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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. When I was a kid, in the 70's, my dad would let me pick one game every year to go to. They had seasons...with 8 kids, one of us would tag along to each game (except the ones who had no desire to go). I would pour over the schedule, and the stats, and would always pick the game where the Bills play the worst team on the schedule, maximizning my chance of seeing a win. It didn't always work out the way I figured. Those long drives home from Rich were a lot more bearable when we won.
  2. Is it me, or did he just kinda fall on it, when he wasn't planning on it, more so than "dive through" the table?
  3. It is kind of the old-school approach. It used to be much more common.
  4. It will be interseting to see what happens with Darnold. I happen to think Darnold can be good too. And all of the sudden, Mitch Trubisky seems to be "getting it". Both guys were presumed gone in their current cities...but maybe not anymore? Just a reminder (as if we needed one) of how frustrating the QB search can be.
  5. Sorry Mr skin-herd, you are the one who is being "silly". So much of presidentail conduct has depended on the rule of law, and a certain presumption that somebody holding the position would presumably "never do that". What we have seen over the last four years, it is not safe to just presume that anyone holding the office would automatically have the best interest of the country in mind. There are certain norms that while not laws, were expectations for adults holding the position. It is clear from this current administrtation that everything needs to be defined in black and white legal terms, because a piece of ***** like Donald Trump, who has a hmongous cult following, have made it clear, they care little for laws, and even less for " norms". Some of us really don't want to see the bar lowered anymore than it has been. It may be the "way it works" but that doesn't mean it should.
  6. Same. I have a very large family...but since 2010 we have been dropping like flys. Multiple cases of cancer (still in the middle of that), heart failures, a suicide, a car accident, both parents passed in the last 7 years...and for the last few years a bit of a poltical divide...and now COVID19. I have always loved Christmas, but it has been harder and harder to catch that feeling the last few years. I live in Texas, miles away from my six sisters and their families. My brothers kids (he passed away two Thanksgivings ago) don't really keep in touch. We spread out all over. I have been in a bit of a funk through this whole thing. This year, I finally tried to plow through. I spent way more money than I probably should have on gifts...mailed them all out on Tuesday (12/15) to 8 different addresses. Only 1 of the 8 got their gifts in the mail. The rest are all sitting in mail center in various locations. I know, it is not all about gifts, but it was really a drag as we all sat on a zoom family get-together and everyone was opening fun gifts from eachother, except from me. It really depressed me for some reason...probably way more than it should have. So, I spent the day with two roommates who come from small families that barely acknowledge Christmas in any sort of way. It was just kind of dreary. Not the Christmas I have always loved. But what the hell....Merry Christmas all. At least we got the Bills!
  7. That is so cool. I was born in 1965, so my memeories of Dan Darragh are from a football card. But I love that kinda stuff. When I was a kid (six), I got a pair of Bills pajamas for Christmas. They were all white. My older brother, who was pretty good with a pen, drew a big #16 on the back, and wrote SHAW across the top, in Laundrey marker. My first "Bills jersey"...and since Shaw and I shared the same first name, he was my first favorite Buffalo Bill (see my avatar) and the first one I remember really watching. All these jersey gifts, got me wondering: when did NFL jerseys first start becoming available to the public. I remember my sister in-law getting a Lou Piccone jersey during the 1980 season from her rich father, and at that time, it was first time I had ever seen a Bills jersey on a person, who wasn't a Buffalo Bill. When I watch old highlight films from the 70's and they show the fans in the stands, you rarely see anyone wearing a jersey. I know, this sounds like a Mike Schoop kinda rabbit hole, but anyone know when these became more commonly available?
  8. My sister gave me a home (blue) Josh Allen jersey...the first new bills jersey I have had since getting a white Terrence McGee in 2006. She even got the correct number of X's for me! Another sister gave me an Ivicta Buffalo Bills scuba diving watch. It is huge...a bit flashy for me...but really nice. I honestly can't remember the last time I wore a watch...and have never been scuba diving! It sure is pretty.
  9. A list of Obama's pardons. I think a reasonable person can see that that most all of them did not involve people who were trying to facilitate crimes for the benefit of the president. https://www.thoughtco.com/people-pardoned-by-president-barack-obama-3367599
  10. No doubt, the Bills are a better team now than they were the first 6 or 7 games of the season...
  11. By "sneak", I meant that he will do it at a time when there is a minimal amount of media attention... I am sure, even the blindest of Trump supporters have caught on to his "weekend newsdump" practice, after four years. As for the rest...bury your head in the sand. No doubt, other presidents have pardoned people who's fortunes were intertwined with their own...but not to this extent. But no other president has been soaking in so much criminality. If you think this is what all presidents do, you are a hopeless Cult .45'er. It's Christmas. Not worth the time to try to argue with you.
  12. These are particularly odious...60 of the 65 pardons the Trump has issued involve people directly involved with Trump and his criminal enterprise. I wonder when he sneaks the Ghislaine Maxwell pardon in...
  13. If he went to the Jets, he might be able to get Darnold to the next level. I think he can still be good.
  14. That is a good question. Given his massive improvement, and the extreme negatives that so many "experts" had on him, I am going to assume that Josh grew up as a great athlete, who never really had good coaching. Take Justin Herbert. To my (admitedly amateur) eye, Herbert isn't far off from Josh, as a rookie. One went to a Pac-12 school, known for its' high-tech passing game. The other went to a Mountain West School, a notch below. Herbert was a coveted high school prospect. Josh was not. It is very possible that Allen, with all of his incredible raw talent, never had any type of coaching to really give any structure to all that talent. Buffalo might be his first real exposure to real QB coaching.
  15. I am embarrassed to admit, I never really thought of the DC5 as much more than a Beatles-wanna be act...somewhat on par with the Monkees. That is, until the last 10 years or so...man, some of their stuff was amazing. Love this song...sounds great loud! Dave Clark Five - Can't You See That She's Mine - YouTube
  16. To paraphrase Don Draper "I pay you...that is your credit"
  17. Please football gods, don't let this catch on. If it does, and the Bills do well, all of the national love Bills fans are getting will turn into loathing pretty fast.
  18. Ok...so I was wrong. It wasn't the game...I didn't get choked up by the game, or winning the divsions title...it was this morning, watching all the clips of fans at the airport. I am so happy for the city. It probably shouldn't mean so much to us...but damn it, it does.
  19. I think the only time I cried after a sporting event (other than ones I was involved in, as a kid), was the Comeback Game against the Oilers. It wasn't a "cry like a baby" kinda cry...but I remember my eyes just welling up with tears, and getting very emotional. I was so proud of that team, that day. I was also in the early stages of a divorce, so that may have played into it a little...my ex always hated my devotion to the Bills, because "they always lose". That day, even she was impressed. Not today b**ch!
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