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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. I guess I just like her, because she reminds me a lot of a girl I was smitten with for a long time...kind of earthy, wholesome...sexy...I certainly find her more attractive than other flavor of the day types, like the "beautiful" but generically dull Megan Fox, or someone like that...
  2. Dr Freud, paging Dr Freud...
  3. Really...look at the thread devoted to Michelle Obama...lots of shame to go around...
  4. Man, it is just beautifully made...a little violent, I get that..but it is definitely one of my faves of all time.
  5. I am sure this list could be altered on any given day, but movies I never tire of: Planet Of the Apes (original) Jaws City Of God To Kill A Mockingbird Hud After Hours Birdy Diner
  6. I agree with your sentiment, but do you ever venture to other parts of this board? I don't think he is far off...
  7. Why would that make a difference?
  8. +1 I haven't read all of the other posts in this thread, so forgive me if this is redundant. I was always the Pollyanna-ish Bills fan forever. Think PTR, who I envy for still keeping that fire burning, in all sincerity. Sure, I always thought "Ralph is cheap", but it never hit me as hard as it did during Jaurons pro-longed reign of terror on the Buffalo sidelines. I was always the "glass half full" guy with this team...but it was December 14th, 2008, when JP Losman infamously, and inexplicably, fumbled one of the precious few Bills victories of the last decade away, against the hated Jets...sure, a win wouldn't have done anything, but, I had long taken the approach of just trying to enjoy my Bills games on Sundays, without letting past failures play into my enjoyment...on another Sunday, earlier, if that play had happened, I would have cursed, felt my face get flush, and, quickly, remind myself that the Bills played "pretty good, and almost won" against a division foe. But not that day...I didn't curse, I seriously, and honestly, just laughed harder than I had in years, and harder than I have laughed since...it was just my natural reaction...all of the sudden, all the losses, boring performances with so little to get excited about, came to the fore...I admit, that is the day I kind of turned a little to the "dark side" in my approach to the Bills. And, it had nothing to do with Losman...always kind of liked him...it was just a feeling of "why do I care so much about this crappy team?" For me, it was the ultimate moment of dark humor. Now, realize, I still love this team, and I enjoy them as much as I possibly can, but, no longer do I put the responsibility on myself to find the good amongst the really bad. I will cheer loud, and hard when they win, be mildly disappointed when they lose, but it isn't going to ruin my weekend anymore. I will enjoy a victory immensely (had a great time Sunday), but if they lose, I just toss it in the pile with all the other disappointing Sundays....now bring on the friggin' Raiders!
  9. Sorry Rob...I am not suggesting there have not been conflicts of interest abound over the last three years...dlast 20 years...decades even. If you "know me" (you have been hating on me for a few year now ) you know, I have been anti-Rick Perry for a long, long time...this particular issue affected my previous job greatly. I guess I find the hypocrisy here (again, not insinuating that politics aren't full of hypocrisy, Dems, Republicans, Obama, Bush...) so astounding, because it really cuts right to the heart of all the bull **** Rick Perry preaches, and serves as a clear illustration, on numerous levels, on how full of crap this guy is. To me, he has always been all talk, and only listens to the mighty dollar. As a Texan for the last 20 years, I have never had the personal disdain for George Bush (a man I mostly don't agree with on significant issues, but have always admired his conviction)as I have for Rick Perry. If Republicans/Tea Party types think they are getting something new and fresh with Rick Perry, they are sorely misguided. btw- the charges of anybody having an opinion around here being a "partisan hack" are just stupid. Name one person here (DC Tom doesn't count) who isn't?
  10. I think Scarlett Johansson is beautiful, but, at this point, is this even newsworthy? I feel like we have seem pretty much everybody who is anybody, naked, at this point...
  11. People complaining about WGR55 not talking the Bills is getting as tiresome as WGR55 not talking about the Bills.... When they do talk about the Bills, everyone is mad about what they say...when they don't talk about them, they are mad because they are talking about the other pro-team in town, you know, the one they are the flag-ship station for? I am mad, because 97Rock carries the Bills game, but every time I tune in during the week, they are playing the same "classic rock" songs that they were calling "classic rock" 25 years ago, when I moved away!!! How come they aren't talking about the Bills? How can they play "Turn the Page" again, when the Bills beat the Chiefs 41-7, just 3 days ago!!!!!! Maybe the majority of sports fans living in WNY, their base audience?
  12. It was a great question, IMO. Obnoxious, sure, if you don't have a clue as to how to answer it, without sounding like an ogre. These people want to talk tough, and in platitudes, about it being an individuals right to have insurance or not, but when you ask them a real question, it is an unfair question? Paul slithered around for an answer, but the the sentiment was there...from the audience...let 'em die! And people wonder why there are many who want no part of what passes for a Tea Party...ironic that the Tea Party fan-boys have no problem backing an a-hole like Perry, who mandates every female in Texas has to have an HPV vaccine, not covered by the majority of insurances, at $175 a pop...three rounds, for something they might get? In a state where 70% of full time workers are un-insured.
  13. Telling me to read something written by Michelle Malkin is like me telling you to read something by Michael Moore...
  14. Not only was Merck one of Perry's supporters, but his "wife" worked for them at the time...I find the hypocrisy on this issue hilarious...
  15. Sorry, haven't come up with a clever line like "ya got nothin" over and over again... I thought of saying something a little more colorful, but since you are so non-partisan and reasonable, all the time, I figured I would be nice and leave it at tool...
  16. And denial is a river in Egypt!
  17. I think Grudens QB camp things are really great, but I am not a fan of his work on MNF. As for "ballwashing" Brady and the Pats, there aren't many who don't do that...
  18. Not really sure what to make of the Raiders. I didn't watch the whole game last night (only the first and 4th qrtrs), but in some ways, they may be like the Bills, in that they are not as bad as people assume, who don't ever watch them. I like the Bills chances Sunday, cuz, under Chan, with the exception of the last game of last season, I think this team plays hard, and is ready most every Sunday. They are at home, in front of awesome fans, in their home opener...that said, the Raiders will be a good test for our offensive line...they have a pretty decent defensive front seven, it looks to me. And McFadden is no slouch running the ball.
  19. Mr Martin, I have an apartment in Orchard Park that you can sub-let from me...please let me know if you are interested. Thanks- Joe Klopfenstein
  20. I think that came from a podcast interview with one of the writers, or something...that may be yet to come on the show, or, simply, an implied thing by the writer, something they had in mind while writing the scene, but never to be a key part of the story...we shall see...just seems like almost every episode this season has felt like a season finale, where you can't wait to see what happnes next...that is a hard thing to pull off, and still put on a good show...take "The Killing" as an example of bad writing, using this technique.
  21. To be fair, while it is true that most of the prognosticators picked the Chiefs (Warren Sapp, Jamie Dukes & Bill Cowher are the only I know to pick the Bills), I didn't really see/hear anybody predict that KC would "crush" the Bills...just beat them.
  22. Just watched this weeks episode (after Dolphins/Pats I am footballed out for the week)...won't give anything away, but, man...this show gets better every week...
  23. I have not read all the responses, so forgive me if this has already been said...there is a difference between knowing the business of the NFL, and knowing the game of football. I would guess that most who cover the NFL, who are not ex-players, know very little about what they are seeing....they are like your average fan...they know what they saw, and they can tell you if it was good or bad, based on the outcome. But very few know the X's and O's of the game. So, to expect, say, Ed Kilgore to watch a Bills practice, and come away thinking, "wow, these guys are gonna be great this year" is kind of silly, because nothing in recent history would suggest any improvement. Most of us don't know, until the real bullets fly. A couple years ago, I heard Chris Mortenson on the radio, taking calls. A fan of a middling team (can't remember which) sounding not unlike a thin-skinned Bills fan, took him to task for writing off his teams playoff chances. Mortenson explained, like I did above, that his expertise, if he has any, is the legue, following the players, coaches, etc, not the game plans of teams, and the development of players...that is why the networks jump all over ex-jocks as analysts, because they hope (though rarely deliver) that they will deliver some other perspective that the Costas of the world can't offer. Enjoy the win...lets hope there are many more...don't worry about what people say....they are wrong most of the time. One win doesn't prove the naysayers wrong, just as one loss won't make them right. The Bills have been pretty consistent losers for the last decade...when they start winnig consistently (and I get a good feeling that they are gettting there) then we can have an argument...
  24. I didn't "object" to anything...you trotted out the same tired cliche about Bush having his finest moment, that day, on the pile of rubble. This tired point has been made 1000's of times over the last 10 years.. It was a fine moment, in all sincerity. And, my point was, if you were being honest, there is almost nothing any president could say, or do, in that situation, at that moment, that would have been wrong...Bush had the will of the people on his side, like almost no president has had in my lifetime, and didn't really do a whole hell of a lot with it...and, in fact, his time in office only divided us more...and it continues today. So, I guess, what I am saying is, what you hail as a great moment, I see as a missed opportunity. In case it escaped you, your "could Obama say the same words with conviction" are about all I need to know about where your coming from..."you didn't mean to make it politcal"? Please...is that the best you can come up with...who has nothing?
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