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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. That one handed 4 yard pass he caught for a first down yesterday was almost as impressive as the TD catches by Diggs and Hopkins.
  2. The loss stings, but I would rather lose a game on the final play due to a great play made by a great player, than a colossal f-up by one of our own. We have been on the side of that a few too many times.
  3. I live in Cowboys territory...I hated the little ***** for years...change in uniform, change in (my) attitude! He really is fantastic...I honestly think he is playing even better for us that he did with the Pokes. That may just be a function of him being more vital to our offense than he was in Dallas...but he is vital. Just git rid of that damn man-bun though!
  4. As heart wrenching as that loss was, I too feel pretty good about where this team is. There were a lot of positives to take away from the effort today. Bye comes at a good time. Plenty of football left.
  5. westside2, I have no idea what you look like in real life...but that avatar is perfect for you!
  6. Yeah...I don't like my steak well-done...but I actually don't mind having ketchup with it. Of course, I can live without it. I guess it comes from growing up in a huge family, when we had a meat-based dinner 5 nights a week. With 10 of us, he old-man wasn't buying is rib-eyes...it was bottom or top round steaks...London broil, "family steak". Lower grade cuts. The worchestire sauce was for the adults...ketchup for the kids. But I still kinda like it, at 55! And at this point, I am lucky if I have a steak once every few months.
  7. I am very pleasantly surprised by how many people have mentioned Robb Riddick.
  8. I love ketchup. As much as I don't particularly like our president, it wasn't until the "news" came out that he likes ketchup on his well-done steaks that I was ever aware that it was such a controversial condiment. Is this song about ketchup, or hand-jobs?
  9. That is a tough question off the top of my head...but the first one that comes to mind is Rob Riddick. More recently, Fred Jackson.
  10. Technically, guys like James Lofton were not "free agents"...but the definition of what a free agent was in 1988 versus 2020 is pretty different. Lofton, Takser, etc etc were free agents, because they were (foolishly) cut by their teams. So they were more like waiver wire acquisitions not actual "free": agents. As I recall, Lofton was cut by the Raiders right before the 1989 season started... part of their final pre-season cuts. The Bills picked him up off waivers.
  11. Did you see the post from Dragoon that prompted my response?
  12. Well...he produced, like he was supposed to. If you are judging individual impact by team success...then sadly, nobody mentioned in this thread had that kind of impact. He was never the reason those teams didn't win.
  13. Honestly, Bennett and Diggs are excellent choices...but give some consideration to Mario Williams. He really was a very good player for us, before his final season. True, ultimately, the team didn't win enough in the end, but Williams, headcase that he was, was a very productive player for us 3 of his 4 seasons...45 sacks in 4 years is nothing to skoff at.
  14. westside2, it was fun watching your melt-down at first...but now I am starting to worry about you. Come back to earth! Trump lawyers are trying to have their complaints sealed, because they are so embarrassing. Complaints in Michigan that at public address system in the count room was "too loud" for people to concentrate! Somebody (they are not even sure if it was a poll worker or not) told a voter to "go back to the suburbs Karen". Nobody wants to upset the worlds oldest baby, but nobody wants to be associated with these complaints. What an embarrassment the GOP is.
  15. Hasn't it always been pretty much that way? Players and coaches do the interviews because they are pretty much contractually obligated to do them. The mission, for most of them, is to get through it without revealing too much about how they think, how they operate, what they think of an opponent... the only time the interviews are truly interesting is when they don't do that. It almost never happens...and when it does, it is usually negative...which is why they avoid it. Be bland, be generic with the media...that is part of the process. It really has always been this way. We are just exposed to so much more of it now. Personally, I don't think much has really changed, other than the volume of coverage.
  16. Yep...I watched/listened to some Bills clip on youtube. I was making dinner, and it just kept going to the next clip. I wasn't really paying attention, and suddenly I hear the unmistakable voice of Maddy Glaub, talking with Kim. Turns out there is something called the "pod squad", hosted by Maddy and Kim. I think it is geared to females...it is part of the Bills web-site... but you can also listen to it in podcast form. Not a knock on Kim or Maddy (I like them both, and I think the concept is kind of cool)...but it is mind-blowing how much stuff there is out there...you could literally listen to new Bills content 15 hours a day, every day....we've come a long way baby! Or maybe we've gone too far?
  17. I think we were the better team in Super Bowl 25. And like Chandler alluded to, the Redskins were the luckiest team the following year. Had we made it back to Super Bowl 26, not sure we could have beat them. As much as it pains me to say it, the Cowboys were the better team in 1992 and 1993. Their offensive line those years may have been the most dominant unit in all of football. I don't think anyone would have beaten them.
  18. I don't know if it is Zoom fatigue (though I love that concept), as much as it is just too much everything. We are bombarded with this stuff constantly, and there is Bills/football content of every sort, to meet whatever level of interest you have in the Bills, or football in general...both of the real and the fantasy variety. We are over-saturated. Personally, I pay less attention than I ever used to...but I love the games as much as ever. I grew up on Bills football in a time when, literally, the biggest thrill between games each week, was seeing if our beloved Bills did anything that week spectacular enough to make Howard Cosell's weekly 4 minute highlight clip. And, if you were a real Bills degenerate junkie, you would listen to the Fred Smerlas and Jim Haslett radio show on Monday evenings before MNF. And then you had the Chuck Knox, or Kay Stephenson on WKBW Channel 7 to watch on Saturday evenings, before prime-time tv started for the evening. Now, you have a 24/7 network devoted to the NFL...100's of radio shows, a 24/7 local radio station...dozens (100's?) of web-sites...podcasts! Hell, I just found out last night, quite by accident that Kim Pegula has a podcast!! Who knew? There are endless angles to be taken, and everybody is trying to take theirs. Point is, we just live in a world now where everyone cam immerse themselves in whatever thing they love...as great as it can be, personally I prefer to have to work a little harder than that. If you like touchy feely stuff, there is plenty of that out there... if X's & O's are more your thing, there is plenty of that too. Don't even get me started on Fantasy Football! It's all out there. Enjoy as much, or as little as you want. It's a game...a great game...but there is only so much to say about it, before it all "jumps the shark". Football is the most important thing in many of our lives... but ultimately it isn't really that important at all.
  19. My dad would never let me go to a game at the Rockpile, much to my chagrin. He said it was "too rough" for kids. He and my uncles, went to a fair number of games there. My first Bills game was the first game played at Rich Stadium. Always wish I could have seen some of those 60's teams.
  20. 1993 was one of the most tumultuous years of my life. Not only was a I suffering depression from a 3rd consecutive Bills Super Bowl loss to start out the year, but my marriage was dissolving, and there didn't seem to be much I could do to stop it. I was 28, moved into a ***** 1 bedroom apartment, and listened to Neil Young "Harvest Moon", Dwight Yoakam "This Time" and the self-titled "Kelly Willis" album over and over and over again, for about 6 moths straight. It wasn't as bad, once football rolled around again!
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