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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. It is no less a "mandate" than what Trump had. Biden won't make the mistake and pretend that only people who voted for him, or states that he won are relevant. That said, it is going to be another 4 years of grid-lock, with McConnell retaining power in the senate.
  2. For those interested, the Bills week 7 win over the Patriots will be replayed on NFL Network: Thursday 11/5 @ 1AM Saturday 11/7 @6:30PM
  3. I would imagine shitting all over John McCain, even long after he was dead, didn't go over real well with a lot of people in Arizona. Some people still have a sense of decency. Not only was it disrespectful, it served as a perfect illustration of what a small man Trump is..
  4. It was the best presidnetial speech we have heard in 4 years.
  5. President Biden should go Coney Barrett and say he is an "originalist" too...if he feels uncomfortable with packing the cours, un-pack them...go back to the original six. Sorry, Neil, Brett and Amy, we no longer have need for your services...
  6. I got Biden in a squeeker...273-265.
  7. You seem to be working hard to convince yourself Lumpy is going to win...just sit back and relax... it isn't going to make a difference if you convince everyone here that he is going to win Florida. Take a breath...
  8. I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did. I think the daughter character stole the show.
  9. Kinda the same for me...though I still want to see a little more from Moss. I was fearing he was a "bust", so one good game doesn't get him off the hot seat for me...but it is a start. I want to see him get the hard yards on a consistent basis.
  10. If you watch any of the NFL Films hilights from this season (Like "Inside the NFL" or "Turning Point") it sounds weird, how silent everything is, on the field. Different sport, I know, but Boston Bruins goaltender Tuuka Rask opted out of the bubble, in the middle " Of course, it didn't go over well with fans (and likely the team) but he said it was just extra hard to get the juices flowing for games without crowds. Also, saw a little interview with Erin Andrews after doing a Bucs game earlier in this season. She said (paraphrasing) "I knew the guys swore a lot, but until you are down there on the field, in a game without fans, you just have no idea how much swearing they really do. If people only knew how many F bombs Tom Brady drops, they would be shocked..."
  11. I think if they ever went with no broadcasters that people (lord knows how much we love to B word about evertything) would complain about how boring it was. I remember this game, and remember thinking it was terrible at the time. As bad as some announcers may (or may not be), you always have the option of turning the volume down. If you watch this way, you really do miss a lot of the game.
  12. Cases like these are not always necessarily performance involved. The Cowboys are basically blowing it all up, it seems. They have a bunch of older, pricey vets...purge them, and let the younger guys get some play time. I recall him being a very good player at one time, not so long ago. He would fill a big need, and if he sucks, he wouldn't cost us much. Sometimes, an older vet with something to prove, can be a valuable asset. The Bills want to make a move this year, toward building a winner...we have a lot of talent, but are missing some pieces. I just don't see the harm in giving a guy like him a shot...unless they determine his skills have dropped so much.
  13. I am not so good with cap suff.… if we traded for him, how much of his 2020 salary are we responsible for? Last I heard, we only had about 3.5mill in cap space. A guy like him would most likely eat that up pretty quick.
  14. If Washington thinks he can still play (he was great in KC), and they can get him for the rest of the season as a FA, I would definitely be interested. The "window" doesn't stay open forever.
  15. Um...Poe didn't play for the Panthers when McDermott was there.
  16. Something I was born into. My cognizant sports memories are of Dennis Shaw as QB for the Bills. We shared a first name. Simple as that. I suppose, had it not been for Shaw, I would have been caught up in OJ-mania like every other kid I knew, a year or two later.
  17. Well, if the OP was adhering to this, he wouldn't be saying "the most annoying woman". The PPP incel is having a rough time the last month or so....
  18. No. My comment was basically and agreement with Backintheday544 observation that Trump has actively set out to make it easier for presidential corruption. The damage he is doing to the office is immeasurable. We have learned from Trump that so much of what we beleived a president could or couldn't do was based on having an essentially moral person holding the office. When you have someone with no moral compass, and a wing-man like Bill Barr, it brings to light just how little check there is on unscrupulous president. I suspect the next president, after Trump (whether in 2021 or 2025) will be charged with attempting to put the toothpaste back in the tube, and come up with some sort of law reform, redefining the powers of the presidency.
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