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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Ahhh...too bad. Would love to see both make it, but Tasker especially.
  2. I obviously wouldn't be upset if he won the MVP... but I am not pulling for it. Super Bowl champ in 2020...MVP 2021. Doesnt hurt too have that extra motivation.
  3. If I was a gambling man (or a man who had money to gamble), I'd bet the house that Dabol goes to the Chargers, if reports of them being interested are accurate. Went to high school, played football with the GM...a pretty nice roster, with a very Josh-like QB. It is the perfect situation for him.
  4. Really under-appreciated player in Bills history. Nine times out of ten, it seems that most only remember him for jumping ship, and going to the USFL. But he had a unique skill set for his era...he an Roger Craig were kind of early masters of the running backs becoming a bigger part of the passing game. He was awesome. Ralph should have paid him...
  5. Again, not wanting to sound like one of those "the game was so much better when i was young", because I am loving every minute of this season...but if you watch old games from the 90's, it is also hard not to notice that defenders were much better tacklers back then. It seems like fear of concussions has kind of made tackling much more of an afterthought. Even when a defense "shuts down" another team in this era, they still put up a fair number of yards. Hell, Tua out up 358 on us yesterday, and I thought the defense played great. Just a very different game, cliche' as that is...
  6. Maybe better than Singletary, but only by a hair. Remember how good Singletary was last year? He (and perhaps Moss too) just don't seem to be getting a lot of opportunities. From my armature eye though, I think Singletary hits the hole a little better...not trying to trash Moss, he has had moments, I just envisioned him being a little more of a bruiser...Singletary's game (when he was going good) is a little craftier.
  7. Though that was more Kubiak than Elway in that game, it remains as one of my favorite Bills games ever. As much as I love the shootouts, defensive gems like that can be really exhilarating. I just remember hanging on every play of that game....it was intense! Carlton Bailey and Jeff Wright will always drink for free if I am there!
  8. I know it was garbage time (for us), but Williams ran the ball like I was envisioning Moss to run it this year. I realize, Williams is a little bigger than Moss, but he ran with power. Moss is still kind of a mixed bag for me.
  9. I think as long as the Bills don't allow the Colts to dictate the game, the Bills will be fine. I don't anticipate that being a problem, as it rarely has been this season. Force the Colts into a shoot-out, and Phillip will become the turnover machine he has been throughout his career.
  10. I don't think Yeldon has dressed for more than 2 or 3 games all season.
  11. I am hoping for a Sunday game...or the late game on Saturday. If it is one of the early games on Saturday, it will be a day of avoiding scores while I am at work It's doable, but adds some stress to the day.
  12. Much, much different game now than it was when Kelly was playing. Not taking anything away from Josh, but as eye-popping as his numbers are, and as great as he has been, Josh's performance this season is one of a handful of comperable QB performances this year. It is just a passing game now. Guys like Kirk Cousins can put up loads of yards, td's etc etc ...but you will never confuse him with Fran Tarkington. From a leadership perspective (a hugely underrated factor, as far as I am concerned) I do give Josh a little bit of an edge. Allen has been the ideal teammate on and off the field...Kelly always had that on the field...but it took him a few seasons to grow into the the off-field stuff. Don't want to be the buzz-kill old guy, believe me I get all tingly watching Allen play, like everyone else...and I believe in the kid. But managing expectations is all part of it too...so far, he is doing great...fantastic...playoffs are the next test!
  13. This may not be the most appropriate place to bring this up, but I didn't want to start a thread, becasue it isn't "thread-worthy". Anyone who knows me here knows that music and the Buffalo Bills are my lifeblood. So I am always interested when the two intersect. I happen to love all types of music, all different eras. The fact that Josh is a Sinatra and Elvis fan is very good with me. DId anyone notice the t-shirt that Stefon Diggs was wearing in the "ESPN The Magazine" video feature? He was wearing what I believe to be a Smiths t-shirt. I know that will likely raise the ire of some, and I am not a huge Morrissey fan (in fact I hate him now), but the Smiths were a big part of my youth. I thought it was kinda cool. Hate them or not, they made some great singles in the 80's.
  14. I wil go on record as saying that I was one of those Allen doubters, when they drafted him. Despite knowing better, I let all the draft experts opinions get through to me. By the time the season started, however, I was fully behind him...it was pretty obvious from his first game action that there was something to him, if he was going to go down as a bust, it was going to be in an entertaining fashion, and if nothing else, he was going to make Bills football entertaining. It was this game you reference, his single loss to the Dolphins, that convinced me he was a guy worthy of the "franchise" moniker.
  15. RIP! I loved them both. Either way, Ginger (Tina Louise) wins Survivor....the only remaining cast member.
  16. Of all the guys they are bringing in, Stills is the only one I could fathom as being someone they could/would rely on, even if minimally, to play in a playoff game.
  17. Very true...though our campus is massive. But the private property issue would be the same whether they are letting fans in the stadium or not. They will control as much as they can control, and depend on fans to be smart enough (a "hail mary" I know) to do what is right.
  18. I work at a major college University that allowed many people into their stadium this fall. Workred every football game this season. No tailgaiting was allowed...it was pretty easy to enforce, at least on the campus, which is normally one big tailgate party. It can be done.
  19. Do you really think that? Not saying you are wrong, but that if anything were to happen to Josh (heaven forbid) this season, that would be a really ballsy move by McDermott, to go to Webb. Wouldn't it?
  20. Yeah, not a big deal...but I would have liked to see him get some reps tonight, as there is a chance that next week could be an unusual game. Would like to see us with the full arsenel going, before the first playoff game. When he played against Arizona (I think it was) it was pretty clear that he wasn't fully healthy.
  21. Agree with your grades pretty much...I would only quibble on the Rams. I feel like they should get a U. Their defense alone should be enough to have them nailing down a playoff spot.
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