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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. I gotta confess...living in Cowboys country, I hated him...until he signed with us! Now I think he is super underrated!
  2. I guess you are right. But something to remember (I m not defending him...I can't stand the guy), some of the "dirty" things he has been associated with, were not necessarily considered "dirty" at one time. We never heard (that I remember anyways) any stories about him being dirty, until he got to New Orleans. What was acceptable, or at least tolerated with a nod and a wink at one time, is now completely unacceptable...if exposed. Bill Parcells, Buddy Ryan...a lot of the legendary coaches from bygone eras built their reputations using similar tactics as Williams. I remember Parcells admitting as much, at one time...and then backed off of it, because the backlash he got. I still think NFL players are tough as nails...but the game is just a little "softer" now, for lack of a better word. Gregg Williams is just the wrong man, in the wrong time. If the bulk of his career had been in the 1980's and 1990's he would be thought of in better terms, or just forgotten about.
  3. What exactly was the "stunt" he pulled last week? Pointing fingers at the offense? As I remember he was a fairly abbrasive and grating personality. If a guy is going to have such a strong personality, he has to win, or he isn't going to last long as an NFL headcoach. Personally, I think he is a decent coordinator, but I think the reason he has never received another head coaching job is his ego has always seem to gotten him in hot water with the head coach of any stop he has made, since Buffalo. You don't work well with others, nobody really wants to let you run the show. It is a results and word of mouth business. The only successful program he has been affillliated since leaving Buffalo, was the Saints, and he embarassed that franchise. The only jobs he has been able to get are with bad franchises, with coaches that are perpetually on "the hot seat".
  4. No doubt the White House kitchen staff will be up for a challenge, after four years of "hamberders", extra well-done steaks with ketchup and buckets of KFC.
  5. Yes, as far as I know. Somebody was speculating we would let him go next year. I don't see that happening.
  6. The cult is getting desperate. Early voting is up 248% from the 13 day out mark of 2016.
  7. This is not a slam on McDermott (I like our coach, and in no way want him fired), but I was just watching "Inside the NFL". The panel was going around making their "what we learned" observations from this past week of football...they get to Ray Lewis. He says (para-pharasing): "The Buffalo Bills! Everyone saying they are one of the great teams in the AFC. I watcehd their last two games...they have peices, but winning takes a culture. They don't have that culture." I don't really value Ray's opinion too much (though I'd let him suit up at LB in a Bills uniform right now), but I just thought it was striking that he struck right at the core of the thing that McDermotts' reputaiton is supposed to be built on, as the team's overriding problem.
  8. Well, they "almost" beat the Chiefs last night!
  9. That may (or may not) be true, but he still has a perspective on the position that few others would have. Just watch with the sound off. It will save you the grief.
  10. I think sometimes people lose perspective that a QB with a 56% completion percentage in the late- 60's to mid-90's was pretty common. Guys like Aikman and Montana stood out, because they were always so much more accurate. Now, anything less than 62-65% is considered mediocre. Just another way the game has changed.
  11. And I have yet to see the Bills chock.
  12. Not that it matters much, but what stories? Not doubting you, I just don't recall every hearing anything negative about him off the field. Personally, for a 1st round, "franchise" QB, I never felt the Bills ever offered him any real fair chance to succeed. I concede, he may not have anyways, but he only started 17 games in 4 years with the Bills. He wasn't Jarmarcus Russell bad...but even Russell got 25 starts in two years with the Raiders. I think, with a different coach, he may have had a chance to be an adequate type place-holder QB, not unlie Orton and Taylor. He actually had some good moments in his rookie season...Marrone and company may not have been the best guys to be developing a raw QB prosepect.
  13. I know what you are saying...but I would hope (if I was a Jets fan) that Gace doesn't last long enought to ruin Trevor Lawrence too. Personally, I am thinking Darnold can't wait to get away from the Jets. I think he still has a chance to be a decent NFL QB. The Jets and Dolphins are both going to have a ton of premium level picks the next few years. We gotta hope that their respective GM's botch their picks as much as they have in the past.
  14. Chances are, Milano is gone. He is really good...but he is injured far too often to get a big contract from the Bills.
  15. I loved the first season, and the third...but the second season (the one with Ted Danson, Jesse Plemons and Kristen Dunst) is right up there with the greatest seasons of any show anywhere. To me, the first season is a bit more of an elongated version of the movie. The other seasons are a bit more original, but still with that Fargo feel. Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Nikki Swango, the "bad guy" from season three (with Ewan McGreagor), was the best part of season three...so freaking hot! Season four so far (4 episodes in) is a bit of a slower burn than the others, but by the end of the 3rd episode I was totally sold on it.
  16. I don't pay near as much attention to any of that stuff, win or lose, as I used to, but I never miss a game. It all gets so repetitive.
  17. I had seasons from 1980 through the 1987 season... I got out just in time to avoid the best years! Though, seriously, 1980 and 1981 were pretty fantastic too!
  18. I think that magical era kind of started on Halloween of 1987, when they made the big trade for Cornelius Bennett. That was kind of the missing piece. They were a markedly better defense, pretty much from Bennett's first game on. That move helped Bruce Smith start to reach his enormous potential too. 1988 was amazing! A lot of low-scoring, defensive wins, with just enough scoring. 1989 was a bit of a hiccup, even though they made the playoffs. I guess one similarity to this years squad is that the defense was upper tier prior to the Super Bowl years, but kind of slid back in the pack, when the offense started scoring more points. That playoff game (the loss to the Browns in the wildcard) was the birth of the "K-Gun". Good times!
  19. I believe that the audio is sped up on that link, to make it "fit". Sal does talk fairly quicky, but not that fast.
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