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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. So, you think Carson Palmer, who is demanding out of Cincinnati,would agree to settle for going from one losing franchise to another losing franchise, to back-up the guy who used to back him up with his former losing franchise? I love Buffalo, I love the Bills, but I don't think Carson Palmer has the same feeling for Buffalo. He has a "short list" of teams he will accept a trade to...if a deal is not worked out with one of those teams, he will retire...he says...don't waste too much time pining for this to happen.
  2. Dibs? I think he lives down under...you should call on the weekends, save a buck or two!
  3. Could it be this? http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/03/binladen-helicopter-idUSN0312515020110503 "The accident was not unusual, military experts said. Dozens of U.S. helicopters have crashed or been shot down in Afghanistan and Iraq, challenged by sandstorms and high temperatures that reduce the lifting capability of aircraft powered by rotors. In mountainous Afghanistan, there is the added challenge of flying at high altitudes."
  4. When was the last time any president didn't need one of those?
  5. Kelsay has certainly been a whipping boy, and most of the time, it has been deserved. However, I think he actually played about as well as I have ever seen him play, down for down, over the last five or six games last season. I sometimes think that a lot of defensive talent has gone to waste in Buffalo, as the defensive schemes just don't fit the strengths of the players we have...during the Jauron years, I am not even sure that our best players were always on the field...
  6. No, I don't think it is a conincidence. But, unless something comes out later (and it might) that somebody was set to refute the original version of the story, I don't see why anyone would be so outraged. Mis-statements were made, and they were corrected, before anyone challanged them. Believe me, I am not trying to imply that we should trust everything we here. I think it is human nature to "fill in the blanks" to make sense of a story, when all the details aren't available. On top of that, given the nature of our delicate relationship with various countres Middle East, there is a reason to be careful about the details given. What seems righteous to us, may not be perceived so in other parts of the world.
  7. There does seem to be a trend going on in Elma...
  8. Pete- I understand your frustration, it is not like a story was told, someone did a little poking around, and then a new story was told, as in the Tillman and Lynch cases. The WH released details, which most assumed were true, and also, less than 24 hrs later, retracted and corrected some of the details of the narrative, on their own...it is likely that many details will never be known...because they can't be known by anyone, other than the men who were there.
  9. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/03/white-house-revises-bin-laden-final-moments_n_857073.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk3%7C60282
  10. You can't dumb things down any more than the original statement. I wasn't trying to argue, just commending you on your ability to spin everyting in a partisan way.
  11. Great response...you make an idiotic statement, attempt to clarify your idiotic statement, in an iditoic way, call someone else an idiot, and then change the subject....
  12. Good to see you aren't letting partisan politics cloud your opinions...
  13. Be considerate for the next person, flush when you are done...
  14. I switched the cord to the port that I am having trouble with, still no luck. The same cord works with the appliances (PS3, blu-ray) in the other ports...I am pretty sure it is just the port...
  15. Good luck to your Lakers...I hate the Mavericks!
  16. Buddy said, at least twice over the weekend, "you need to take a defensive back or two in every draft". So, he just has a different philosophy than you. You say we have guys that are busts, so you have to find guys to replace them...on top of that, you have a bunch of guys who are free agents...Youboty, Florence, etc btw- I have always loved the potential of Ashton Youboty. I thought he had some flashes of being very good, but could just never stay healthy...what do you wanna bet he ends up in Cleveland, with Dick Jauron?
  17. I put it in quotes, because I think some here are pulling **** out of their asses, to define what leadership means. In other words, whatever Obama does, shows a lack of leadership...it just gets silly after a while. I wasn't really referring to you, sorry Chef...you always state your case clearly...I don't always agree, but I know where you stand... I just thought OC's post was rediculous. He seems to chime in, only after you and DC Tom clear the way for him... And yes, I realize, after the whole Bin Laden is dead euphoria dies down (in about 24 hours), people will go back to bashing Obama for lacking leadership...it sounds like he has a few more of those qualities than some are giving him credit for...to me anyways. This is for the haters...a primer for you all: http://www.redstate.com/erick/2011/05/02/osama-is-dead-dont-believe-it-makes-obama-invulnerable-to-defeat/
  18. I know, the gall, right?
  19. And I will still think you are a turd!
  20. Anytime the Celtics lose a finals series, something is definitely up! Formerly the Seattle Sonics.
  21. Well, your people seem to be leaning toward him now....
  22. Ah... I have been reading your drivel long enough to know things about you that are not so nice...not a big fan of your work. Lots of words, every once in a while, your true colors come out...but thanks anyways for being so happy for everyone!
  23. And you should flush after you crap. Spray some fabreeze, or light a candle, or something! Sorry, OC... good to know your presence is demoralizing to everyone, everywhere. You don't have to try too hard...I guess you were a little off your game for 2008?
  24. These are the same people who would gripe about the Bills QB completion percentage, the day after they beat the Patriots!
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