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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. If we had a dollar for every time he said he would release his taxes soon... As for the debate, Trump was every bit the embarassment that he has always been. Mr Alpha-male, shouting down everyone, spewing his tired lines, over and over. Bidnen was steady. This isn't Trump vs Biden, but "Vote" VS "Don't Vote". Trump fanatics have proven over and over again, that he could shoot somebody on 5th Ave, and they will still love him. Nothing is going to change dramatically after this debate.
  2. This x1000! I love Bills fans, and I know the last 20 years have been really rough, but I am just struck at how miserable we have become... so leery of success. In my near 50 years of living and dying with this team, the bad times have far outweighed the good...just enjoy it when it things are going well.
  3. After watching the MNF game, I was struck by how Sammy Watkins has become the Cole Beasley of the Chiefs.
  4. You know, I agree the Super Bowl half-time performance was pretty bad. However, I saw them live, after that. I was very reluctant about going, but a friend purchased a ticket for me. They were actually pretty terrific. I was very pleasantly surprised. They weren't the same Who I saw back at the Aud in 1979, or at Rich in 1982...but they still rocked. Ringo's kid was a much better replacement for Keith Moon than Kenny Jones ever was. I am so glad I went to that show, despite my trepidation. Daltrey sounded as good as you could have expected in modern times....of course, he had to cancel a few shows scheduled after ours, because his voice was shot.
  5. I remember being at a museum once, and there was this super detailed, super ornate recreation of a little town with a tran...it was built with something like 100 million wooden match sticks. The guy who created it (it took him over a decade) was there. He seemed like a hell of nice guy...but all I could thing was "man, why would somebody devote so much time and energy to something so pointless?" Not to say I haven't wasted a ton of time on pointless things....
  6. You are right, of course. Recusing destroyed the political career of a perfectly bigoted, sycophant GOP poster boy, like Jeff Sessions...
  7. So Trump says we need a 9th SC justice in place, to settle what he is assuring us will be contested election results. Likely he gets it. Shouldn't that justice have to recuse themselves from any case involving election results?
  8. Oh man, we love writing off draft picks as "busts", don't we?
  9. So, this may be the reason that Lynn is so adamant that Tyrod is the starter, if healthy... the team doctor may be culpable for Tryods' injury. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/29952469/chargers-qb-tyrod-taylor-lung-punctured-team-doc-sources-say
  10. I know this isn't the point of the thread, but the ESPN ranking lists each team "under the radar" fantasy star. For the Chiefs they list Travis Kelce! What radar is Travis Kelce under?
  11. btw- Tyler Boyd has turned into a really solid NFL receiver. Also, as far as the Bengals go, nice to see Giovanni Bernard get some action...he seems to have been lost on the Bengals roster for the last 5 years or so. I remember him being so spectacular early in his career, and then he just never seemed to get used very much. I always feared the Patriots would sign him. Hard to believe he has been with the Bengals for 8 years.
  12. Browns look pretty damn good, granted it is only against the Bengals. But hard to ignore how powerful Chubb and Hunt are together. I think Aikman was on to something when he said Chubb looks like Marshawn Lynch. I like Stefanski's offense. They may not be pushovers a lot longer. I have to say though, as much as I pull for the Browns (and Bengals for that matter) in general, is there a more unlikeable trio of players than Mayfield, OBJ and Landry? All talented players, no doubt, but just hard to like them. Burrows had some gaffes, but looks like he is going to be pretty good. Showed real poise a few times tonight, and so accurate. Pro football in Ohio may be pretty interesting for the next ten years or so.
  13. 1 bull#### parking ticket (blocking a "driveway" which was overgrown with grass as part of a lawn, in front of a fence!) and have been pulled over 3 times, and issued warnings: tail-light out, expired registration and once for "being in the wrong neighborhood at the wrong time of night" after getting of the interstate at the wrong exit. Never a ticket for a moving violation. Lots of people say I am a perfect driver!
  14. Davis has some work to do in blocking, but nice that he contributed some catches.
  15. Forgive me if this is already being discussed elsewhere... So, the Bills ran a four WR receiver set on 23 plays this past Sunday. They only did that 6 times, the entirety of the 2019 season. I am not predicting wins or losses...but I think we are starting what is going to be a hell of an entertaining season!
  16. You are overlooking the fact that while in Buffalo, Woods played with mostly terrible QB's. If he fell to the ground a lot, it was likely due to the amount of effort he had to put in to catching mostly uncatchable passes. Woods was one of the best Bills of the drought era Bills.
  17. Honestly, while I think there are a ton of reasons to complain about GR, I really don't think they can be accused of having a lack of critical thinkers. Normally, it is critical thinking that makes people hate them so much (Schoop and Jeremy especially). Personally, i get the criticisms they get, and while I may even agree with some of it...I still don't hate them to the degree that some do.
  18. Honestly, when it comes to the "mob mentality" on this particular subject, the mob seems to be very much against those who kneel. I have yet to hear a single person say that they won't watch the NFL, or support the NFL in any way, if the players do not kneel. I think you have this completely backwards. Me personally, I could care less if somebody kneels, or stands for the anthem. I didn't care before 2017, and I still don't. I tune in to see footballl, not token gestures of patriotism.
  19. Who gives a *****? I just want to see the games.
  20. Well... Lumpy has permission from Laura Branigan's drummer to use the late singers hit "Gloria"... https://www.nydailynews.com/snyde/ny-trump-campaign-laura-branigan-20200911-7z6vesfymbe53fawkt4pteyekq-story.html
  21. I was going to say the same...not only a knock-off Bills logo, but that doesn't ecen look like Josh Allen.
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