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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. I think that was KD's way of funin' with me...not sure though. My people are looking into it.
  2. You wear so many hats around here.
  3. You never responded to post #305!
  4. It is being re-titled for season two: "The Killing: Red Herring, Seattle"...
  5. Typing on the go... since you are so smart, do you put a hyphen in douchebag? Is it like "douche-bag"? The only thing I have heard about Palins' emails (and I have heard it over and over again) is they show, conclusively, that she is not the complete moron she projects herself to be. Things are looking up for the GOP!
  6. Yes, yes, yes...I get all that LA...but it was Lee's decision to step down right away...nobody asked him too, he stepped down before they could...you are the one who brang up the strong, decisive, GOP leadership playing a factor in Lees quick resignation. Yes, AW has more influence than Lee did, and by his consituants measure, was doing a good job. So, I would expect you too at least consider that it might not be as easy for him, personally, to step down... Your point here was my original point...they all do it, both parties. Others (not you, not KD) are the ones who keep comparing this to the Lee situation...if Lee had only been guilty of tweeting a topless picture of himself to some woman, other than his wife, I wouldn't call for him to resign, and I don't think most would, and I wouldn't expect the GOP power brokers to demand it...he did, because, for whatever reason, he wanted to kill the story before it got bigger. It might have been that he didn't want to drag his family through it, that he didn't want to risk further embarassment, or, for the good of his party. It was his decision...just as it is Weiners' right now...it just reflects a weakness in Weiner (ha-ha), not Democratic leadership...
  7. I would have found that a lot less offensive than some of the crap he shoved in our faces on Sundays!
  8. And Pelosi called on Weiner to resign pretty quick...ultimately, it is up to him, not her, just as in the Lee case...with Lee, the story that he resigned broke almost at the same time as the "scandal". So, you aren't pushing the narritive that Lee was more noble, but that GOP leadership was somehow stronger than Democratic leadership on this issue? Please... http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2011/02/10/new-york-rep-chris-lee-resigns-after-shirtless-photo-surfaces On Thursday, House Speaker John Boehner said Lee's rapid resignation was his decision alone. "I think he made the right decision for himself and for his family," the Ohio Republican told reporters in Washington.
  9. It wasn't one shirtless photo of Lee that took him down, he backed out, because there were at least two transvestites who were going to come forward to spill the beans, on much more tawdry things that Lee was involved in. That contiues to be ignored by everyone who wants to point out how noble Lee was... So far, depsite all the photos, this political "sex scandal" is pretty tame in comparison to other things we have seen/heard about it recent years...the fact that polls show that the voters still back him is more relevant, to me, than what all the taling heads say, and all his self righteous peers have to say. Yes, the Weiner jokes are as hilarious as the Dick Jauron jokes were a few years ago...very clever...
  10. Maybe I was a little harsh last night, when I posted...I just don't like where the end is going...overall, I like the show, though I can't imagine ever wanting to watch it again (like I said, too many red herrings), but I appreciate the pacing of the show...the teacher thing was a little silly, in retrospect...but, I will give AMC the benefit of a doubt...you haven't seen the latest show, but all I will tell you, a few weeks ago, I told my girlfriend "If the killer ends up being ####, I will be pissed"...looks like that is where its' headed...and if its' not, they will have to come up with some rediculous scenario to change the course things are heading in...lmk what you think after you see it.
  11. Had to turn from the Mavs/Heat game tonight, immediately afterwords, so my girlfriend and I could watch "our Sunday night shows"....I love "Treme" and like "The Killing", opposite for her...until tonight...anyone see? I don't want to give out any spoilers, but if this thing ends the way it looks, I will feel like I wasted three months of Sunday night tv. They should just call the show "Red Herring". I realize there is still an episode left, and nothing is ever as it seems...but they are narrowing things down to a cast of suspects, all of which will give this slow moving mystery the dreaded "Scooby-Do" ending...
  12. Barkley was right about Miami fans..."terrible" Hats off to Dirk, Carlisle and Mavs fans...cannot wait to hear Colin Cowherd's spin on this...he has had his so far up LeBron's ass, he can taste the bril-cream!
  13. Once my team is out of the race, hate is my greatest motivation for rooting, in pretty much any situation...in other words, it is almost never a situation where I always liked the team I am rooting for, but that I hate the team they are playing against.
  14. I hope the Mavs win, but it hasn't happened yet. LeBron James was a monster, in 4th quarters in the previous three series...I am not so sure it is what the Mavs are doing to him, or the product of the Mavs just shooting so damn well...if it is the latter, that can come back to haunt you...I have seen great shooting teams lose their collective mojo for entire games...this series isn't over...Sunday should be a terrific game.
  15. Good move by the Panthers...don't think this can really hurt them at all.
  16. Don't get ahead of yourself...most of this Mavs love is a product of Heat hate! Just kidding...enjoy this...as we Bills fans know, championships, should they fall your way, are to be cherished by true fans of the winning team...LET's GOV MAVS!!!
  17. Ginrich had most of his campaign staff resign yesterday...I don't think he will be in the race much longer.
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