Yeah, when I realized you were thinking that I said Breitbart was a frat boy, and were blathering on about it, I didn't read the wasn't what I said. But, I really don't want to open the whole Brietbart thing are late to the party on that.
And, I realize the Gawker, Daily KOS thing are not necessarily reliable sources (which I said in my post), I was suggesting though, Lee stepped away, so abruptly, because he knew much more salacious things could come out. I think you, and some others, are kidding yourselves if you think he ditched his whole political career simply because he sent a shirtless picture of himself to a woman, other than his wife. We live in a culture where being accused of something, particularly for politicians, is as good as being guilty, no matter how flimsy the supporting evidence is. Perception is reality...