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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. With no fans in the stands, the NFL can extend the season as much as they need to, within reason. They could play the Super Bowl in March. I hope that doesn't happen, but remember, baseball seemed destined to collapse just a few days into it. It is disappiointing, but we all knew there was a pretty good chance things would not go without some bumps. There is also this...the possiblity of a shortened 12 game season: https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/10/04/talk-already-has-emerged-of-a-12-game-season/
  2. Of course he will pull through...being exposed as a bigger pile of ***** than ever..and you sychophants will lap it up.
  3. I have about 125 different EJ cards. I liked the guy okay...luckily his rookie year, the bottom was out of the card market, so they were never very expensive. Speaking of QB's we'd all just assume forget...this guy may have been pretty mediocre, but he had one of the nicest looking autographs...
  4. I have been collecting pretty steadily for almost 50 years... my interest wanes sometimes, but not much. I have an obscene quantity of Buffalo related stuff (Bills, as well as Sabres and Braves! Old Celtics too.)… now I just pretty much buy exactly what I want on EBAY. Doing breaks can be fun if you hit something big...but way too expensive to justify, if you don't. I will occasionally buy a blaster box at Target, but like you, have noticed the shelves are completely empty. I think there was a resurgence in collecting, just since the pandemic started. People were stuck home, with lots of time on their hands. I know, I was furloughed for 5 months, I spent a lot of that time going through old boxes of stuff...selling some valuable old stuff, so I could buy overpriced new stuff! Been collecting Bills Mosaic cards the last few weeks...the products today are really nice, but almost too much. My tactic with newer stuff is to wait a while to buy it. It is always way overpriced when it's new...but when the next season rolls around, the value drops. In 2018, rookie Josh Allen cards were selling for somewhere between $50-80 on average. I didn't buy a single one. Now, I have about 40 different ones, all purchased between the 2018 and 2019 seasons, for a fraction of those prices. Typically, I sell off my extra stuff...I sell records/CD's as well. I just bank that money in my Paypal account, and use it to buy stuff. It works out pretty well.
  5. Yep. Rescheduling games is much easier, where there are no fans involved.
  6. Right. We already knew, going into this season, that it just wasn't going to be "fair" for some teams. Hopefully there isn't a lot more of this (remember how baseball's season started out, and then calmed down), but if nothing else, it will serve as a reminder that this pandemic thing isn't really over yet, even if people want to act as if it is.
  7. It's coming from INSIDE YOUR HOUSE!! https://www.thedailybeast.com/melania-trump-spouts-off-in-secret-recording-who-gives-a-fk-about-christmas-stuff?fbclid=IwAR095qjQ6UnUjIbOTpDF4LOMMIEY8yZicnoDzi821qacjz45uN4GNHCchTw
  8. I know all that...but Trump is obsessed with polls. His have been mostly bad for four years...he has been trying every trick in the book with no results. His supporters love him more, but the number who don't support him is greater...
  9. He has been getting tested daily with an instant test that he has been touting...but many doctors have doubted its accuracy. Apparenty Hicks was symptomatic, and tested negatve the day before, with symptoms.
  10. Oh, i know he has been careless. But the fact that he broke the story, with a mostly coherent tweet, just doesn't seem to add up. But, like I said... his biggest contribution to the world is that any conspiracy theory is plausible. His poll numbers are tanking, and the first debate did not help him...
  11. Credit Trump for making me very suspicious of this story. This gets him out of a debate perhaps, and gives he and his cracker-jack team a little time to figure out new wrinkles in their plan to steal the election.
  12. He would probably be safe just limiting to when he is asked.
  13. I have been embarrassed for you plenty of times.
  14. I rate this statement as mostly true....except the part about Biden "making statements that destabilize his". We all know, Biden was not the first choice of many on the left...but second to last overall. Nobody went in to that debate wooed over by Trumps' idiocy. He didn't let Biden speak enough to make any de-stabilizing statements...I know, all the conservative trump-suckers think him dis-avowing the "Green New Deal" was a big deal...it wasn't. He has been disassociating himself from the GND from the outset. People who aren't totally lost (ie: those not bowing before Trump) know that Trump is about the worst thing to happen to America since 9/11. They aren't as myopic a group as you might think.
  15. There was the national narrative, which I recall some here echoing, that the Bills "gave up way too much" for him, especially after Arizona got Hopkins for close to nothing. Personally, I never thought they gave up too much for a guy who clearly filled a need the team has had since the Eric Moulds/Peerless Price days.
  16. When I was a kid, my best friend and I would always make up juvenile lyrics for the pop songs of the day...it was "I am woman, hear me roar, with boobies too big to ignore". We had lots of other silly things like that, but this one in particular, was pretty epic in its' simplicity, and how antithetical it was to the meaning of the song. I remember my friends mother getting really exasperated, saying "That is extremely, extremely inappropriate young man!".
  17. And where, once again, I think you are full of crap.
  18. So, you are not a Bien racist, just a regular Trump racist?
  19. You are right...I suspect "Proud Boys, stand down and stand by" will be his great tv moment.
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