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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Sorry, no time to explain. I have to get these 500 thousand indictments written up by tomorrow!
  2. I mostly agree with this...but I am not sure about the last part. Not saying Pelosi doesn't have to go...but what do you do? That radical part of the party is a pretty substantial part of the party. Without them, it is another 4 years of Trump. To be honest, I think she did a pretty admirable job, under the circumstances. I know she is blamed in large part for the party underperforming, but the party is just as fractured as the Repbublican party, in many ways. It wasn't 2 days after Biden was projected winner, that the divisions only got wider. I would like to see somebody younger, who has the skill to make some of those "radical" positions of the far left a more maistream part of the party. If that doesn't happen, the Dems lose the White House in 2024. The things that are so "radical" shouldn't really be all that conrtoversial. Dems have always done a poor job of messaging...
  3. Today's the big day, people. The ***** Storm is hitting the fan. Or tomorrow.
  4. Is it a case of Klein getting better, or a case of Frazier using him in ways that better utilize what he is good at? Like providing QB pressure?
  5. Honestly, I thought this crew got most of the in-game play stuff right. I can't really complain much about their calls. It was the after-play stuff that was so frustrating. Particularly the unsportsmanlike call on Moss, and the call against Gabe Davis. The call on Josh, as stupid as the rule is, and no matter his intentions, was a text-book "taunting". Not saying I agree with the rule, but it is the rule, and Josh has to know better than that.
  6. The defesne kept Herbert off target the whole game. He had to rush throws, and put too much on a lot of passes, because we had good pressure on him. Hughes and Klein were great most of the game.
  7. This game scares me a bit. If you compared the teams stats, and didn't know which team was which, the Chargers look better on paper.
  8. No, we get it. This was the entire Trump campaign strategy for the last 8 months or so... he knew it was his only chance of winning. If they have the proof, and the "receipts" they shold probably start producing them, instead of just talking about them... I suspect it will end up like everything else Trump...all noise, no substance.
  9. Honestly. I think Allen looks more in shape this year, than he did the last two years.
  10. ESPN certainly has its' problems...but in my opinion, NFLNetwork is pretty unwatchable too...it could be so much better.
  11. When I was a kid, my best friend had a Sports Illustrated poster, featuring this photo. It marked the first time, of many, that I was wrong about something...I insisted it wasn't OJ. Back before you could look everything up, you had to rely on an older, non-partisan adult to settle such disagreements. In this case, it was his father...yeah, real partial!
  12. I was living in NYC in the late 80's and early 90's. I swear, the week of Super Bowl XXV, the Village Voice ran a column, essentially saying that the Bills were the only true New York team. The writer was making the point that sophisticated NY sports media were acting like the Bills, and their fans were rubes. The writer picked the Bills to win the game, and said that the more ***** NYC sports people talked about the Bills, the sweeter the victory would be. The Bills were a "special" team, and only their fans knew it...but the world would know soon enough. The article was accompanied by a black and white photo of Cornelius Bennett, dressed in the Bills all-white road uniforms of that time, coming out of the tunnel in some NFL stadium somewhere..in the bacround you can see fans giving him *****. He is crossing his hands over his chest,in an "X" , with both middle fingers flipping off the fans. I have been searching 30 years for that photo, and never had any luck. It was a fantastic image.
  13. This is one my all-time very favorite Bills photos. Saban, Gogolak, Kemp and Carlton...1965. The year I was born. I never saw any of these guys play, but their names, and images are a big part of my coscience.... I know them more from old football cards, and my father and uncles talking about them my whole childhood. My OJ era teams, in their opinion, couldnt hold a candle to these guys.
  14. I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure Rice won it in 1990.
  15. As cool as it is, I really like Sundays at 1pm eastern best! When they win these games it is awesome...when they lose them, it makes me somehow feel like I got cheated that week!
  16. You have been in your basement too long...get some fresh air.
  17. I acutally feel sorry for the Raiders...a team I don't particularly care for most of the time.
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