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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. I realize that it is a very layered issue, but, while they may be provided nothing by a given state, their sales are negatively affecting the state, not only by adding to the states unemployment numbers, but also, diminishing a source of the states revenue. I don't know what the real dollars we are talking about, from state to state, but Texas presented Amazon with a 270million dollar tax bill, for 3 years with of sales, by Texas residents. On a federal level that is chump change, but it isn't nothing on the state level. Now, in the case of Texas, Amazon is threatening to close down their outlet here, as a result...Perry will likely not let that happen, but, in this conservative-Republican state, he wouldn't have a lot of backing from other state Republicans.
  2. I understand that online retail can/should have certain advantages...their customer base is obviously much greater than that of a single retail outlet. They can have a half dozen clearinghouses across the country (vs 100's of locations for a single retail outlet) to service their customers, and, can purchase items in bulk quantities at a greatly discounted price. That is fine...but why should they get the added of advantage of not being responsible for sales tax? Doesn't Amazon's clearing house in Texas get the advantage of fire and police protection, just like a Best Buy store? If their clearinghouse was on fire, wouldn't local firefighters come to put it out? That clearing house is providing the same type of service as a traditional retail outlet, only they are processing the transactions in a warehouse, and using mail service to get them to their customers. Nobody seems to have a problem with this? Even as the loss of jobs caused by on-line retail contributes to a declining economy? I don't even see this as an "anti-business" issue (as our "great"governor Perry no doubt does), it just is not inherently fair and doesn't really contribute to fair competition between electronic and brick/mortar retail.
  3. So, I ask, in all seriousness, why are they doing it? I understand that the religion of all conservatives is "no taxes", but why should on-line retailers (especially behemoths like Amazon) be exempt from accounting for the same sales tax that brick and mortar retailers are required to pay? They already have huge advantages, in relation to the amount they pay for wholesale merchandise, in many cases. If on-line retailers are not required to pay/collect sales tax, why should bricks and mortar? In the end, customers pay for it all, anyways, in some way or another.
  4. I purchased some Buffalo Braves photos from him a while ago...great stuff. I remember he put out a Bills photo book, around 1998, or so (IIRC)...great book. At that time, before the internet made everything so accessable, I contacted him about buying some of the photos, for autographs...they were considerably more,bach then...like $25 each I think. Great stuff...the guy has seen it all in Buffalo.
  5. T-Pegs is cheap!
  6. "Uh...this is the first time I did anything like this...I just hooked up with that 30 year old NBC News intern, to warn her that it is bad to be the "other woman" and mess around with a married man...it will leave you with low self esteem...am I under arrest?"
  7. Chef Jim would spit up his cognac if he were still around to read that! But, since this thread is about tv ratings for soccer, I heard the US womens soccer game the other day, on ESPN, drew higher ratings than any Stanley Cup finals game on VS or NBC.
  8. Would work for me...Ralph is cheap!
  9. I am surprised this quote didn't ruffle some feathers: Rich (New Jersey) What's your opinion on the Bills playing games in Toronto instead of Buffalo? And what opposing stadium do you like playing in? Stevie Johnson (1:09 PM) I enjoy it. I know the fans don't really like it too much. I enjoy away games. Having a home game that's away, it's a win-win for me. I just wouldn't talk about that in front of the Bills fans. It's pretty cool to me.
  10. I watch the Bills every week (noon my time), the second half of the second game on in my market (usually the friggin' Cowboys...my gf is a big Cowboys fan...wrong team, but at least she is "football tolerant"), the Sunday Night game on NBC in it's entirety (most weeks) and then most, if not all, the Monday Night Football game on ESPN. That is about 12 hours of football a week, plus your odd NFL Live, and highlight shows...so that is almost 15 hours of tv a week, devoted to football...now, not saying I wouldn't watch Thursday Night Football games, if I can get them, but, I just don't want to spend that much time on it...on top of that, I have the Sabres and Celtics to keep up with...I love sports, and I want to keep it that way. To me, football is number one, I want to keep it that way...sometimes, too much of anything is a bad thing...
  11. As I mentioned earlier, I always loved Donovan's singles ("Sunshine Superman", "Season Of the Witch", etc) but his albums blow...Rodriguez kind of reminds me of him, but with much better songs...one cool thing about the modern age of music, there are so many lost gems like this album that are being unearthed...glad you liked it.
  12. Don't know who you are Jauronimo, but you have made me laugh out loud a few times over the last few weeks...good one! Comparitively, I would put Hansen's infractions way further down the list than the "first timers" his show helps to catch.
  13. Personally, I think Drury fugged the Sabres, and the Sabres screwed Briere in turn. I think he agreed, initially, on principal, to re-sign with the Sabres early in the season...but lost interest in doing so, as that season went on. And, I can't remember the specifics now, but I remember him saying some particularly galling things, for a team captain, during that final series he played with the Sabres. I don't want Drury back...
  14. That is what I have been saying. It makes more sense than anything else. Giving a team two bye weeks per season, might even make the product better, in the long run. Players don't want to play more games, the owners want to make the season longer, for more revenue. They always say the money made on game day, is peanuts in the bigger scheme of things...so the NFL gets a week or two more of regular season NFL television money, and the players don't have to let it all on the line an extra two games.
  15. The guy who sang "She's Having My Bastard"?
  16. Oh...sorry...it was a just a little joke...we are an extra sensitive bunch around here...
  17. Okay, maybe a little harsh...I just remember he ripped on them constantly, before the Super Bowl era. Not to say it wasn't warrented, but, maybe like Sullivan (who seems loathed by all) he would make some pretty definitive statements that were kind of out of place, IMO. I remember him being particularly rough on Kelly when he first arrived...he didn't really let up much, until they started winning. To me, it was obvious from his first game, Kelly was the real deal, on a bad football team. Felser just always seemed reactionary to me, instead of a "bigger picture" guy. I read him all the time, but I never really cared for him.
  18. DR is saying TO is aiming to be ready by August. Even if he could play that quick, it is hard to imagine that knee lasting through an entire NFL season.
  19. I have Time Warner cable, so I don't get the NFL Network. They have been carrying 4-6 Thursday night games a season, the last few years. Now, I am one who watches, at least part, of every Prime-time game...with the NFL Network games, I missed most, other than the one the Bills played vs the Jets, and the Cowboys/Packers a few years ago...I can honestly say, it didn't bother me at all. In fact, since MNF has gone to ESPN, I don't really feel like it is much of an event any more, just more ESPN crap...my point is, for me anyways, there is almost a little too much right now....maybe I would feel different if the Bills were better...but right now, I am just not feeling the need for a full schedule of Thursday night football games. I know, it's a money thing. Some network (TNT perhaps?, or HBO or Showtime which I heard rumored) will pay some exhorbenent amount of money to carry those games...
  20. Honestly, I feel like all of Felsers' articles have been just as you describe, since the mid-80's. I think it is funny that people rail on Sullivan for being negative, but hold Felser up in some more favorable light. He was very negative in his day...I was never a big Felser fan. I think he lost most of his relevance with the the merger...I like hearing some of the old stories from him, from time to time, but that is about it.
  21. Who here isn't predictable?
  22. Maybe when the election is over, and she is looking for a reality show, she can be on "Hoarders"?
  23. Jim left the Chef thing for this?
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