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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Anyone pick this up? Funny, it is being talked about everywhere in the sports world, except ESPN!
  2. Interesting article from the Buffalo News about Barnaby and concussions...starting to get the feeling that the sports we watch in the future are going to be less and less physcial... http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/sabres-nhl/article431339.ece
  3. Its' not really clear from the article, are the Bills the first/only team to take such a measure? It would seem, the coaches have a contract with the Bills, they can't go coach somewhere else while under contract, so it seems (to me anyways) kind of crummy to mess with their pensions. I know, I know, they should be glad to have jobs, yadda yadda yadda...but if the Bills are the first team to do this, it really reeks of "Ralph is being cheap." How much money would the Bills, realistically, be bringing in during the off-season? If anything, they are likely saving money on operational costs. I could see changing things up, for the coaches, if they actually start missing training camps and games...but right now, it just seems like taking advantage of a bad situation, and the coaches are kind of caught in the middle.
  4. Alone? That is like a bunch of guys saying they don't like Donny Osmond. Maroon 5 is the ****, and by that, I don't mean the good ****...the awful ****.
  5. Hey, I kinda liked that song...don't really remember the video...if I recall, they "threw it together" in a day, for Live Aid...
  6. To each his own I guess....be nice, he turns 70 today!
  7. Just his sister as I recall! Maybe he should have taken some advice from his old friend, JP Losman: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://talleywhackers.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/jp1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://talleywhackers.wordpress.com/2008/10/08/dating-tips-with-jp-losman/&usg=__kHkmF-rmADswglOb1rSk90yO1Vo=&h=475&w=640&sz=72&hl=en&start=1&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=6tJDS8G35XuMVM:&tbnh=102&tbnw=137&prev=/search%3Fq%3Djp%2Blosman%2Bgirlfriend%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1260%26bih%3D865%26tbm%3Disch&ei=28nbTeWPOsSitgflxpG9Dw OR: http://cache.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/11/2008/12/medium_jp2.jpg OR: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://cdn.bleacherreport.net/images_root/slides/photos/000/929/315/39sexy_girls_wearing_shoulder_pads_07_display_image_display_image.jpg%3F1305078669&imgrefurl=http://bleacherreport.com/articles/696833-sexiest-football-jersey-wearing-fans&usg=__ziEWhYEmeaq8ZqZXQAl9tzXMtLk=&h=400&w=263&sz=22&hl=en&start=41&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=t5HtzZzSLe3qYM:&tbnh=124&tbnw=82&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dj.p.%2Blosman%2Bgirlfriend%26start%3D40%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26ndsp%3D20%26biw%3D1260%26bih%3D865%26tbm%3Disch&ei=_srbTcqkHsm4twfhsuiwDw
  8. Back in the day, he was a great rock 'n-roll singer...I can think of few real rockers who betrayed their talents as much as Rod...it is a shame... when he was fab, with the Faces: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3P_re8R3Y8&NR=1
  9. For you Giants fans, or baseball fans in general, it looks like Showtime is giving MLB the "Hard Knocks" treatment, with a new show called "The Franchise", featuring the San Francisco Giants. I guess there was a premiere episode around opening day, but the show will start airing regularly, on Wednesdays, starting July 13th. Saw a preview, looks pretty good...Brian Wilson is pretty funny...that beard!
  10. I guess it means not the all-American blond-hair, blue eyes look...not that there is anything wrong with that...
  11. This team has no balls... I just had to say it...and now everyone will repeat it...
  12. Taylor Swift is another...her music is pretty awful teeny-bopper stuff, but okay, for what it is. If you ever see her perform "live" on an awards show, however, it is very clear that her "vocal chops" are studio produced...and she is possibly the best selling artist over the last 2-3 years...
  13. You know, I saw Yoko Ono live, back in March, playing with Sean Lennon...a Plastic Ono Band "reunion"...I have to say, she was terrific...and believe me, I really never had much of an appreciation for her "art", but, as it turns out, she has been much more influential than I realized. Now, that doesn't mean to say she has a great voice...
  14. I like those dark exotic types myself! http://www.topsexywomen.com/image-files/noureen-dewulf-4.jpg
  15. The word "Buffalo" didn't scare off Ryan Millers' finace! Noureen DeWulf. And, she has her own trading card! What is hotter than that? http://cgi.ebay.com/NOUREEN-DEWULF-PINNACLE-FANS-GAME-AUTO-SABRES-/130523570399?pt=US_Hockey_Trading_Cards&hash=item1e63cfa0df
  16. Note that the author was surprised, not so much by what Beadle said, but that she was one of the only people who agreed to have her words "on the record"....kudos to her for that, if nothing else.
  17. Would you pay $4 for this? http://cgi.ebay.com/01-Fleer-Showcase-TIM-HASSELBECK-Bills-rookie-card-/280668194313?pt=US_Football&hash=item415920c609
  18. Who he voted for is of little point...
  19. Word out today, not only was Mark Schelreths' pilot show not picked up, but the perpetually nausiating Colin Cowherds' show has not been picked up either... no word yet on Mike Greenberg's pilot. I guess the networks really are running out of ideas...
  20. Or perhaps a "rug race"?
  21. As much of loon as he is, I think Mike Huckabee was the most charismatic GOP "candidate" in a long time...
  22. The big expose on ESPN is set to be released tomorrow...might make a good read for the extended off-season...some excerpts, from Deadspin. I love Michell Beadle, but her assesment of Erin Andrews is pretty cold... http://deadspin.com/5803305/what-weve-learned-from-the-espn-book-so-far "You're with me, Leather"...don't know how I missed that one!
  23. As should the idiots who actually consider casting a vote for Trump...or most of the other GOP "candidates" at this point.
  24. Yes, Gene Simmons is very aware of the "real world"
  25. Yeah, I know...I just think it is funny...he is such an attention whore!
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