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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. I have heard good things...will check it out someday...too many shows right now, and then, football, hockey & hoops right around the corner...
  2. Yeah, I think you would dig it...it's called "Broken Hearts and Dirty Windows"...has Deertick (w/Liz Isenberg), Drive-By Truckers, Avett Brothers, Lambchop, My Morning Jacket, Old Crow Medicine Show and my current favorites Those Darlins...a bunch of others too...good tribute album...no Sheryl Crow, which is always a good start! btw- just got home from my part-time gig at the record store...there is so much going on there all the time..didn't even realize, til today, Dawes are playing in our store on August 24th. I had never really listened to their stuff, until I picked up the Middle Brother cd, and really dug some of his stuff...they also back up Robbie Robertson on his new record...normally RR puts me to sleep, as a solo artist, but it might be worth checking out. I am going to NYC the weekend of Oct 14th...gonna see Those Darlins that Friday night, in Brooklyn, and out to the Meadowlands on Sunday, to see the Bills/Giants game...and getting to see my best friend on top of it all...really looking forward to it! PS: the original "Waitress In the Sky"...Johnny Rivers '66!
  3. You are of course, ignoring the pick of perhaps, the only recent first round pick that hasn't disappointed (so far) Eric Wood...
  4. Poojer, have you picked up the John Prine tribute album? Deertick does one of my more favorite later Prine songe, "Unwed Fathers". Good stuff... btw- picked up tickets to see Dawes on the 24th...
  5. It just doesn't seem to me like Gus is ever going to change his opinion of Jesse...I think he wants him gone, but he needs Walt still...that said, given that there is now a definite end to the series in sight, Jesse's demise seems inevitable.
  6. Bears fans are wittier than Bills fans...they said so on Sportsnation!
  7. What is funny, to me, you read the comments, and you realize fans are the same everywhere...except Miami!
  8. Agreed...I like the move...
  9. Who isn't, here? Perry is a complete lunatic, which is why I expect he will win the Republican nod, and likely the White House...
  10. My brother does the Mighty Taco thing, every time he goes to Buffalo, from Georgia...fills up a cooler, dry ice, freezes them...I love Might too, but, I don't think it is quite as good as it was back in the day, when they were "head food", as opposed to trying to compete with Taco Bell. Still love them, but not the same as a great Buffalo pizza! A freind of mine, for my birthday, oredered a couple of pizzas and a bucket of wings, from La Nova for me, the year the Colts and Bears played in the Super Bowl. I will say, the pizza traveled pretty well...the wings weren't that great though. Not bad, just not the same as getting them in-house. Funny, about a year later, a local pizza chain (Conans), here in Austin, started touting their "real Buffalo wings". I ordered some, just for the hell of it...I will be damned, I go to the resteraunt to pick them up, and am reading the sign on the counter about their new wings...they were shipped form La Nova...only thing is, these idiots (I mean Texans) didn't offer them with hot sauce, only barbeque sauce...I told them to just give them to me plain, and I would make my own sauce...they weren't bad, if not a little expensive. They stopped carrying them within a year.
  11. Make this stop, please...even if I agree, to an extent, the buck stops at the desk of Ralph Wilson...give Marv credit for stepping down after two years, knowing he was in over his head...
  12. I wathced the first half yesterday, on the Game Rewind package...I was actually really impressed with the defense. And, for the limited time the Offensive starters played, they looked okay...Freddy had a couple of nice, albeit short runs, Spiller had a nice play or two...I was a lttle underwhelmed by the receivers, but it is early.
  13. Do Tea Party terrorists in the house draw a salary? Oh wait...wrong thread!
  14. Worst post ever...
  15. I completely get where he is coming from!
  16. I think he went to Georgia, not Georgia Tech...
  17. I think Stinchcomb is a Georgia guy, like Chan...maybe Gailey can use his southern charm on him!
  18. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised, but I am thinking it was more asking for a trade, after all the rumors that the Bills were willing to trade him started to surface. I believe him when he said, just a few days before, he never even really ever thought about playing anywhere but Buffalo. Then, after he was traded, he said all nice things, but seemed to hint that he never felt like he fit into Nix and Gaileys' plans...and then, there was the quote from Terrence McGee (I believe it was) that "we knew it could happen, but not now, we figured it would happen after the season". One thing about Gailey, he is not afraid to call guys out. And he called out Evans a few times last season, and in this off-season. Say what you will about Evans being overrated, but you can't question the way he carried himself the last 7, very trying, seasons. It has to creep in to a guys psyche, and hurt his confidence when the new boss comes in, and instead of seeing you as an asset as your previous bosses did, they start to question your value to them. I have been through something like that, at a job. It does sort of demoralize you, particularly when it is coming from a person you have no history with. I realize, sports are very much a "right here, right now" kind of business, but these guys are still human. I suspect Evans is going to have a real good season in Baltimore. Barring injuries, many WR (NFL players in general, except RB's) have some of their best years in their 30's...Evans is 30, around here, the last few days, you would think he was Brett Favre or something. His numbers declined, because he played in ****ty offenses, with horrnedous OC's, until Chan came along...and Chan seems determined to purge the old, and bring in the new.
  19. Looks like next season is the last for "Breaking Bad": http://www.cnn.com/2011/SHOWBIZ/TV/08/15/breaking.bad.final.season.ew/index.html?hpt=hp_bn5
  20. Before last season, John, I am not sure the Bills offense ever really asked any more of Evans than to go long...
  21. I just think Lee wasn't one of Gailey's guys. His post trade comments, classy as always, kind of indicated that he never felt like he fit in with Nix and Gailey's plans...hard to overcome that. Either way, as pissed as I was about the trade (Evans was my favorite player on the team for the last 7 years), I am over it...and I am glad for him, he gets to go to a team that just might do something. I think rumors of his diminished skills are highly exaggerated by some Bills fans...would be fun to see him have the big year he seems more than capable of.
  22. I have the odd feeling, if Fitz does not at least match what he did last season, then Thigpen will be the starter next year...unless Gailey gets fired.
  23. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=marilyn+manson&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1440&bih=680&tbm=isch&tbnid=mVe6JzPbX2tOwM:&imgrefurl=http://cancersocietygzb.com/crude-marilyn-manson-genealogies-of-pain-book/&docid=YKUE5PgBXq3D7M&w=600&h=900&ei=s6dITob7OYrMgQfPhtnCBg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1218&vpy=48&dur=186&hovh=275&hovw=183&tx=98&ty=194&page=5&tbnh=160&tbnw=111&start=88&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:15,s:88 I have always found her fairly repulsive.
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