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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. I think Kimmel is pretty damn funny most of the time...I liked his show a little more, before he started getting A-list guests, and dealt mostly with smaller name guests... As for Conan, I think he is really funny, but is just (still) after all these years just hard to watch, once the interview part of his show starts... I still have some loyalty to Letterman, cuz coming up when I did, he raised the stakes on edgier late-nite fair...I used to like Leno, when he was a guest on Letterman's show...as host of the Tonight show, he is horrible... Jimmy Fallon dces great music stuff (his Neal Young parody is maybe the best imitation of anyone I have ever seen anyone do, period) but, like Conan, he is just painful, for me, to watch when doing the traditional "interview" thing. Can't say that I have seen Ferguson much...when I do, I kind of feel like he talks too much, and does a little too much mugging into the camera...not my cup of tea, though I know many think he is the best....
  2. From what I have read, they will not hassle you. They have partnered with Sony, to maximize their profit from their exclusive on the Ticket...I was only half kidding before, but I am sure all the folks threatening to cancel, so they get it free, or heavily discounted, isn't helping them at all, in the long run. They will get money from Sony, and Sony benefits, as they try to monopolize the home gaming industry...they are lowering the price of PS3, btw...I think to around $249 (from $329)... I am torn, because I already signed up for the Center Ice package...it is not cheap, but about $100 less than the NFL thing...my ladies head will likely explode if I get the Ticket too...I just wish I could find out more details, like if you have to pay in one lump sum (that would count me out), and if the Ticket would be DVR compatible. Also, I think I would miss going to the bar on Sundays to watch...but in the long run, I think it would be cheaper. Going to the bar, I normally drop $30, minimum...we take turns buying a round of shots, if the Bills win...might save some dough there!
  3. I would say John McCargo was about 4million times (another great 1st round pick) luckier than Youboty...personally, I think Youboty, at one point, looked to be a major talent, but, then he got hurt, again. Hardly the most useless player on the Bills roster over the last 10 years... McCargo was so bad, and so under the radar, you forgot him...and he was on the roster for 5 freakin' years...Youboty was just too small to stay healthy, IMO. I remember meeting him once, and thinking he was a kid trying to get an autograph...he looked like he was about 15 years old, and I don't think he really grew much over the years. I wish him luck in Tampa Bay. I know he has had some hardships in his life, things that most of us don't have to deal with. I have no problem rooting for him.
  4. Alrigh DaveinElma...we will see when all of the layoffs of government workers start going into effect... This state is about to get hit hard...I don't blame Perry for wanting to get out before he has to deal with it...
  5. Maybe...I don't have DTV, and have no idea how they operate, but read this...and try to ignore the accompanying photo! http://ps3.ign.com/articles/118/1188517p1.html
  6. Funny, I was going to speculate yesterday, that the Bills would be one of the teams interested in him...Gailey is (too) enamored with these multi-faceted guys, IMO...lets' get teh cornerstone built first, before we start adding more guys who play a half dozen positions...
  7. Yup! You do not have to have Direct TV...just a PS3. It will cost $349 for the season, and it doesn't matter whether you can get satallite or not. If you just want the Ticket, but don't want DTV, you can do that. They say it will be available for this coming season, but I still can't find out where/how you sign up. One of the endless reams of articles I saw online said it would be available September 1st. Not sure if you buy it through Sony or DTV, as they are both promoting it as a "joint venture". Apparently, DTV wants to get more bang for their buck on the Sunday Ticket...having to give freebies to all the whiners must be killing them! Also, I have read, if you already have the Ticket and DTV, you can pay an extra $50 to get the Ticket on your PS3, which you could then use as a receiver, to watch different games on different TV's at the same time.
  8. Hard to know what to make of Housh...I loved him when he was in Cincinnati...then he went to a bad Seattle team, where nobody did much, and joined the Ravens late, and never really seemed to get in the groove of their offense. So, I am not sure if his skills have declined, or he has just been in bad spots...or maybe a combo of both. Housh is a much different kind of receiver than Evans was...very physical...it appears, to me, Chan is wanting physical receivers...to me, Donald Jones has shown more as a blocker than as a receiver. We shall see...I hated losing Evans, but I wouldn't be upset to give Housh a look.
  9. A little more info...still can't find out how to buy this...but it sounds like it might not be available until Sept. 1st http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-20093727-1/nfl-sunday-ticket-comes-to-the-playstation-3/
  10. Depends on your perspective!
  11. Maybe you are right...but it seems that many of the Tea Party candidates who were elected at mid-terms, are getting a lot of grief from the people who voted them in, once they see where things are headed. Just as lefties celebrated in 2008, only to have their hands smacked in 2010...it seems the Tea Party right wingers are suffering the same backlash...people, it appears want change, but they don't like the changes that anyone is making. It is funny, living in Texas, I hear the Tea Party dogma all the time, and our governor touts himself, unofficially as some job creating messiah, following the Tea Party scripture...but nothing could be further from the truth. Sure, a sizable number or jobs have been created in Texas, but the majority are either government jobs, or jobs that pay so little, that employees can't afford basic amenities...recent stats released show that 70% of full time workers in Texas have no health inusurance...that is a staggering number. And, maybe that is cool with a lot of people...but in the next two years, with projected governmane layoffs in Texas, which are really just starting, we are going to see the unemployment rate sink here, too...it is all smoke and mirrors what Perry has done. Without Obamas' much maligned stimulus (which Perry went out of his way to publically reject), Perry couldn't have balanced his budget which he is so proud of. Tea Party goals may be noble (I say "may" be), but, their way of trying to reach those goals is not humanely realistic, in the eyes of many. I really am anxious to see how all of this pans out in the next elections. It seems like typically, in America, the people with the most to gain are the ones who come out to vote...but recently we are seeing those with the most to lose get a fire under their ass...maybe that is the way we truly reach a middle compromise that everyone can live with?
  12. Seriously? They lost seats, perhaps not as many as we on the left would have preferred...but they lost seats...how is that a "smearing"?
  13. Ummm, the Austin Chronicle is a weekly, and has a left leaning slant, but you are really under-estimating its' influence here in Austin. It is far closer to, say, the Village Voice, than the "Art Voice" It is distributed all over Austin...you can pick up a copy at nearly any HEB in town, and nearly every resteraunt. It is distrbuted into neighboring Round Rock, San Marcos, and even San Antonio. If you consider liberal being an "alternative lifestyle" then, that is your view...but the Chronicle, I would dare say, has far more weight, in this town, than the Statesman, which it the homoginized daily newspaper here, full of cookie-cutter syndicated articles. Like I said, (and you did too) this is hardly anything new, and I remember similar ads running back in the Kenneth Starr/Bill Clinton days... there seems to be this insinuation that this is some lefy thing... Yeah, I realize, not everyone who supports Ron Paul is a Republican...but he is running as a Republican, for whatever reason...I have mixed feelings about him. For me, he is so right on some things, and so off on others. I am not necessarily one who is willing to make all the trade-offs...I don't want to demilitarize America, but I also see some vailidity to the idea of legalizing pot...no thank you please, I don't smoke it no more (I'm tired of waking up on the floor)...but I also see it as a great source of potential revenue, while ending the rediculous amount of money spent on enforcement, and imprisonment.
  14. Looks like you would also get the Red Zone channel...it looks like DTV & Sony struck up a deal. http://www.tvpredictions.com/dsony081811.htm I am really torn here...I love the idea of being able to watch the Bills, live, in my living room, but I have gotten so used to heading to the bar on Sundays...not sure what to do... I have never had NetFlix...I barely use my PS3, only to play Madden...and I rarely do that any more. I am a little technology challenged...let me ask a few questions...feel free to chime in: 1- Are all PS3 additions wireless? I have never done on-line gaming, but I know the option is there. If I signed up for the Sunday Ticket, is it simply a matter of downloading a disc to program it? Or, do I have to have internet connection to my PS3? 2- I normally record games on my dvd recorder...making hard DVD copies of games from the broadcast networks, to watch years later...does anybody know if there would be copyright protection stuff on Sunday Ticket? In other words, would it be possible to record games still, or is watching live your only option? How does it work with NetFlix?
  15. There really is nothing to defend here, it is the political climate we live in. These types of ads have been appearing in newspapers and magazines across the country for a few decades now. Larry Flynt loves using this technique to expose hypocrites, and he has had some success...I am not condoning it, it just isn't really all that noteworthy. Huff Post, Salon, are just reporting about the ad, as a round about way of letting people know that there have been lots of salacious rumors about Rick Perry circulating for years...they can bring attention to it, without reporting it as fact. This is the oldest political trick in the book... But hey, did you notice this isn't from some "libtard"...it is an ad taken by a Ron Paul backer (or should I call him "Doctor Paul"?)...there is enough real stuff out there about Perry, without having to dig it up...you just have to pay attention. The "job creators" Texas economy is based on expanding government (I thought that was a major no-no), and using stimulus money to balance the budget...the same stimulus money he made such a spectacle of telling the president to shove up his ass, "'cuz in Texas, we don't take welfare"... Watch tough guys house of cards come falling down in the next two years, when Texas economy tanks...this guy is a terrible governor,and a terrific hypocrite. Meanwhile, the education system continues to circle the drain...the unions biggest state is raising a new generation of illiterates. GW deserves more credit for the relative economic health of Texas than Perry does...Perry just hasn't gotten destroying it yet...when there is no more stimulus money to balance his budget, Perrys' smoke and mirrors budget will come to light, and Texas will be in the same shape as everyone else.
  16. This is for you!
  17. I am looking forward to the season, I always do...and I will be happy as all hell if the Bills finish at .500 or better, but I certainly am not expecting it...why would anyone? During this most recent dark period for the Bills (2000-present), I had a "feeling" the Bills would be better, record wise, than the Dolphins and/or the Jets every year...and more often than not I was wrong. I love the addition of Dareus, Barnett and Merriman (if he stays healthy and is not suspended for anything), but there are so many question marks surrounding this team, only a homer in the truest sense of the word, could be certain that the team will be a lot better than last year.
  18. What station is Czaben on? I always liked him...I rarely agree with him (he gets a little political from time to time) but I always thought he was genuinely funny, and his show entertaining...he got canned from the moring show on FOX, replaced by STEVEN A SMITH!!!!, who has since been canned...is Czaben national?
  19. I am a big Johnny Rivers fan...I know he is not, perhaps, the most original artist out there, but he just made damn great sounding records...big fan of good, vintage pop...he does it. Agreed on "Positively 4th Street" cover. Wow...that would be a terrific line-up, for me. I don't know how familiar you are with the Darlins, but I could see some Drive-By fans not digging them...but they are really fun to see live, and their records are just infectious grooves...always a sucker for cute chicks with guitars...their first album was a little more coutrified pop,but the new one is more of a Spectre-ish contemporary ramshackle rock-n-roll record... love this song: Almost posted this in your "favorite nut busting songs" thread...but then I realized we weren't thinking along the same lines.
  20. Try cartoons....they are shorter, and don't require so much mental stamina!
  21. They just want to make sure other people don't get free lunch...just stay away from theirs!
  22. The game on 9/11 will be available when the NBC broadcast on Sunday Night Football is over (sometime between 11:30 and midnight eastern)...you cannot access any games on REWIND when there is NFL football on one of the broadcast networks. For instance, you can't go back and watch a game from Sunday, during the Monday Night Football broadcast on Monday. As far as the $10 deal goes, I believe it is still available. I purchased the pre-season package, as well as the regular season package at the discount price...unfortunately, for me, I can't access them on my home computer, because, if you have a Mac, it must be PowerPC 5, or Intel powered. But, I watched the Bills/Bears pre-season game the last two days, at work, over my lunch breaks! Also, and I am thinking of doing this as well, if you sign up for the two packages, for an additional $10 you can get the radio broadcasts as well...I have to admitt, I have had the Rewind package the last two years, and didn't use it as often as I imagined I would...but, it is pretty cheap, and nice to know you have the option to go back and see anything during the season. I like to go to the bar to watch, but, there is normally one, or possibly two games a season that I can't watch because of work obligations...so it is cool to come home later at night, and be able to see what I missed that day.
  23. What a dip-****...
  24. Yes, confidently wrong!
  25. I wasn't sure...banging or beating off?
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