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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. This! I have really tried to avoid reading, or analyzing any of this the last couple of years, because, when you do, the idea of the Bills in Buffalo never seems to come out on top. Just that the details of the new CBA that seem to be coming out, make it sound like the Bills will have a harder and harder time staying in Buffalo. Owenrs will be required to spend 100% of the salary cap, and the onus will be on the owners to maximize their profits, more than ever.
  2. Oh, I agree...but I would have said that a long time ago... Colin Cowherd (who I loathe) is now saying, while talking the new CBA "what makes the NFL work, is that it plays to the middle...not to the highest elite teams (Dallas, Steelers, Redskins, Giants) or the poorest "boo hoo", Buffalo, Jacksonville, Cincinnati, etc etc" I hate Cowherd, but his attitude that small market teams are not really all that important, I am afraid, is the same attitude that the newer owners in the NFL have...and it sounds like young money is beating old money in this deal. This is why, IMO, Ralph Wilson, and Mike Brown were objecting in 2006...they can see the end of days for their teams in the new NFL landscape. And, I don't think, back in 2006, the other owners necessarily liked the new deal, they just wanted to pass it, to avoid a labor impasse, knowing damn well there were be a lockout. It almost feels like this work stoppage was/is as much of a battle between the "old NFL" and the "new NFL" as it was/is about ownership vs players.
  3. Florio was on GR earlier this morning...it is all sounding pretty sobering. I hope to god the Bills reamain in Buffalo throughout my life (I got at least another 30-40 years or so, I think!), but as the details of the new CBA that seem to be coming out, things do not sound favorable for the Bills, and other small market teams, long term. I am not really going to read a lot more of this stuff (it is too depressing, and has been going on for far too long), and just hope for the best...and of course, savor the seasons that are left, as long as there are some...
  4. "Abslutely disgustig", said Bill Wyman!
  5. Holy ****...that is one long skewering...I like Simmons, but that is more time than I want to spend on that show, ever again! I couldn't read the whole thing! I am glad I am not the only one who hated this...
  6. Ralph said it himself.
  7. He is saying they should lift the blackouts for the first four games of the season...nice idea, but I would be shocked if the NFL did this...also, provided there isn't a huge chunk of the season missed, I would be shocked if the lockout impacts the NFL business that much. The NFL has proven to be bad-PR proof time and again...
  8. Agree with everything that review says... at least "Treme" was great this week...
  9. And I meant to comment on Treme. I really like that show. The music is fantastic. It's totally different from anything else in that I'm not looking for an ultimate ending. I love watching the characters move throughout their lives from week to week; so inter-connected. Hidalgo only is there because Sonny challenged the Houston bouncer to make a meaningful move in his life. Each character is so flawed, and yet they keep on moving... well except for Creighton. But that gives rise to Toni's & Sofia's struggles. It's rich and textured. Good TV. "Sazerac? Who throws Sazerac?" RIP Harley...
  10. For real? That is exactly when you mortgage the future!
  11. Git 'er done Pegula!
  12. I wish we had one of those cool "bird flipping" emoticons.
  13. Okay, as long as you know that!
  14. That is it in a nutshell.
  15. Where did you get the "putting hookers on your expense account" thing? Or, are you confusing Weiner with someone else? John Ensign? Where is your rage for this guy? Did I miss this development in the story? Or is this the same as the charge, that keeps getting repeated that he contacted minors with his sexting stuff? There has been only one minor involved, and that girl, her parents, and the police all said that nothing salacious occurred in those contacts. Is it illeagal to text a minor, no matter the circumstances? There is no evidence that he had any inappropriate physical contact with anyone. He is definitely guilty of using very poor (stupid) judgement, but I am not sure the things he did (not the charges you are trumping up for your arguments sake) would get him fired from every other job. I guess it is a subjective thing, but I would say his scandal is on the very low end of the spectrum of political scandals we have seen in recent times. It is setting a new standard for tolerance of conduct...that may be a good thing...but I bet there are a lot of senators and congressmen sweating bullets right now...and when someone is forced to quit for something stupid, like this, one side of the aisle will cry foul...and it will just go on and on...
  16. Yes, you are right...just as Obama's self desparinging remark about "shovels not so ready" was handled last week, by nearly every news outlet? What world are you living in? Nothing is ever "ignored", when it comes to politics. People are offended by anything they don't agree with, or understand. And, anyone, like Obama or Romney, who doesn't realize, by now, humour or nuance are lost on almost everyone, will suffer the blowback from their words. Hannity, Limbaugh,Beck, Newt, and even the normally reasonable Greta Van Susteren were all morally outraged by a quip the president made...and I would suggest, the presidents quip was aimed at himself, because he is aware that the econonmy isn't growing at the pace he had anticipated. Romney, referring to himself as "unemployed", while he sits on his millionaire wallet, is a little offensive. I am sure Mitt said it in a joking fashion, but, why would the reaction to his "joke" be any different? I know...the "lamestream" media...blah, blah, blah...
  17. Here you go... http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a338/geetarnut/GIFs/52407679_9395021beb.jpg
  18. And their off...
  19. Their is a racial aspect of the Mormon faith that would really be too difficult to ingnore, in today's political atmoshphere, should Romney emerge as the clear frontrunner. It would be naive to think that card won't be played... and it wouldn't necessarily be without some validity. I was watching one of those "test audience" type things on FOX, where they measure peoples reactions, during the recent Republican debates. People say that the economy is their single, most important issue, but the measurements show, they have the strongest reactions to social issues. Mormons don't have a great track record with minories (thirty years ago, Mormons would believe that Obama, and Herman Cain for that matter, were reincarnated demon spirits), women, or homosexuals. Those groups may not be represented here on PPP, but they are out there, and they can vote. I am not even saying I dislike Romney...I find him more palatable than anyone else in the current running for the GOP nod. But, I am not likely to vote for him, and even people in his own party seem to be begrudgingly supporting him. Also, there is a faction amongst the Tea Party that has an "anyone but Romney" attitude for the GOP. The party, right now, just seems extremely fractured.
  20. RK, not sure if my post played a part in this, but, I do apologize if that is the case...
  21. The ass-hats who made such a big thing over Obamas comment, which was more self-efacing than anything, have no real place to talk here. Hearing Rush Limbaugh's imapassioned blather about Obama's comment was the height of silliness...or making it a matter of national security, that the president wrote the wrong year on a guest book... this is just more of the same...welcome to 2011.
  22. Please, Rob let you off easy with "dipshit".
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