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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Okay, this isn't so much a Christmas "video", just a song. As a connoisseur of quirky, and unusual Christmas tunes, I think this is one of the most brilliant parodies ever...Bing Crosby meets Jim Morrison... it is so well done.
  2. Actually, I believe that was Marv Levy who said that... though he might not have been the originator. Sounds too smart for Buddy Ryan!
  3. Right. There is a Bills fan page I "like" on Facebook. Within 10 minutes of the end of the 49ers game, one guy was proclaiming that "This team isn't going anywhere with garbage like Levi Wallace"... people suck. I understand where some of it comes from, I really do. But if being a fan of a team is that taxing on you, you should probably just sit it out. Absolutely miserable fans sometimes....but they are in every team fan base. I think I have a fairly realistic vision of my teams, but when things are going well, I am sure as hell not going to dwell on the negatives...enjoy the good times while they are happening, because, as we all know, the good times can be few and far between.
  4. I think some of us, for a week anyway, had convinced ourselves Tuel could be the next Tom Brady! Fanaticism is a dangerous thing!
  5. Forty years ago today, like many I am sure, I was watching Monday Night Football. Dolphins were playing the Patriots. My Bills, in the same division, were in first place, for the first time in my life...I hated both teams, but was wanting the Patriots to win...if we were going to lose our division lead, I didn't want it to be to the f'ing Dolphins. I had been to the Bills game the day before...the Bills had beat the favored Rams, in overtime...I was giddy.. I went to school that Monday morning, thinking all day about the football game, and what was the best path to wining the division, with only a few weeks left in the season I delivered my newspapers, like everyday, carrying a radio, listening to what is now "Classic Rock". It was was a typical, chilly, wet December day in Buffalo, NY. When I got done with m paper route, I remember going to my bedroom, to "chill" before the game. I had the radio on...I dozed off, the last song i remember hearing was "It Won't Be Long" by the Beatles. Probably the ony other thing I loved more that the Bills at that point in my life, the Beatles.. So, there I sat, watching the game. My father was in the room, reading (as always) but would occasionally look away from his book to make a comment. Late in the game, I remember my sister Karyl came barreling down the stairs from her bedroom yelling "John Lennon's been shot". At first I didn't' even understand what she was saying....but as she repeated it, it sunk in...I was pissed at her for saying something so stupid. My father was uncharacteristically mum on the subject. A few minutes later, Howard Cossell broke the news, for real : “An unspeakable tragedy confirmed to us by ABC News in New York City: John Lennon, outside of his apartment building on the West Side of New York City". My father said something like "probably a drug deal gone bad" or something like that. I wanted to punch him. Such a weird day, weird night. I just went to my bedroom and listened to the radio all night for updates. I had Ted Koppel "Night Line" on a small black and white tv in my room...crummy picture and all. I was just waiting to hear that it wasn't true, or that there had been some big mistake. To me this still stands as one of the most random, shocking things that has ever happened in my lifetime. RIP John.
  6. So, am I the only one who never knew that Louis Riddick was the brother of former Bill (and one of my favorites) Robb Riddick?
  7. I don't know...never thought I would say it, but there i kinda feel like there are almost too many games on now. It kinda takes some of the lustre off the game, to me...but I am not the demographic they are trying to draw in, necessarilly.
  8. I turn on FOX here, and it is Judg Judy...no Steelers/WFT in Austin!
  9. I like them both too...but I still think they need somebody who can get around the outside a with a little more frequency
  10. I have met a lot of famous people in my life. Early on, I used to get really excited, and it if was somebody I really liked, I would ask them for an autograph. I stopped asking years ago...but in my time, only two people ever said no. Lou Reed, and Kareem Abdul Jabarr. In retrospect, of course Lou Reed would say no. That is (was) Lou Reed. I was just so excited to meet him, it didn't dawn on me, in hte heat of the moment, that he wouldn't be cool with autographs. Kareem was a whole other thing. It was in 1988 (or maybe 1989) when I was living in NYC. I was working as a manager at a Tower Records store at Lincoln Center. It was a cold, rainy miserable Sunday morning. Kareem came into the store. It was a massive store, but you could see him a mile away. It had recently been in the news that he had had a massive home fire, and his legedary, huge jazz vinyl collection had been destroyed. I asked him if he needed help...he was planning on buying a fair amount of stuff on CD. I got him a basekt to carry stuff in...I even took some of the stuff from him, and put it behind the cash register so he wouldn't have to carry it. He was there a couple of hours. Some people said hello, he was cool. He wasn't rude, but it was clear to everyone, he just wanted to shop. Cool...I understood. As some of you who have been here a long time, you know, I am a huge Celtics fan. Particularly back then...it was at the end of the intense Celtics/Lakers rivalry of the Bird/Magic era. Kareem was a massive part of that history. I had seem him play at the Aud, against the Braves in the 70's. I had helped him quite a bit, and it he seemed to appreciate it. I didn't talk to him about hoops or anything like that...more talk about Dexter Gordan and Ron Brown than Bird and Magic. So, when he was ready to check out, we opened up a seprate register for him, so he wouldn't have to wait in line. It was common for celebrites that came in the store. It just so happened that I had a copy of a basketball magazine in my office at work..it had been in my desk for about 3 years. On the cover, was a great photo of Kareem and Robert Parrish, arms locked, scrapping under the net, during the 1986 finals. I thought, what the hell, I will ask him to sign it. He just looked at it, with what I detected was a little disdain, and ignored my request. I didn't push it, but I felt super dumb. As much as I hated the Lakers, I have a huge appreciation for the the history of sports, and a ton of respect for Kareem. I think he proabably looked at and thought, "another ####### who is going to get this thing framed, and try to make a buck off my name". It was kind of humiliating...but i get it. What made it even worse, as he was walking out, a hadnful of employees (some clerks and some security guards), all African American, approached him...he shook their hands, and signed autographs for them. Of course, one of the security guys, Al, thought it was hilarious....he told Kareem ":don't sign for him, he's a Cleltics fan". The story got a lot of run at the store. Everyone got a good laugh. In fact, they even purchased an autographed Kareem photo (a fake I am pretty sure) for my birthday.
  11. People always say this...but remember how excited most here were, when it seemed like we were "in" on Leveon Bell?
  12. The reason i have been picking the Broncos game as our "trap" game down the stretch...I say we beat the Steelers, and then lose to Denver.
  13. Am i the only one who, at first glance, processed this as: Bills QB Josh Allen was once brutally stabbed by an SF Giants player
  14. Bruce was a pleasure to watch. It always wish he had spent his entire career in Buffalo. I understand the reasoning...but it was really depressing, to me, when they let him go. Thurman and Andre were undoubtedly done when they were released..but Bruce was still playing good football. Great player.
  15. So I know this brilliant song has become a sort of cliche' Christmas standard...but this video, released this year by Chuck Berry's estate is super cool. Berry, despite all of his lurid behind the scenes stuff, was a musical genius. us!
  16. It's funny that people get upset about power rankings. Come here, or listen to the call in shows on the radio, and so many Bills fans think we are terrible, win or lose.
  17. Reich is going to need somebody to replace Rivers sooner than later... a reunion in Indianapolis perhaps?
  18. Not claiming to be the most observant viewer or anything like that, but the pass this past Sunday (Beasley to Davis) was the first one of the bunch where I knew something weird was going to happen, immediately. If I notice it, I can only imagine better coaching staffs are going to start making their defensive players aware of what to look for pre-snap. You can't go to the well too many times.
  19. Leave it to you! 😅 Hate to say it...those are really nice cards, but they are worth close to nothing. As Brennan Huff mentioned above, they were mass produced. They are really sharp looking cards though. A nice memento of the good old days.
  20. I love that, for the first time since those Super Bowl teams, even us hardened old-timers are struggling not to get too excited about this kid. I love Bills football, win or lose...but I haven't hung on every play by one player since Bruce left... Bills football hasn't been this much fun in a while...and it mostly rests on this kids shoulders.
  21. That is exactly what I meant, their messaging is horrible... this has always been an issue with Democrats, even when they are pushing something that most people (R's and D's) would get behind.
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