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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Honestly, unless you are old enough to know the 60's teams (I am not, born in 1965), I am not sure how a 70's Bills fan could name anyone but OJ...but that would make for a boring thread...
  2. Other than the obvious (OJ)I would have to go with Dennis Shaw (my avatar) or Bob Chandler. My Bills memories don't start until the 1972 season.
  3. You know, I watched that game today from begininig to end. I had also watched the Dolphins/Cardinals game a few weeks ago...hadn't seen Tua's other starts. I texted to a freind of mine, a Dolphins fan. that Tua was indeed the "second coming"...the second coming of Tyrod Taylor! He isn't obviously terrible, but he just doesn't do anything that makes me think he anything more than what you see. He is relatively accurate, dosn't make stupid decisions...but he also just doesn't seem like a guy who is taking a team to the "next level". He seems like an NFL level, backup,. lpwer tier starter. I realize, he has only played 4 games, so that could be a knee-jerk, harsh assesment. This was my first time seeing Denver all season...they looked better than I was expecting them to. Lock made some nice plays, and their defense played hard.
  4. The next team Darnold goes to will view him as their potential starter...not a backup for another guy the same age.
  5. Yeah, I know...I was just playing with TBBills comparison.
  6. I love the game. But, as others have said, I really do miss good defense. Nowadays, it seems like 75% of the games come down to the wire. "Shootouts" have lost their lustre, because nearly every game is a "shootout". Unless it is the Bills, I am getting a little numb to the high scoring games. I know the athletes are much superior, but the game is designed to allow to make that the norm. To me, one of the greatest football games I have ever seen was the 1991 AFC Championship game, when the Bills beat the Brocos 10-7.By todays standards, the NFL media would have you convinced that it was a "dog" of a game. But I remember hanging on the edge of my seat, every play of that game. I miss games like that. Jeff Wright and Carlton Bailey are immortals, for me, for that one great play. It was a fantastic game, full of tension. I rarely feel that way anymore, when I watch
  7. I was not saying that wings in Buffalo are better than everywhere else, but it is just odd that they are talking about their love of wings, Diggs gets traded to the place most synonymous with wings, and there isn't an acknowledgement of that...it was just odd. I know, food pallets are different for everyone... I know for me, living in Texas, the wings for the most part, are pretty awful, and really expensive. Your point about beef on weck is irrelevant. But, ok...
  8. I wonder if this is a case of Sean Payton just being "Sean Payton", with his tendencies to always do the unexpected, or if he really thinks Hill gives him a better shot at winning than Winston does. Hill gives Payton a chance/excuse to gamble a bit. Might be very fun to watch.
  9. Seems like a really good guy. One thing I have to ask though...how did they spend a solid 5 minutes talking about his love of chicken wings, and not mention the chicken wings in Buffalo? Granted, Trotter seemed to be directing most of the wing talk, but it was all about wings in Minnesota versus wings in DC.
  10. They are either being deliberately ignorant of this, or they just don't understand what they are looking at.
  11. It may not be a landslide, but it isn't really close.
  12. Chuck Berry, Neil Young. Bo Diddley and Keith Richards
  13. You may be right. But he has been on a really dysfunctional team, with the proverbial "no receivers". I know it is a common excuse, but every now and again I see him play, and I still get the impression that he could be a decent QB. But hell, I thought the same thing about Josh Rosen. I guess I just don't feel like time with the Jets can be counted as the "final" say on his career.
  14. And yet you post here as much as anyone! Hmm...
  15. To quote 55 year old me...it is better to lose a game because a great player makes a great play, than it is when one of your own makes a colassal ***** -up!
  16. Heads up: NFL Network will re-broadcast the Bills/Cardinals game at 8pm eastern, tonight (11/17). Other re-broadcast times: Wednesday (11/18) at 3pm As bad as the outcome was, it was actually a very entertaining football game.
  17. I think all your choices are hilarious...and even though I know he did stand-up, I never think of Conway as a stand-up comedian... For me: Dave Chappelle, Sarah Silverman, Bob Newhart and Steve Martin.
  18. At least now I know who isn't getting invited to any Super Bowl parties.
  19. I am always amused by the extremes that fans go to, with Daboll. Win, and we are worried that another team will ***** him away from us, and ruin everything we have going with Allen...lose, and we can't get him out of town fast enough. We are a passionate fan-base, no doubt...but I really don't think, collectively, we are any smarter than fans in any other city. We are as bi-polar a fan base as it gets!
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