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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Yeah, when I realized you were thinking that I said Breitbart was a frat boy, and were blathering on about it, I didn't read the rest...it wasn't what I said. But, I really don't want to open the whole Brietbart thing again...you are late to the party on that. And, I realize the Gawker, Daily KOS thing are not necessarily reliable sources (which I said in my post), I was suggesting though, Lee stepped away, so abruptly, because he knew much more salacious things could come out. I think you, and some others, are kidding yourselves if you think he ditched his whole political career simply because he sent a shirtless picture of himself to a woman, other than his wife. We live in a culture where being accused of something, particularly for politicians, is as good as being guilty, no matter how flimsy the supporting evidence is. Perception is reality...
  2. We hung out in my bedroom one summer and boinked like rabbits! Then she had to have a stomach staple surgery, and it was all over! The one that got away!
  3. Sheesh...I am 40+ and would settle for hanging WITH attractive girls in their 40'S!
  4. I know you took a lot of time to post your drivel, but, honestly, I can't read it... As for Lee, just google the words "Chris Lee transgender" and you will find a slew of links to the story...here is one, to get you started: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/02/25/chris-lee-transgender-women-craigslist_n_828476.html Another, from the Buffalo News: http://www.buffalonews.com/topics/chris-lee/article351895.ece Another: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/02/26/949982/-Chris-Lees-Craigslist-ad-seeking-transsexualscrossdressers-cause-for-instant-resignation I would put money on it that Chris Lee was a frat boy at one time! I am sure you will "refudiate" the sources, which may be valid...but, generally, where there is smoke there is fire in these cases. As for Weiner jokes, they are stupid, and juvenile...your forte!
  5. Loved Mark Cubans tweet: "how amazing was it that dirk, brian cardinal and ian mahini planned to all sign with the Mavs this summer !! #big3 #makingithappen"
  6. Anyone see the Hugh Hefner documentary? It was pretty fascinating...I realize he isn't everyone's cup of tea, but there was a time when he was kind of a visionary, rather than just a dirty old man. Would love to see some of those old "Playboy After Dark" shows. They have been running it on Showtime if anyone is interested...it's called something like "Hugh Hefner: Playboy, Activist and Rebel". Even if you don't like him (and I don't have a strong feeling either way, but I do thank him for introducing me to Karen Witter back in 1981), it is a pretty interesting time capsule...
  7. You know, I was in Seattle at the begining of April for a week and a half. It rained the first seven days for a good part of the day... but the last three days were great! I guess I didn't catch the nuance (or didn't think it was relative at the time) at the wake scene. That adds something...
  8. I have been called conner many times here...it doesn't hurt so bad...but OC? That is really low...
  9. I like the two cops, and I think the guy who plays Rosies' father is really good...kind of like a chubbed out Springsteen. After you see the newest episode, let me know what you think. I probably think about it way too much. My gf and I have our Sunday night shows...after the basketball game, had to turn to the second showing of "The Killing" ("her" show, which I don't hate), and then my show "Treme", which everyone seems to hate, but me...I love it...poetry on the small screen.
  10. I think they have balls, but, you bring up an interesting point...maybe #1 and #2 are chicks!
  11. I don't mind a joke, but blaming OC on anyone is over the line.
  12. I have to say, this show has been frustrating...I like the mood, and I don't mind the slow pace. I love the idea that the whole thing takes place over two weeks, but what is frustrating is that nearly every episode you think they have made some progress in the storyline, and then it is deflated in the opening sequence the following week. The other thing I don't like, the slow pace of the show would be more palatable if it was painting a portrait of the tedium of a homicide case. But it seems like nearly every time they make any progress in the case, it is due to dumb luck, rather than good police work...maybe I am being too picky...I really hated the whole teacher storyline...it dragged on for weeks, and by the time it started, you knew it was going to end up the way it did, because they had already established the red-herring formula...
  13. Stephen Colbert thanks LeBron: http://www.aoltv.com/2011/06/14/stephen-colbert-thanks-lebron-james-for-being-so-classy-and-mode/
  14. For me to know...
  15. So, just a little before Buttsex became so popular?
  16. You got me! I thought it was a variation of that word that Chef Jim said you should never use when speaking to a female.
  17. Seriously, we haven't....I did check his profile, and he has been around...hope everything is alright with him.
  18. You can?
  19. I think that was KD's way of funin' with me...not sure though. My people are looking into it.
  20. You wear so many hats around here.
  21. You never responded to post #305!
  22. It is being re-titled for season two: "The Killing: Red Herring, Seattle"...
  23. Typing on the go... since you are so smart, do you put a hyphen in douchebag? Is it like "douche-bag"? The only thing I have heard about Palins' emails (and I have heard it over and over again) is they show, conclusively, that she is not the complete moron she projects herself to be. Things are looking up for the GOP!
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