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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. Is Palmer that much better than Kerry Collins at this point? Carson had a few nice years, but, to me, he is looking more like the Drew Bledsoe of 2003-2006, than the good Carson Palmer of a few years ago. Palmer was badly injured, and really hasn't been very good ever since. I am not completely sure, all things equal, if Collins wouldn't do just as well as Palmer. He may be marginally better, but, IMO, if Manning doesn't come back, the Colts are !@#$ed either way.
  2. If we didn't measure everything by how much money it makes, we could do quite a bit.
  3. You may be right...but it is the people who voted for them who are having many of the problems with them. When did your ban end? It had been so quiet here... I think you are ignoring the fact that many of the candidates who have labled themselves as Tea Partiers (or whatever they are calling themselves) have managed to wedge their social and religious beliefs into their party...so, in a sense, this is the party, as good and valid as its' initial intentions might have been, is where all the "extreme and crazy" right-winger have moved to. The Tea Party has been hijacked, and, in my mind is every bit as dysfunctional as the two parties it is pretending to rail against...with the social agenda thrown in there, just for kicks. They say they want smaller government and less government intervention, but seem to think that the governments key function should be to legistlate social issues...that is why so many think they are a step backwards...and some just love it!
  4. The jury is still out on Buddy, but the regimes prior to him, just seemed to draft guys, and extend them, or let their contracts run out, even though, they were, essentially the same player they were the day they were drafted...they never showed any improvement.... I have nothing against Roscoe Parrish, kinda like him...but, in reality, he has done very little for a guy who is getting his third contract from the team. I know, he started out well, last year, but, like every year, he got hurt...again, not knocking him, and I don't mind him sticking around, but it is just odd, the randomness, sometimes, of who the Bills make a priority, and who they let go... True, they haven't let any all-stars slip away, but they haven't really kept any either, and, so far, Steve Johnson is pretty much the only one they have grown, themselves, since Jason Peters. I think Gailey is a really good coach, and by that, I mean, a really strong teacher. So, I am optimistic that this trend will change.
  5. The post master is actually quite profitable, but operates under requirements that no private inustry/real world could survive under, so I agree with you. However, it isn't the benefits that are killing the post office, it is the post masters requriement to have 20 years of pension banked, ahead of time, that is putting the squeeze on. Republicans have been trying to kill the US Postal service for years, and may finally be getting there...privatizing everything is the way to go! http://crooksandliars.com/kenneth-quinnell/assault-american-unions-extends-p "Rolando lays out the real root of the problem: "The problem lies elsewhere: the 2006 congressional mandate that the USPS pre-fund future retiree health benefits for the next 75 years, and do so within a decade, an obligation no other public agency or private firm faces. The roughly $5.5 billion annual payments since 2007 — $21 billion total — are the difference between a positive and negative ledger." Here is the part where you are supposed to say that the source is not legit! These are the Daves I know, I know...these are the Daves! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVC28UWH-GQ
  6. Sorry, just trying to get into the "new" spirit that seems so popular here...
  7. Kill all government workers...they are a blight, and a drain on society!
  8. Normally, the eyes glaze over when the do another coutdown on SportsCenter, but tonight Chris Berman and Tom Jackson did their Top 10 games of the last 25 years (the time they have been togeher on ESPN...the Super Bowl era Bills were heavily represented: #7- 1992- Bills @49ers- no punt game #3- 1991- Bills/Giants- Super Bowl 25- "wide right" #1- 1993- Oilers @Bills- AFC Wildcard- the comeback Sill fun to think of those days...glad the games are back!
  9. I see this as yet another in a list of growing examples of Obama caving to the right, in hopes of getting the other side to compromise from time to time...but it will never happen...and they will continue to rail on him as being some extreme radical, when, basically, he gives them everything they want. Obama caves in on environmental issues to appease those who say it will cost the economy. Yet, the same people can't see how foolish their hard-line "only cuts, and no taxes" dogma is. Its' ultimately a great "loose/loose" situation for everyone!
  10. +1 Thigpen is not getting cut...no matter how much people seem to want it to happen...I also think Kelsay has looked better...
  11. Yes, I saw the announcements (I linked them earlier in this thread), but there is still no concrete way to order this service, that I can find. It is strange...almost like it is there, but they don't want anyone to take advantage of it. I agree with bender, you would think Sony would be advertising this all over the place. Have you figured out where to go, or how to go about ordering?
  12. Notice, he says we need spending cuts, and tax increases to get out of this hole...until both parties are willing to acknowledge this, this "real debt" is only going to get bigger.
  13. I can't tell if you are in your crayon eating mode, or just really don't understand...but I will play along...the preseason games are set up by the franchies' not the league. There were times where the Raiders and Cowboys would play eachother twice in pre-season... Mr Wilson, as you may or may not know, before owning the Bills, was a minority owner of the Lions. The first year the Bills were in existence, the Bills wore, essentially, the Lions uniform, and colors. The Bills have a connection to the Lions in that regard...the Bills have played the Lions in pre-season for as long as I can remember...the Bills/Lions "pre-season classic" was even on national television a few times, I have the VHS tape to prove it...
  14. Koolaid all gone!
  15. I honestly always thought one of the biggest blunders during Wade Phillips tenure as Bills head coach, was not using Antowain Smith more...he was the kind of back that needed a few carries to get into the flow of the game, but, he was worlds better a running back that Bryson and Linton. From what I know, he somehow got in Joe Pendry's (the OC at the time) dog house, and could never get out. I just remember so many games where it would be Linton for 2, Linton for 1, Bryson for 2...punt...next possession, Bryson for 1, Smith for 7, Linton for -1, punt...next possession...Smith for 7, Bryson for -2, Linton for 1...it was always so frustrating...I remember when Smith ripped that big TD run off at the beginning of the second half of "Homerun throwback" (like 65 yards or someting), only to be shown the bench most of the second half... I think he was just very under appreciated by that coaching staff.
  16. IIRC, Jones was pretty good in AZ, but was let go, because he was having some "domestic violence" issues...in my book, TJ is one of the most underrated and under appreciated players of the last decade... As for Leaonard Davis? How about Willis McGahee...Buffalo "bust", to the Pro-bowl! Also, I realize, being drafted in the 7th round means you can't really be a bust, but how about Jay Novacek? Cardinals to the Cowboys... Who said Welker? I don't think he qualifies...he was excellent in Miami, almost the second coming of Steve Tasker...the Phins were going to lose him, so they traded him, rather than pay him...he ended up being far more gifted than the Dolphins realized, but he was a Tasker-level special teamer for the Phins.
  17. Huh...I think Bentley was pretty good, despite the Jags pronounciation. While I think Steve Tasker has improved over the last couple of years (he seems to have calmed down a bit) I thought Bentley made some decent observations (Tasker always states the obvious), I like his voice...he sounds a lot like Don Criqui, who, at one time, was one of the better pbp guys...particularly when the Bills were in their hey-day of the late 80's early 90's. I remember when the Jaguars first came into existence, all the announcers did this, stressing the that it was "Jag-oo-ars", not "Jag-wars"...that was when Bentley was still playing, perhaps it comes from that.
  18. I got that, and I have to say...it is awesome! The best sort of DVD/Blu-ray deluxe thing I have ever seen. I realize, everyone is not in to the Apes as I am, but if you have any interest in the inner-workings of Hollywood in the 60's and 70's the extras on this thing will blow you away. There is a documentary about the making of each film...it goes well beyond the scope of just the Ape franchise...it really was trailblazing in so many ways. It was really, the first movie series to launch full-scale merchandise campaigns for the movies. Of course, Star Wars took that to the next level, but with the Apes franchise, they didn't really latch on to that until the last two movies...they just kind of stumbled into it, realizing the mass popularity of the movies with kids...and adults. What is also, very cool about the Blu-Ray, for the first time ever, it contains the original directors cuts of the final two movies...they were edited horribly by FOX, because they were deemed "too dark, and too violent"...just cool insights. For instance, in Conquest (4th movie) at the zenith of the ape revolt, a bunch of gorillas, with rifles are surrounding the president, who is on the ground, pleading for his life...in the version released to theaters, you see the gorillas surrounding him, positioned to start pummeling him with the butt end of their rifles...then Ceaser interjects, and goes on some soliloquie about how "if we kill him, we are no better than them" kind of thing...you then see the gorillas pull their rifles back...but, in the original, Ceaser implores them to kill the president, and they proceed to beat him to a pulp...the director, suspecting that the studio would balk, simply ran the scene backwards, so the gorillas are drawing their rifles back, rather than pummelling...and then he had Roddy McDowell (Ceaser) record the flowery speech, to dub in, to appease the studio... The fifth movie, "Battle For the Planet Of the Apes" is, admittedly, not very good...definitely a low budget attempt by the studio to see if they could mile one last final dollar out of the kids who loved the movies. The unedited version is better, and makes a lot more sense, but still the weakest link in the series. Almost more like the old short-lived Planet Of the Apes tv series. Sorry, gushing about these movies...I will stop. But, I have always been tempted to go back and watch the originals, in the chronilogical order they are supposed to have occurred...so you would watch the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 1st and 2nd movie, and you would come full circle, from the birth of the ape revolution, to the destruction of earth. I love all those apocolyptic sci-fi flicks from the mid-60-s through 70's.
  19. Yes, I heard September 1st. Still debating this one myself...it is a monthly bill, I might be able to swing it, but not all in one lump payment...also not sure I want to give up going to a bar with a bunch of other Bills fans, to watch. In the end though, it would be a bit cheaper. I figure I spend, minimum $25-30 every week at the bar.
  20. The Giants and 49ers still play at Candlestick, no?
  21. I might have agreed with you a week ago, but Thigpen looked pretty good last night, from what I saw. He did have a couple of picks, but he made some really nice throws that I haven't seen Levi being capable, at this point. No way will Levi, or Smith pass him on the depth chart...it is great, IMO, to have a back-up QB who already has a significant number of starts under their belt. I am one of those of the opinion, unless Fitz not only matches his performance from last seaseon, but surpasses it, Thigpen will be our starter in the future. And I like Fitz, a lot.
  22. I thought that was a little odd too...and Levi almost tossed the ball right to the Jags, on a really awful first pass. No big deal, it all worked out, but, if you believe the hype about teams wanting to win every game, no matter how insignificant, it was strange.
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