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August Movies: Apes, Conan, Fright Night, & Dark....
Buftex replied to Mark Vader's topic in Off the Wall Archives
Genearl Ursis I presume? Or Urko, for you fans of the tv show! -
OP is asking why there is no "positive chatter"...perhaps there is so little discussion, because, I would guess, not as many saw the game...it was blacked out in WNY, and wasn't shown in replay on NFL Network yet (3pm eastern tomorrow).
I have only seen the fourth quarter, will have to wait until tomorrow to see the rest. It does sound like the first string offense and defense had a nice night...but, just like so many said last week to all the "haters"(poor choice of words on your part), "overreact much?" If we can't feel DOOMED over two awful preseason performances, cuz they are "only preseason", why should everyone get so crazy over a great performance in what is, after all, "only a preseason game"?
August Movies: Apes, Conan, Fright Night, & Dark....
Buftex replied to Mark Vader's topic in Off the Wall Archives
The shame about the Burton film was that it looks terrific, but the script was awful. If you are a big Apes fan, you have to see it, just to see all the subtle tributes the originals (also present in the new Rise Of movie). But, just a bad script. A good old friend of mine is a screenwriter, and was paid to write a script for the Apes franchise, back when the Burton film was being floated around as an idea. While I never read my friends script, I know it had to be better than the crap they put out. He was told his vision was "too dark" for what was being projected to be a "family adventure" type franchise...if the movie is too dark to get a "PG" or "PG-13" rating, then nobody is going to invest millions in it, cuz it isn't going to make it back. "Rise Of the Planet Of The Apes" is kind of a "re-booting" of the fourth original movie, "Conquest Of the Planet of the Apes". If you are familiar with the original five movies, the fourth movie kind of explains how apes rose into dominance over humans. It was actually a pretty good script, full of socio-political parallels of the times (1974)...but it was so low budget, it looks kind of silly. Also, it made no attempt to put any "science" in the science-fiction formula for the film series. This new one does just that. It may be a little flimsy, but I liked the attempt, it worked for me, and was just a fun movie. btw- I only saw the new movie in reguler "1D"... -
I did it. I got Jasper's #69 jersey
Buftex replied to PromoTheRobot's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Exactly! People forget, one of the few "success" stories the Bills have had in recent years, in developing a player, was turning Jason Peters (a pretty huge guy too) from an undrafted Tight End project, into one of the highest paid Left Tackles in the NFL. It didn't end up working out so great (for us anyways) in the end, but if nothing else, I trust Chan Gailey to coach players, and make them into better players...I didn't have that faith in the previous coaching regime. -
Toward the end of the game last night, they showed a clip of the Bills/NFL "Back to Football" promo where a selected fan gets a jersey of their favorite player...Promo, didn't you say you were chosen, and were representing Michael Jasper? If that is the case, you got about 20 solid seconds of screen time...in case you missed it! Anyone else notice?
Could be wrong, but I think most older fans (35+) love the "new" uniforms, and the younger fans are not as enthusiastic? I was born in 1965, and my earliest Bills memories revolve around the 1972 season (I was 7) when Dennis Shaw was our QB. I remember it, cuz my name is Dennis, and, somehow, being a dumb kid, I was convinced that I was named after Shaw, as the name Dennis had no family significance, and the 6 siblings born before me, all had names that began with "K". Even wrote the name "Dennis Shaw" on the back of my Buffalo Bills pajama top. That said, I remember being a little bummed when they swithced from the standing Buffalo, to the charging Buffalo...but it was the Knox years that, for me, being too young to remember the great 60's AFL teams, really captured my imagination. We got season tickets in 1979, and in 1980 and 1981, I experienced the joy, for the first time, of feeling like the Bills had a legitimate chance to win a Super Bowl...so, I am partial to these helmets, and to the Knox era teams...those were really fun years. I got over the standing Buffalo vs charging Buffalo thing...but I never liked the red helmets better than the white...the helmet/logo combo they have now, is the best, to me. The Buffalo just stands out so much more than it did on the red helmet (I used to cut meat for a living, and I swore, sometimes, the logo on the red helmet looked like a T-bone steak!), and I like the blue streak better than the standing Buffalo...but I am good with either...
It seems like everyone overreacts, huh? They lose two preseason games, they are the worst..they win a preseason game, and everything is fixed! I think everyone is guilty of that...preseason means very little. As for Felser, I have never really liked him...he was always negative about the Bills, the way people criticize Sullivan for, now. Felser hasn't really been relevant to Bills coverage in about 20-25 years...it almost seems like they still have him on the payroll, so the blue-hairs of Buffalo have one of their own to follow...I am cool with that...
It's Jim Carrey. I don't know how anyone could think it is funny.
I havn't been paying attention, but are people criticizing the Bills broadcast team? I have to say, I think Steve Tasker has improved, sound wise, and he is making more fluent, salient points than he used to, on the big network broadcasts. And, I think Ray Bentley is really good. He knows the game, and, is it me, or doesn't his voice sound a bit like Don Criqui? I know Criqui is getting long in the tooth, but, back in the day, when the Bills were relevant nationally, Criqui, Marv Albert, were like the "national voices" of the Bills. I like Bentley...does anyone know if he does games regularly anywhere? College maybe?
August Movies: Apes, Conan, Fright Night, & Dark....
Buftex replied to Mark Vader's topic in Off the Wall Archives
I am 46...the original Planet of the Apes movies are, for me, like the equivalent of Star Wars for some of the young whipper-snappers...I must say, the Burton movie, to me, was so awful, it scared me away from big budget, "blockbuster" type movies, for the most part, ever since. I saw "Star Trek" a couple years ago, and thought it was pretty good, and, finally, went to see "Rise of the Planet Of the Apes" this week, just stopped at the movie theater, on my way home from work, on a whim..."discout ticket"($8.50!!!), sparsely filled theater...I enjoyed it very much. I realize, being a "franchize" type movie, it wouldn't be quite as dark as I think it could have been, but it came close...the CGI was incredible, although there were a few scenes where it looked a little too cartoonish..but this movie was a blast...in my book, it didn't drag for a second...if I had seen it when I was a kid, I think it would be my favorite movie of all time...but, I am an adult, and far more jaded than that now- and I still really liked it... Funny thing is, I couldn't get anyone to see the movie with me...my best friend here in town, rarely goes to movie theaters (though he teaches a film class...go figure!) and my gf had 0 interest...it was okay, I don't mind going to movies by myself, sometimes I even prefer it...when I got home from seeing it, before telling my gf that I had seen it, she offered to see it with me, cuz she felt bad that I hadn't seen it yet...a "mercy flick" if you will...for a second, I almost thought of not telling her I had seen it, and went to see it again...but I didn't...I will buy the blu-ray! Yeah, she is gorgeous! I didn't really have a problem with her in this flick, though her presence didn't seem important to the script...they needed to have a beautiful woman...but being an action flick, I am not looking, necessarily for Oscar level acting performances. Remember Linda Harrison, Nova from the first two, original POTA flicks? http://www.google.com/imgres?q=linda+harrison+planet+of+the+apes&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1440&bih=680&tbm=isch&tbnid=U-UPF46FuT5qSM:&imgrefurl=http://www.chud.com/61637/franchise-me-planet-of-the-apes/&docid=Jti0Ykb_Iqj37M&w=450&h=333&ei=NN1ZTqPhONGgtweghrmcDA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=184&vpy=241&dur=735&hovh=137&hovw=173&tx=130&ty=116&page=1&tbnh=137&tbnw=173&start=0&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0 -
Absolutely love the new helmets...my favorite Bills helmet look of all time...love the way the Buffalo really stands out...and the streak, to me, is sweet...I like the standing Buffalo too, but I like these just a tad better... I agree with you about the end-zones...I thought they were kind of odd looking...I liked the red endzone, but they really seem to be de-emphasizing the red in their look...the end-zones almost reminded me of the Colts...oh, well, if we score 35 points on a regular basis, I will learn to love them!
Awww..even when I was hipster, the stuff I liked was never cool enough for Spin...seeing the dull Foo Fighters album at #1 made me skeptical...some good picks...but none of my faves can crack that list. I think I like Middle Brother, Dawes, Those Darlins and Caitlin Rose's new album more than anything there...though War on Drugs is pretty damn good...just got turned on to it about a week ago...kind of cosmic Dylan hodge-podge...good stuff. Pooj- I think it was you who started a thread about chick singers about a year ago? If you lean that way...check out the Caitlin Rose record "Own Side Now" She played in our store a couple weeks ago, and I was really impressed...young girl (mid-20's) but terrific songwriter...funny, her mother is Laura Rose, a kind of cookie-cutter Nashville songwriter who co-wrote about three or four of Taylor Swift's biggest hits...her own daughter has more talent in her finger nail than Taylor...she can write (good)songs, and can sing on key without an auto-tuner!
Take her, dibs wouldn't know what to do with her!
Funny...I found her the most intriguing of the lot...good for you!
Mr Fabulous is a complete POS! Republicans should love him... schools open this week, here in Texas...4 billion dollars under budger, $185 a semester to have your kids bused to school... but no taxes on the rich! Rick-o's eduction ponzi shceme in full effect...but he sure talked tough to the president...what a POS! He is top of the Republican polls...the first Republican to reach 30%...scary times.
I don't know why some people (not necessarily you) can't understand that being critical of the Bills doesn't necessarily make most of us love the team any less...we wouldn't be here, if we didn't. Maybe it is a perverse love, but, I expect nothing better than a 6-10 season for the Bills (and that is optimistic for me right now) but I am so stoked for football season, and I will not miss a second of the Bills season...part of the fun, for some, (me included I guess) is seeing the big picture, or, at least, what we think the big picture is, and offer theories of where the team we love is succeeding and where it is failing. As negative as some may feel I am about the Bills, I will never, ever, ever, stoop to the level of wanting the team to lose games, no matter how unimportant they are, just to secure a higher draft pick...that, to me, is the ultimate in negative...not to get too melodramatic, but, at 46, I do wonder how many Sundays I have left, to enjoy the simple, but amazing joy, of just sitting with like minded people wanting something to happen, no matter how unimportant the results are, bigger picture.
Nice link...I am sure it will be followed by lots of disparaging comments...but I always thought there were plenty of beautiful women in Buffalo... Of course, that said, I guess I am getting old...the pic that illicit-ed the most excitement for me was the one of the Bills helmet, surrounded by chicken wings!
Have you seen Dave in Elma? If you prefer dark humor, you can't miss with him!
Have you ever had sex with Rick Perry?
Buftex replied to /dev/null's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Nah..POTUS! -
Yeah, on second thought, I think you are mostly right...at least with the offense...I think the Bills had better talent on defense last year (maybe only marginally) than what they showed. I think they adapted a scheme they were not fit to run...but your point is taken. My bad...
From what I have heard, Bellichik is very personable with his players, just not the media. I know, he has had some ex-players (Drew Beldsoe, and Drew's best Pats freind, Ted Johnson? Linebacker...) slam him, but I think they were the alienated vetrans...that is a Parcell's tree characteristic...take the most popular player on the team, when you get there, and make an example of them...let them know you are in charge.
That is as good a take as any. But keep in mind, even before the internet had such a huge influence on sports, and the way we watch them, Gailey was not popular with vetrans when he coached the Cowboys...part of the reason he was canned. The criticism then was that Gailey wanted to change everything to his philosopy, rather than adapt to the talent on hand. Troy Aikman in particular was not a fan of Gailey. In some ways, not in a personality way, but a coaching way, I think Gailey is almost a little like Mike Martz... Granted, the Bills cuppard was a lot more bare in 2010, than the Cowboys was, when he took over in 1998...but the theory sitll applies. I like Gailey a lot. I too, find his honesty refreshing. But, one thing I have observed in his time here, when publically calls a players effort, or playing ability into question, they are not long for the Bills roster...always listening for those clues...I am thinking Bell is most likely the next odd-man out.
This is ... um. Well ... I'm not really sure what this is
Buftex replied to CosmicBills's topic in Off the Wall Archives
Wow..that was disgusting. Who was it who was posting about the downfall of society a week or so ago?