80's. Tom Barrasso was havng one of his moody periods, rumors that he wanted out of Buffalo...he wasn't playing great. Sitting up in the oranges at the Aud...some in the crowd (not me) start chanting "Asso...Asso...Asso". It was mildly amusing for a second, til I look at the program and see that Tom is only about 1 week younger than me. Not sure why, but it changed my perception of sports some.
  7. Honestly, that is exactly how my obsession with the highlight reels started. When I was in 3rd grade (maybe 4th), Jim Braxton came to our school, and after a little pep talk to the students, they showed the highlight reel from the previous season. It was after OJ had broke the record, it was either before the 1974 or 1975 season. They brought them around other years too, though that was the only time a Bills player came along with the presentation. I still get nostolgic for stuff like that. We were lucky in that regards...we also had assemblies with Bob Kaufman, Ernie D, and Ted Darling in grammer school...Jerry Butler in Jr. High. I was the dorky kid who always got excited by stuff like that. Nice score on the media guide. I have some old ones, but I think the oldest is from 1968. What I always loved about that early 60's stuff (media guides, trading cards) is you would see the players personal details and it would say things like : Lives In: Cheektowaga, or Tonawanda. Instead of Buffalo. It kinda personalized things more.
  8. He's already being hailed as a patriot and hero by the most extreme right wingers. Perhaps he will be a speaker at the 2024 RNC.
  9. And statistically, if he is white and resists, his chance of being shot drop even further.
  10. Eh...I am too much of a luddite when it comes to stuff like that. I love sharing though! I have so much cool stuff, spanning the entire history of the team. If anyone is interested, PM me. I am good at putting most things on DVD. No charge...other than postage.
  11. I have everyone of these on DVD, going back to 1960...I was really sad to think they weren't doing one this fugged up year!
  12. Thans for the info! I have been recording these forever, I was wondering if there would be one this year. Just set my DVR!
  13. I know, or work with 4 different people who have had COVID related deaths in their family. All were under 65. We all know that underlying conditions likely contributed to those deaths, but the majority of Americans have those underlying conditions.
  14. You missed my point completely, on the kneeling athletes...there seems to be no way to argue this one with any nuance. Or maybe just my poor wrting skills, are not making my point clear. I will say though, If you are correct, what does it say about all of the people who stedafastly take the sides of the cops in this instance? We live in a society where "normal. mature, well adjusted adults" are in short supply. I undedrstand what you are saying in regards "qualfied immunity". It seems that perhaps it doesn't need to eliminatied, but a stricter adherence to it's original intent needs to be adhered too.
  15. I believe you, but I am fairly certain the creators of the Trump War Room are Republican...if not worse!
  16. See that's the problem. You want to immediately make it an issue of politicians, glossing over the police responsibilty in these situations. Lori Lightfoot has been the mayor of Chicago for a year...did she go in and tell Chicago police to treat minorites worse than they would treat other suspects? Did she start this? Of course not. It has been going on for decades. I hate saying it sometimes, but my late father, a police officer, recognized that there was a fundamental problem with police training goinig all the way back to the early 80's. Honestly, I don't know exactly where Lightfoot stands each point of this complex situation, but I assume she, like others, is for ending police immunity. If you really want to change the situation, that is a good place to start. That is not saying that all police are bad, but it gives us the chance of getting those who are bad, off the force. Nothing. If somebody says Blue Lives Matter, and somebody responds All Lives Matter, what happens?
  17. It took the Floyd video to convince "99%" that what happened was wrong. If that was an isolated incident, you might have a point. But it isn't an isolated incident. Athletes have been taking a knee for 4 years now, to bring attention to police brutality in their communities. There were countless incidents before this one, and there have been many since. Is it possible that "99%" agree what happened was wrong, was the result of the ongoing attention the kneeling protest brought to the topic? Their intent wasn't to "smear the whole country", it never was. If you feel smeared by it, that is you. It was never to disrespect the military. Many of the guys kneeling have family that serve. Their intent was to bring attention, and put some pressure on the powers that be, to recognize this issue. I'd say they have been very successful with that. But they want equal treatment, not your sympathy. You aren't the center of the universe...
  18. This may be one of the most ignorant takes I have seen on this topic.
  19. Republicans aren't particularly good at humor, are they?
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