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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Huh, you don't say? Did any of you clowns listen to Wasserman-Schults comments? The ones that set this idiot off? If he can't take a disagreement over a policy, you really have to wonder why the guy is in politics. However you feel about Wasserman-Schultz, his language was very revealing of a person with some serious anger issues, at the very least. He is basking in this right now...but I am almost willing to bet, he ends up making some sort of aplogoy...even if it just one of those Tea Party "I am sorry that my comments were taken out of context, and that they offended anybody..."
  2. Oh yes, the left always does this...if only they could learn to handle themselves objectively and with the aplomb exhibited by the right, so consistently...you kill me...it was West, himself who used his years in the military as the reason for his harsh language. HE BRANG IT UP HIMSELF!!!!!!!!!!!! And, he also braught up his race and the fact that he is a Republican as the reason the left is going out of their way to condem him...really? You don't think if he was white, nobody would be saying anything? The guy is as clueless as his defenders, it seems. I think there were questions about Wests character before this...and, you may have no use for Wasserman-Schultz, but what, exactly, did she say that set off such a hateful, nasty response? It is just ironic, to me at least, that you guys are blowing him for his excellent military record, but he is using it as an excuse for his boorish behavior, and, anger management (or lack of) led to a premature end to his illustrious military career. I don't think questioning his character, for his over the top response, is out of bounds. LA, no matter what side of the aisle you are on, do you honestly think that was an appropriate response to her comments? btw- don't mistake me for "even was a military guy" thing...that was pretty silly!
  3. If you ever get a chance, rent the DVD "City Of God" (if you haven't seen it already). One of my all-time favorite movies. The DVD, as an "extra" has an excellent documentary about the on-going war between the police and the poor. Drug dealers and gangsters are elevated to the position of protectors of the people...which also, as it happens, gives them free reign of the favalas...pretty sad situtaiton. The police, at some point, took the positon that they would let the poor do whatever they want to eachother, as long as it didn't spill out into tourist areas...the government would just assume the poor all die...
  4. This may require you to read, but check this out...why Bachmann strikes some people as "bat ****" crazy: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/michele-bachmanns-holy-war-20110622 Go sharks! btw- Perry is "bat ****" crazy too...which should make him as a strong candidate for Republicans...unless somebody makes them sign a pledge that they won't support "bat ****" crazy candidates any more.
  5. Amazing how much insight we have here, at TBD...
  6. Really? Did you hear what Wasserman-Schultz said? You think West's comments were warranted, from that? Really? You would vote for him as "POTUS NP!" based on this?
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXFF5_GIsV0
  8. I have seen him all over the news the last two days, and during his 2010 campaign. I think he comes off like an arrogant !@#$. Explaining that his military service factored into his language, is an insult to the military. His letter was a bit over the top, especially when you listen to Wasserman-Schultz comments...I am sure you won't take the 3 minutes to do that...you will rely on Wiki pages...the guy comes off with someone with serious issues. Unbelievable. You do realize, your new Wiki hero chose to retire from the military, rather than face a dishonorable discharge for his role of using unnecessary force during an interrogation? And this wasn't during the PC Obama years (as I am sure you would assume) but in 2003. Composed, calm and dignified my ass...he is the flavor of the moment for the Republicans, and is basking in the attention...he will end up apologizing, when the charm of coming off like a misogynistic clown wears off. West, to me, has always come off as someone with anger issues, and seems pretty bitter. Another rube for the Tea Party...and he loves to play the race card...I know how much you guys love that around here.
  9. Yes, he handled it with so much dignity.
  10. We have had our 37th day of 100+ temperatures here in Texas. And we havn't hit our hottest time of year yet, which is August, September...somebody needs to tell Rick Perry, "God heard your prayers, and he just said "NO"!
  11. And you assume this because?
  12. Murdoch has retained Ken Lay and Seargent Schultz as his defense team...
  13. I think they are most likely too, but not so much because of Harbaugh as the weak division they play in...the 7-9 Sehawks won the division last year!
  14. I hate this point...Goodell is a Cowboys fan from Jamestown, a Jaguars fan from Jamestown, a Broncos fan from Jamestown...I think we (Bills fans) kind of cling to some hope that the fact that Goodell is from nearby Jamestown, he will somehow, "protect" the Bills in Buffalo. I don't buy that at all...plus, I remember reading a profile of him, when he was first announced as the successor to Tagliabue, and he said he grew up a NY Giants fan.
  15. Yes, only the hypocritters are chiming in!
  16. I guess that is what it all comes down to...oh no, I am losing points! I am fully aware, and able to admit, that this kind of thing may have gone on anywhere, I just find it amusing that the usuals around here never see their ways...
  17. This thread cracks me up...if this was a liberal media mogul type, in hot water, there would be noting but condemnation and "see, I told you so" type responses...but because it is Murdoch, it is "I am sure they are the only ones doing this (wink wink)". Truth is, Murdoch's company just got caught in some reprehensable behavior, there should be condemnation, just as there would be/will be if one of the perceived left leaning outlets was caught doing the same. Murdochs defense ("I am so involved with eveything, I didn't know about this") is pathetic. He didn't notice the huge payouts his company was making to keep people quiet? He deserves every pie that comes his way...
  18. That has been my experience. I have been to the Meadowlands for 6 Bills/Jets games...but I have only seen the Giants twice, once a MNF game against the 49ers, the other against the Eagles. Giants fans seem to appreciate the game a bit more. Maybe just a broad generalization. I was just emailing back and forth with a buddy of mine in NY, I am going to make plans to go to the Giants game...just so happens to be the same weekend that one of my current favorite bands is playing in town on Friday (14th)...Bills game on Sunday(16th), an then off to Buffalo Monday, for my moms 80th birthday(17th). Looking forward to it. I lived in NYC back in the late 80's, early 90's...kind of have a love/hate thing for the place. I haven't been back to NYC as much in the last 10 years. What I am wondering, how hard, and how expensive are tickets for the game, at this point. When I went to the Giants/49ers game, in 1991, we scalped tickets for about $200 each...and that was an "epic", hyped match-up....that sounds cheap by todays standards.
  19. Not to pick nits, but that game was in Houston...I was there...it was a fine game! JP's first two passes of the game went for 83 yard td passes to #83, Lee Evans...and the resurrected (briefly) Peerless Price makes the toe catch in the endzone as the final seconds wind down...JP looked like and NFL QB on the game winning drive...
  20. Let's go to the vieo: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/19/jonnie-marbles-murdoch-pie_n_903564.html
  21. That is so enlglish, a pie in the face! Anyways, on day when Murdoch is "so humbled" a pie in the face doesn't seem so bad... "Uh sir, you'll have to check that pie at the door" Asked outside the hearing about security by the BBC, Labour MP Chris Bryant said "I guess they weren't looking for shaving foam". Mr Bryant indicated the man was in contempt of parliament. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2011/07/19/rupert-and-james-committe_n_903480.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk3%7C78759
  22. It's OC's world...and only he lives in it...
  23. I am not afraid to say it...I thought we were going to carry on, after a minor bump in the road in 2000-01, when they made the trade for Bledsoe. I thought it was a great move. I figured Bledsoe had a little more time, his arm was as great as ever, and we had the offensive talent...the first half of the 2002 season was a blast. I will put the game winning TD that Blesoe threw to Peerless Price to win the game against Minnestoa was one of the prettiest passes in Bills history, IMO. Not every QB could have made that pass...it was as much touch as it was arm strenghth. Or, his 29 yarder to Moulds, the week before against the Jets, to tie the game up in regulation. Unfortunately, the defense wasn't up to the task that year...as they D got better, the offense (or moreover Drew) started to slow down...they were never in synch, firing on all cylanders, in all facets of the game. By 2004 we had a terrific big play defense, but the offense just fell apart as Bledsoe became more immobile, and could never really replace the magic the passing game had in 2002 with Peerless Price and Eric Moulds...and then there was Travis Henry...call me crazy, but as much as fans hate them, Peerless Price and Travis Henry are two of my favorite Bills from this dark age of Bills football. Price, v.1, IMO, was on the verge of becoming a sueprstar, but went for the money in Atlanta...and Henry, despite all his failings off the field, played with so much heart and deteremintation...the early Donohoe years were so full of hope...you could overlook the crummy uniforms for a while. You know, I am glad somebody else remembers this game. I remember, going to the bar to watch it, and there was pretty much nobody there...the Bills crowd, normally about 15-20 people that time of the year (it gets smaller by the week as the season goes on, and the losses pile up), consisted of just me and my buddy John, also a Bills die-hard. The bar, two floors, closed one floor down, and there was, literally, total about 10 people there to watch football, and about 4 people working at the bar...it was Christmas Eve, last game of another crappy season, but the Bills played their asses off that day...sent us home very happy. The spirits were flowing...in retrospect, I had no business driving home from the bar that day...really fun game. As we were the only ones making any noise, everyone else in the bar was pulling for the lowly Bills, to beat the lowly Bengals that day, as if the game had some special Christmas meaning...good times...can't wait for the season to start!
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