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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Are we talking about the same show? Modern Family? I think you are thinking of something else...I don't watch it every week, but there is no narrator, and honestly, I don't think they have any music at all...it is shot "Office" style. Ed O'Neil? Sophia Vergara?
  2. one bill at a time! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/25/rick-perry-sonogram-bill-center-for-reproductive-rights-retaliates_n_866811.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl1%7Csec3_lnk2%7C65373
  3. I can't believe all the money these domestic beer companies spend on this kind of crap, not to mention the mostly awful ad campaigns that go with them...just make some damn beer that tastes good, and you will have me...until then, beer snobbery for me!
  4. Wow, I think that is a great song..the video is pretty good too...wickedly deceptive song!
  5. Good...for a minute there I thought you were going to say he gave it to Harold Camping...
  6. Turning the channel...never liked Scrubs either...a little too proud of itself.
  7. I guess Ralph wanted to cut off 401K and retirement benefits while he could still get away with it! Anyways, I hope you are right Dr D!
  8. Whatever the motives, it is a classy move by Bonds. Lets' face it, he could use some good PR. I still think he is getting way more **** than he should be, in comparison to other guys from his "era".
  9. That may be the only show that my GF and I both like... she hates pretty much anything I like on the tube... I have to stay up late on Sundays to watch "Treme" in peace...
  10. That is the problem the Republican party is facing, it is not "Republicna=Tea Party". The Republicans embraced the Tea Party for short term gains in 2010, but it is lookig, more and more, like they are hanging themselves with the rope they got... It is telling that Hochul got as much of the vote as she did, in that district. If Davis hadn't received a single vote, and Corwin won by the slimest of margins, would that be a "referendum" for Republicans? Truth is, Hochul did as well as she did, because Democrats came out to vote, because there was an issue that mattered to them. There was a third candidate that syphoned votes, that happens in nearly every election. Boo-hoo...make your bed, you have to lie in it. In a district that always goes Republican, and, where there is normally a much greater Republican voter turn out, it may not be a mandate, by your definiton (whatever that is), but it is significant. I wonder how many Republicans voted Democrat yesterday, based on this one issue.
  11. Actually, the Bills have already cut employee salaries, for the duration of the owners' lockout. It may not be wrong for them to cut 401K and pension benefits, but it sure seems classless. The Bills, I would guess, are spending less money over the last three months than they would have been, have already cut salaries, and are now taking away this too? It seems like a very miserly business decision, designed to take advantage of a self imposed problem. The coaches are under contract, they can't go work for someone else while the lockout is in effect...why punish them? Perhaps other owners will follow suit, but it is kind of telling that Ralph Wilson is the first to make such an extreme move.
  12. Very good call! However, I think that is one of those films that earns the rare "it's so bad it's good" status...Cage is just terrible in it...and I like him, sometimes... Had the same experience, fairly recently, watching a re-run of "Welcome Back Kotter". When I was a kid, that was the height of comedy...I hadn't seen an episode since the late 70's...man, it is monumentally bad...not even remotely funny.
  13. Sorry about the Sharks, Dante...double OT...that is truly a Billsian way to go out...we are gluttons for punishment, eh?
  14. Because, it seems, down here in Texas, politics is a sport for the wealthy (Repulicans and Democrats), while the voters, considering the size of this state, are of little consequence.
  15. I didn't say there wasn't...but the Republicans had there fun in 2010, embracing your Tea Party, and now, they are starting to learn that they have painted themselves into a corner. No reasonable adult will get the Republican nod, because anyone who is not lock, stock and barell in line witht he Tea Party will suffer the consequences, within their own party...the special interestst that Republicans cater too are not necessarily the ones that will get the most public support. Guys like Mitch Daniels don't want anything to do with the party, right now, because it is a friggin' mess. Maybe they will send the "bat signal" out to Jeb Bush...a real Washington outsider to invigor the troops...
  16. Death panels? Vouchers? I won't even dignify the stupid ad you are referring to, but to say that "liberals roll" that way only shows how blindly partisan you are, under the guise that you are not...Repulicans have never stooped that low? As for the 2010 mid-terms, it seems like, more and more, people aren't happy with what they got...perhaps what happened in WNY is a microcosm of what will happen in 2012? Republicans had their moment, and are blowing it the way I thought only Democrats could. As someone said, they are the equivalent of Jim Marshall running the wrong way with the football after the big turnover. Funny that the "Ryan Plan" has become dogma all of the sudden...wasn't Ryan the guy who was considered a "nut wing" Republican not that long ago, by his own party, not all that long ago? Now all the tough talking Republicans are backing off the Ryan plan, because they are seeing that maybe people don't want it...are you still trying to pretend that Republicans are somehow more concerned with the greater good for the country than the other party? Michelle Bachmann all of the sudden "isn't married to the Ryan plan"....Corwin is saying she isn't behind it either? How things change...I am thinking most of these dolts backed the Ryan plan, because it was easier than coming up with their own. That party is a mess...what happens when you let a few special interests shape your party.
  17. There is plenty to be scared of, from the almighty Ryan plan...
  18. Maybe they have to pass it, before they can know what is in it?
  19. I think everyone gets that. But, in the case of the Buffalo Bills, this seems more like a move that is made by a company on life-support...acting as if they don't expect to be making their money again, any time soon. Seriously, how much money could the Buffalo Bills have lost between March and May? They have are likely paying less for operating expenses, have already cut all of their employee salaries and not so much as a penny has been spent, outside of what should have already been anticipated and budgeted for employee salaries. Sure, they have not likely sold many, if any, season tickets yet...but if they can't absorb that, this early in the game, they are in worse trouble than I could have thought.
  20. Wow...just watching CNN... really sad... stay safe everyone.
  21. The article obviously had a Buffalo slant...wondering what they could find out from looking at OJ's brain!
  22. I thought there was some noise about an assistant coaches' union, about a year ago...no?
  23. Any word on what is happening with the election?
  24. Yeah, just read that. It is funny though, this book release was such an "event" everywhere, but I never heard a word of it on ESPN tv or radio...kudos, I suppose, to ESPN for giving Miller air time. I take my " " back, and replace it with a " " Funny though, I had M & M on this morning, getting ready for work, and driving in, didn't hear one mention of the book...just some overly extended conversation about who would benefit more from am NBA Championship, Lebron James or Dirk Nowitzki...normally, they "tease" you for hours about what is coming up on the show. Saw a comment from one of ESPN's current honchos, saying something ominous, in regards to current ESPNers who had bad things to say...something like "they will be dealt with internally". I assume that means, one by one, they will start to disappear from the ESPN airwaves, as their contracts are not renewed...
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