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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Okay, fair enough. Sorry, didn't mean to sound like an atttack, just extending a fun conversation. But you probably don't really need to go all the way back to 1991 then, to find an early season ass handling like this, when we still thought we had a good team. My point was, as hopeful as I am about the 2020 Bills, their greatness isn't really established yet. The 1991 Bils were coming off their 3rd consecutive playoff run, with a wild card loss, a conference championship loss, and a Super Bowl loss on their resume. Their playoff record in that era, at that time, was 4-3. There was no debating that they were a top tier team at that point. 2020 Bills still have a little ways to go to prove that.
  2. First, let me state, I am not paniced by the Titans game. I know the Bills are better than they showed last night. However, at the same time, it is kind of silly to be comparing them to the 1991 Bills. Everybody wants to draw these comparisons to the "glory days' of the 1990's. I get it, those were great times. But, if you really feel the need to compare the two eras (which I don't see), this current squad would be closer in their development, to the 1988 or 1989 Bills teams. If you recall, the 1988 Bills started out 4-0, and got slaughtered by the Bears on the road, in week 5. They went on to win 8 of their last 11 games that year, for a record of 12-4. They lost to the Bengals in the AFC Championship game. I could live with a result like that...
  3. They have a ***** two hour Sabres show on, 5 days a week, year round! Howard and Jeremy, Schoop and Bulldog, both talked plenty of Taylor Hall in recent days. People just love to B word.
  4. Beat the Cheifs, or even just hang with them, and we all forget this. The Bills were so bad, in nearly every facet of the game last night, I think this game was a compelte abberation. There was just something off about them, as a collective. Do we (they) have reasons to be concerned? Sure. But we all know, even the best of teams are capable of putting up stinkers like this once or twice a season. Our defense may never get to the level we grew accustomed to for the last few years, but I have to believe they will play better down the stretch.
  5. Coincidentally, the actor (Mark Proksch) playing the card collector also plays Colin Robinson, the "energy sucking vampire" on "What We Do in the Shadows". It is one of the funniest things on tv right now...and he is fantastic!
  6. Congrats, the answer you wanted was there all along. So if "immoral character" is a deal breaker for you, is it safe to assume you won't be voting in the Novmember election? Voting for your cat?
  7. I hope the Bills defense starts playing like the Bears defense tonight...that was the first real good defensive game I have seen so far this season.
  8. Oh, you are right...for some reason I was thinking they were off this Sunday.
  9. It is. I subscribe every year. Every time I go the page, the first thing that pops up is the "7 Day Free Trial" offer. https://gamepass.nfl.com/packages?redirected=true&icampaign=nfl-nav-gamepass
  10. All that is true...but there is also the chance that KC comes out rusty, and Air Allen can take advantage early on///
  11. I think the Titans should definitely face a stiff penalty (take away their 1st round pick next year?)… but I really don't like the notion of forfeiting games. There could be more situations like this as the season goes on. While awarding a win to one team (in this case the Bills) may be great for that team (who didn't really do anything to deserve it), but isn't really fair to the other teams in the league...especially teams in the same conference, vying for playoff spots and positioning. They should just cancel the game, and then have the playoff teams slotted by win percentage. If enough games are cancelled along the way, add a week 18 and play any missed games that have playoff relevance...no need to have two sub-.500 teams play each other. It isn't a perfect plan, but forfeit just doesn't seem right to me.
  12. Well...the obvious answer to that would be, they can set out and repeal Trumps hand-out to the wealthy/tax bill, and create a new tax bill that does not raise taxes on anyone who makes less than $400,000 a year.
  13. Pence may have won in presentation (personally, i think he came off like the schmuck that he is)...but anyone paying attention, knows that most of the substance was utter bull####...his "we trust the American people" line was the takeaway for me. He was a weak and flaccid as he could have been...but he is good at presenting himself as pious. However nice a tidy a package he presented himself as, he is up there defending the worst president ever. That is not a win.
  14. Real world vs. the La-la MAGA land... nothing changes with the debate. Odo will return to the collective now...
  15. I was pretty happy with our receivers a year ago. Brown and Beasley were that rare combo of FA's with high expectations, who pretty much paid off right from the beginning. Of course, I had grown so accustomed to having sub-par receivers I didn't necessarily think we "needed" Diggs! Watching bad football for decades can warp your perception!
  16. To think, two years ago, we would be debating whether to bring him in for a "looksy'!
  17. C'mon Gugny… you have been in this business long enough to know what a "teaser" is!
  18. For the first time ever, while watching this past Sunday, Josh's quick release on some shorter, intermediate passes, he actually reminded me a little of Dan Marino. That ball gets from his hands to Cole Beasley's very fast. He has been really throwing into some tight spaces. He looks a million times more comfortable in the pocket most of the time. I can live with a Dan Marino, with Favre-like elusiveness.
  19. It is much quicker still, to say you have no real intention of voting for anyone other than Trump, and you just want to argue with someone.
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